Resource - IMFConnection

About this Resource

Defines an IMFConnection managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
Name Yes Yes Yes string IMF Connection unique name. The maximum number of characters the attribute may contain is 15. TL1Name: NAME
Slot No Yes Yes int32 IMF Connection slot number. TL1Name: SLOT
Interface No Yes Yes IMFInterface IMF Connection interface (DEFAULT). TL1Name: INTERFACE
IPProtocol No Yes Yes IMFIPProtocol IMF Connection IP protocol (TCP only). TL1Name: IP_PROTOCOL
TrafficDirection No No No IMFTrafficDir Interface supported traffic direction. Valid values: ALL, INCOMING, and OUTGOING. Default value: ALL. INCOMING: Messages coming into the DSC 8000 or DSC SWe from an external node over linksets, ADNs or Signaling Gateway ASPs. OUTGOING: Messages leaving the DSC 8000 or DSC SWe to an external node over linksets, ADNs or Signaling Gateway ASPs. TL1Name: TRAFFIC_DIR
LocalIPAddress1 No No No string Primary local IP address of this IMF Connection. This may be a hostname provisioned in /etc/hosts or an IP Address. This information is only used if the connection IP Protocol attribute is set to SCTP. TCP/IP does not require knowledge of the local address. TL1Name: LOCAL_IPADDR1
LocalIPAddress2 No No No string Secondary local IP address of this IMF Connection. This may be a hostname provisioned in /etc/hosts or an IP Address. This information is only used if the connection IP Protocol attribute is set to SCTP. TCP/IP does not require knowledge of the local address. TL1Name: LOCAL_IPADDR2
LocalPort No No No int32 Local port of this IMF Connection. This information is only used if the connection IP Protocol attribute is set to SCTP. TCP/IP does not require knowledge of the local port, will be assigned internally. TL1Name: LOCAL_L2PORT
RemoteIPAddress1 No No No string Primary remote IP address of this IMF Connection. This may be a hostname provisioned in /etc/hosts or an IP Address. This is the address of the IMF 3rd party probe. TL1Name: REMOTE_IPADDR1
RemoteIPAddress2 No No No string Secondary remote IP address of this IMF Connection. This may be a hostname provisioned in /etc/hosts or an IP Address. This information is only used if the connection IP Protocol attribute is set to SCTP. TCP/IP does not require knowledge of the local address. TL1Name: REMOTE_IPADDR2
RemotePort No No No int32 Remote port of this IMF Connection. This is the port of the IMF 3rd party probe. TL1Name: REMOTE_L2PORT
Status No No Yes IMFConnStatus IMF Connection status (NOT APPLICABLE/INACTIVE/NOT CONNECTED/CONNECTED). NOT APPLICABLE only applies to UDP protocol. TL1Name: STATUS
ConnectionID No No Yes int32 IMF Connection status (NOT APPLICABLE/INACTIVE/NOT CONNECTED/CONNECTED). NOT APPLICABLE only applies to UDP protocol. TL1Name: CONNID

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