Resource - IWFSS7

About this Resource

Defines an IWFSS7 managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
SCCPNA No No No int32 Associated SCCP NA responsible for the IWF traffic (1 to 99). Can only be modified when the IWF traffic is deactivated. Default value: 1 TL1Name: SCCPNA
DPC No No No string DPC of the SS7/MAP queries initiated by the IWF. When set, can never be reset to UNSET. Traffic cannot be activated if set to UNSET. Valid values: point code format. Default value: UNSET (start-up only). TL1Name: DPC
MateSTPLPC No No No string Local Point Code of the mate STP. Valid values: point code format. Default value: UNSET. TL1Name: MATELPC
MateSTPID No No No IWFMateSTPID Identifier of the mate STP (NOT APPLICABLE, STP1, STP2). By default, set to NOT APPLICABLE for a non mated-pair deployments. In a mated-pair IWF deployment, the ID must be unique to differentiate between the 2 systems. Default value: NOT APPLICABLE. TL1Name: MATEID
SGSNSS7Number No No No string Digit representation of the SGSN. Used as the MAP PurgeMS argument for sgsn-Number encoding in scenario 4.1 and the MAP UpdateGrpsLocation argument for sgsn-Number encoding in scenario 2.1 and 8.1. When set, can never be reset to an empty string. Traffic cannot be activated if set to an empty string. Valid values: hexadecimal digit string (maximum size of 32). Default value: empty string (start-up only). TL1Name: SGSNSS7NUM
HLRSS7Number No No No string Digit representation of the HLR. Used as the MAP Reset argument for the sendingNodenumber hlr-Number encoding in scenario 7.2 and as the MAP UpdateGprsLocation response for the hlr-Number encoding in scenario 2.2 and 8.2. When set, can never be reset to an empty string. Traffic cannot be activated if set to an empty string. Valid values: hexadecimal digit string (maximum size of 32). Default value: empty string (start-up only). TL1Name: HLRSS7NUM
IMSIRealm No No No string User-Name AVP encoded as per NAI format <imsi>@<IMF IMSI Realm>. If set to an empty string, the IMSI is set directly to User-Name AVP. Valid values: FQDN format (as per the DSC ADN Diameter ID validation)). Default value: empty string (start-up only). TL1Name: IMSIREALM
SCCPPAEncoding No No No IWFSCCPPAEncode SCCP Called and Calling Party Address encoding (UNSET, ANSI, ITU). Used in the encoding of the 8th bit of the GTAI octet and the validation of the GTI. When set, can never be reset to UNSET. Can only be modified when the IWF traffic is deactivated. Traffic cannot be activated if set to UNSET. Default value: UNSET (start-up only). TL1Name: SCCPPAENC
PCDisplayFormat No No No string Point Code Display Format based on the SS7 Variant. Must be 14-bit compatible for ITU based SS7 variants, 16-bit for Japan, and 24-bit for ANSI and CHINA. When set, can never be reset to Undefined. Can only be modified when the IWF traffic is deactivated. Traffic cannot be activated if set to Undefined. Valid values: Undefined, 8.8.8, 3.8.3, ff-ff, 4.4.6, 5.4.7, 3.4.7, 4.3.7, 4.6.4, 6.4.4, 4.7.3, 5.4.5, and Decimal. Note that the dash delimiter is also accepted (for example 8-8-8). Default value: Undefined (start-up only). TL1Name: PCDISPLAY
PCRoutingFormat No No No string Point Code Routing Format based on the SS7 Variant. Must be 14-bit compatible for ITU based SS7 variants, 16-bit for Japan, and 24-bit for ANSI and CHINA. The x-y or x-y-z fields must be 8-bit or less. When set, can never be reset to Undefined. Can only be modified when the IWF traffic is deactivated. Traffic cannot be activated if set to Undefined. Valid values: Undefined, 8.8.8, 3.8.3, 4.4.6, 5.4.7, 3.4.7, 4.3.7, 4.6.4, 6.4.4, 4.7.3, and 5.4.5. Default value: Undefined (start-up only). TL1Name: PC_ROUTING
SCCPFiller No No No IWFSCCPFiller SCCP digits filler for Called and Calling PA encoding of odd length (ZERO, F). Default value: F. TL1Name: SCCPFILLER
ConnectivityStatus No No Yes IWFConnStatus SCCP NA Connectivity Status (INACTIVE, NOT CONNECTED, CONNECTED). Based on the per slot connectivity status. CONNECTED will be displayed as soon as an SCCP connection on any slot is connected. Associated to alarm 1907 (IWF SS7 Down). TL1Name: CONNSTATUS

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