Resource - IWFRealmMapping

About this Resource

Defines an IWFRealmMapping managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
DiameterRealm Yes Yes Yes string String representing a Diameter Realm. The Realm Mapping is required only if a Diameter request is received without a Destination-Host AVP. The combination of the Destination-Realm AVP and Application ID in the Diameter header needs to result to the required Node Mapping record. Valid values: FQDN format (as per the DSC ADN Diameter ID validation). TL1Name: DREALM
ApplicationID Yes Yes Yes int32 Integer representing an Application ID as found in the Diameter message header. The Realm Mapping is required only if a Diameter request is received without a Destination-Host AVP. The combination of the Destination-Realm AVP and Application ID in the Diameter header needs to result to the required Node Mapping record. Valid values: integer. TL1Name: APPID
NodeMappingName No Yes Yes string Associated IWF Node Mapping record name for this realm and Application ID. Valid values: existing Node Mapping Name. TL1Name: NODEMAP
Description No Yes No string Realm Mapping description. Leave empty if not required. Valid values: free format string (maximum size of 64). TL1Name: DESC
RecordID No No Yes int32 Hidden attribute for the unique record ID as used by the proxy. Must not be zero. TL1Name: RECID

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