Resource - MessageRule

About this Resource

Defines an MessageRule managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
MessageID Yes Yes Yes int32 TL1Name: MSGID
Action No Yes No MsgAction Message Rule Action (DISCARD/PASS THROUGH/PROCESS/CPAM). Message rules necessary to the conversion must be set on initial setup via the SS7 Variant object Load Default Rules action once both SS7 Variants are set. The message rule action applies to all MSUs with the matching SI and ID received by the associated SS7 Variant. If no message rule is found for an incoming MSU, the default action is PASS THROUGH. The default rules apply may be enhanced as required by the network deployment or the national variant. Set the action to DISCARD to discard the matching MSUs. Set the action to PASS THROUGH to forward the matching MSUs with no additional conversions beyond the routing label and no parameter rules are applied. Set the action to PROCESS to trigger pre-defined conversion and apply parameter rules to matching MSUs. The CPAM action is reserved for SS7-IP deployments to encapsulate the matching MSUs to the IP network. TL1Name: ACTION
Description No Yes No string Message Rule Action (DISCARD/PASS THROUGH/PROCESS/CPAM). Message rules necessary to the conversion must be set on initial setup via the SS7 Variant object Load Default Rules action once both SS7 Variants are set. The message rule action applies to all MSUs with the matching SI and ID received by the associated SS7 Variant. If no message rule is found for an incoming MSU, the default action is PASS THROUGH. The default rules apply may be enhanced as required by the network deployment or the national variant. Set the action to DISCARD to discard the matching MSUs. Set the action to PASS THROUGH to forward the matching MSUs with no additional conversions beyond the routing label and no parameter rules are applied. Set the action to PROCESS to trigger pre-defined conversion and apply parameter rules to matching MSUs. The CPAM action is reserved for SS7-IP deployments to encapsulate the matching MSUs to the IP network. TL1Name: DESC
SI No Yes No UPClassValue Message Rule Action (DISCARD/PASS THROUGH/PROCESS/CPAM). Message rules necessary to the conversion must be set on initial setup via the SS7 Variant object Load Default Rules action once both SS7 Variants are set. The message rule action applies to all MSUs with the matching SI and ID received by the associated SS7 Variant. If no message rule is found for an incoming MSU, the default action is PASS THROUGH. The default rules apply may be enhanced as required by the network deployment or the national variant. Set the action to DISCARD to discard the matching MSUs. Set the action to PASS THROUGH to forward the matching MSUs with no additional conversions beyond the routing label and no parameter rules are applied. Set the action to PROCESS to trigger pre-defined conversion and apply parameter rules to matching MSUs. The CPAM action is reserved for SS7-IP deployments to encapsulate the matching MSUs to the IP network. TL1Name: SI

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