Resource - IncomingAppID

About this Resource

Defines an IncomingAppID managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
NA Yes Yes Yes int32 Incoming App ID network appearance; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA.
ApplicationID Yes Yes Yes string Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA.
Remark No No No string Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: REMARK
NextTable No No No NextTableIdIncoming Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: NEXT_TABLE
NextEPR No No No string Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: NEXT_EPR
NextStep No No Yes NextStep Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: NEXT_STEP
SS7Variant No No No SS7Variant Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: SS7_VARIANT
PCDisplay No Yes No string Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: PC_DISPLAY
MSUTracing No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: MSU_TRACING
ScreeningTestMode No No No FeatureBoolean Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: SCREEN_TEST_MODE
Success No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: SUCESS
RedirectToPC No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: REDIRECT_PC
RedirectToAppID No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: REDIRECT_APP_ID
DuplicateToAppID No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: DUPLICATE_APP_ID
InvalidOPC No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: INVALID_OPC
InvalidDPC No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: INVALID_DPC
InvalidSIO No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: INVALID_SIO
InvalidAffectedDestination No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: INVALID_AFECTED_DEST
InvalidISUPMT No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: INVALID_ISUPMT
InvalidTUPMT No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: INVALID_TUPMT
InvalidSCCPCLGPA No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: INVALID_SCCP_CLG_PA
InvalidSCCPCLGDigitsPA No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: INVALID_SCCP_CLG_DIG
InvalidSCCPTT No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: INVALID_SCCP_TT
InvalidSCCPCLDDigitsPA No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: INVALID_SCCP_CLD_DIG
InvalidSCCPCLDPA No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: INVALID_SCCP_CLD_PA
InvalidSCCPMgmt No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: INVALID_SCCP_MGMT
InvalidTCAPOpCode No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: INVALID_TCAP_OP_CODE
InvalidMAPIMSI No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: INVALID_MAP_IMSI
InvalidUnknown No No Yes int32 Incoming App ID name; associated with the corresponding MTP3 NA. TL1Name: INVALID_UNKNOWN
RefreshDate No No Yes string Date/Time from which the above counts were last updated. Use the Refresh All Stats action to update to the latest counts. TL1Name: REFRESH_DATE
ResetDate No No Yes string Date/Time from which the above counts were last started or reset. Use the Reset All Stats action to reset the counts. TL1Name: RESET_DATE

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