Resource - L4CvtrConfiguration

About this Resource

Defines an L4CvtrConfiguration managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
ActivePeerID No No Yes int32 The active peer identifier as defined by the converter LDL file. The converter LDL file (cvtr_ldl.conf) is located in the /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/data directory. TL1Name: ACTPEER
TrafficStatus No No Yes TrafficEnum Traffic status (INACTIVE/ACTIVE/UNLICENSED). The traffic should only be inactive during the initial configuration of the converter system. TL1Name: STATUS
SignalingIndicator No No Yes SIValue Licensed Signaling Indicator. Will be set to ISUP, SCCP, or ISUP and SCCP based on the license. Will be set to UNKNOWN if unlicensed. Obsolete as of 14.1
ReregistrationTimer No No No Duration Interval at which reregistration is initiated (in seconds). Set to 0 (DISABLED) to disable the reregistration. Default 60 seconds. Valid range is 0 to 999999. TL1Name: REGTIMER
IncomingAppIDPrecedence No No No IncAppIDChoice Incoming AppID Precedence (OPC/DPC). Precedence only applies if both associated Route Mappings for an MSU conversion contain an Incoming AppID. The chosen Incoming AppID will be taken from the Routing Mapping corresponding with either the OPC or DPC as per this attribute. TL1Name: INCAPPIDPREC
RouteMappingLimit No No No int32 L4 Cvtr max Route Mapping Limit. This attribute limits the number of Route Mapping objects that may be created for each SS7 Variant. Default 2000. Valid range is 2000 to 4000. This limit is set to 200 and is not modifiable in ANSI-ITU variant conversion configurations. TL1Name: ROUTEMAPLIMIT
PakistanCBN No No No int32 Pakistan fixed Charge Band Number parameter value. Used in the Pakistan-ITU converter only for default settings. Valid range is 0 to 255. TL1Name: PAKISTAN_CBN
FastAnswerTimer No No No Duration Lifespan of Fast Answer record (in seconds). Used in the ANSI-ITU converter only for ACM and ANM conversion. Set to 0 (DISABLED) to disable the Fast Answer feature. Default 60 seconds. Valid range is 0 to 999999 TL1Name: FATIMER
CGAckTimer No No No Duration Lifespan of Circuit Group Acknowledgement record (in seconds). Used in the ANSI-ITU converter only for circuit group acknowledgement message management due to circuit range incompatibility between the variants. Default 60 seconds. Valid range is 1 to 999999. TL1Name: CGACKTIMER
Errors No No No LogBoolean Enable or disable debug logging of the converter errors; should be logged for production systems. TL1Name: ERRORS
SetupManagement No No No LogBoolean Enable or disable debug logging of the setup management; should be logged for production systems. TL1Name: SETUPMGMT
ExecutionTrace No No No LogBoolean Enable or disable debug logging of the execution trace; should not be logged for production systems. TL1Name: EXECTRACE
LayerCommunication No No No LogBoolean Enable or disable debug logging of layer communication; should not be logged for production systems. TL1Name: LAYERCOMM
PeerManagement No No No LogBoolean Enable or disable debug logging of the peer management; should not be logged for production systems. TL1Name: PEERMGMT
MessageContent No No No LogBoolean Enable or disable debug logging of the message content; must not be logged for production systems. System logs to debug the raw hexadecimal dump of the SS7 messages. TL1Name: MSGCONTENT
MessageParsing No No No LogBoolean Enable or disable debug logging of the message parsing; must not be logged for production systems. System logs to debug the detailed decoded parsed output of the messages. TL1Name: MSGPARSING
LDLDebug No No No LogLevel The LDL Debug Level should be set to 2 or lower on all production systems, unless directed by support. Otherwise the system performance may be impacted. Valid range is (0 [NOT LOGGED], 1 to 10). TL1Name: PEER_LDL_LVL
IPVariantConfiguration No No Yes ShowHideConfig The LDL Debug Level should be set to 2 or lower on all production systems, unless directed by support. Otherwise the system performance may be impacted. Valid range is (0 [NOT LOGGED], 1 to 10). TL1Name: IPVARCFG
IPServicePort No No Yes int32 IP service port (IP-SS7 converter only). Signaling Gateway connection for User Application Protocol (UAP) management TL1Name: IPPORT
CPAMID No No No int32 CPA Message identifier (IP-SS7 converter only). Used to envelop an unsupported message sent to the IP application for Custom Pass Along (CPA) back to the SS7 network. Valid range is 0 to 255. TL1Name: CPAMID
CPAPID No No No int32 CPA parameter identifier (IP-SS7 converter only). Used to envelop an unsupported parameter sent to the IP application for Custom Pass Along (CPA) back to the SS7 network. Valid range is 0 to 255. TL1Name: CPAPID

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