Resource - RouteMapping

About this Resource

Defines an RouteMapping managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
HomePC Yes Yes Yes string Switch Point Code in the home network. TL1Name: HOMEPC
HomePCSecondary No No No string Switch Point Code in the home network (secondary). Used with SCCP Relay if Mate LPC is defined. To reset the point code to UNSET, set to -1. TL1Name: HOMEPC2
HomePCTertiary No No No string Switch Point Code in the home network (tertiary). Used with SCCP Relay if Mate LPC is defined. To reset the point code to UNSET, set to -1. TL1Name: HOMEPC3
MirrorPC No Yes Yes string Mirror Point Code in the other network. TL1Name: MIRRORPC
MirrorPCSecondary No No No string Mirror Point Code in the other network (secondary). Used with SCCP Relay if Mate LPC is defined. To reset the point code to UNSET, set to -1. TL1Name: MIRRORPC2
MirrorPCTertiary No No No string Mirror Point Code in the other network (tertiary). Used with SCCP Relay if Mate LPC is defined. To reset the point code to UNSET, set to -1. TL1Name: MIRRORPC3
IncomingAppID No No No string Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: INCAPPID
Description No Yes No string Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: DESC
RouteMappingConversion No No Yes ShowHideConfig Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: RTCONV
ANSICountryCode No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: ANSI_CC
ANSICCRLPAResponse No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: ANSI_CCRLPARESP
ANSICGAckBroadcast No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: ANSI_CGACK
ANSICLDNOA No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: ANSI_CLDNOA
ANSICLGNOA No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: ANSI_CLGNOA
ANSIFCIInternational No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: ANSI_FCIINTL
ANSISendMsgTwice No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: ANSI_SENDMSG2
ANSICG32Support No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: ANSI_CG32SUPPORT
ANSIUSITMRFallback No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: ANSI_USITMR
ITUCountryCode No No No int32 Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: ITU_CC
ITUCLDNOA No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: ITU_CLDNOA
ITUCLGNOA No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: ITU_CLGNOA
ITUFCIInternational No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: ITU_FCIINTL
ITUMinCLDANSIIAM No No No int32 Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: ITU_MINCLDANSIIAM
ITUMaxNumberOfSAM No No No int32 Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: ITU_MAXSAMS
ITUSAMOverlapTimer No No No Duration Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: ITU_SAMOVERLAPTIMER
ITUUSIDiscard No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: ITU_USIDISCARD
MandatoryACMBCI No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: JT_MANDACMBCI
ACMBCICharge No No No int32 Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: JT_ACMBCICHARGE
ACMBCICLD No No No int32 Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: JT_ACMBCICLD
ACMBCIISDNAccess No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: JT_ACMBCIISDNACCESS
MandatoryANMBCI No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: JT_MANDANMBCI
ANMBCICharge No No No int32 Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: JT_ANMBCICHARGE
ANMBCICLD No No No int32 Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: JT_ANMBCICLD
ANMBCIISDNAccess No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: JT_ANMBCIISDNACCESS
OverloadSupport No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to an empty string which disables the feature. Alphanumeric, dash, and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters including the terminating null. TL1Name: NZ_OVERLOADSUPPORT

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