Resource - GWSStatisticsRule

About this Resource

Defines an GWSStatisticsRule managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
Name Yes Yes Yes string
NA No Yes Yes int32 TL1Name: NA
LinksetAPC No Yes Yes string GWS Statistics Rule Linkset APC. Set to UNSET if the Application ID is defined. TL1Name: APC
ApplicationID No Yes Yes string GWS Statistics Rule Application ID. Leave empty if the Linkset APC is defined. TL1Name: APPID
OPCRange No Yes Yes string GWS Statistics Rule OPC range. PC range validation (PC Routing dependent) applies and use *.*.* for wildcard match. TL1Name: OPC_RANGE
DPCRange No Yes Yes string GWS Statistics Rule DPC range. PC range validation (PC Routing dependent) applies and use *.*.* for wildcard match. TL1Name: DPC_RANGE
SIRange No Yes Yes string GWS Statistics Rule SI range. Decimal range validation applies [0..15, *]. Set all SCCP related attributes to their wildcard value if the SI Range is not set to 3. TL1Name: SI_RANGE
CLDSSNRange No Yes Yes string GWS Statistics Rule CLD SSN range. Decimal range validation applies [0..255, *]. Only applicable to SCCP MSUs. TL1Name: SSN_RANGE
CLDDigitsPrefix No Yes Yes string GWS Statistics Rule CLD Digits Prefix. Leave empty or use * for wildcard match. Hexadecimal digits supported. The ST digit ('f'/'F') to indicate the end of the digits is not required and should be omitted during provisioning. Only applicable to SCCP MSUs. TL1Name: CLD_DIGITS_PREFIX
CLGDigitsPrefix No Yes Yes string GWS Statistics Rule CLG Digits Prefix. Leave empty or use * for wildcard match. Hexadecimal digits supported. The ST digit ('f'/'F') to indicate the end of the digits is not required and should be omitted during provisioning. Only applicable to SCCP MSUs. TL1Name: CLG_DIGITS_PREFIX
SCCPClassRange No Yes Yes string GWS Statistics Rule SCCP Class Range. Decimal range validation applies [0..3, *]. Only applicable to SCCP MSUs. TL1Name: CLASS_RANGE
TCAPOpCodeRange No Yes Yes string GWS Statistics Rule TCAP Op Code Range. Decimal range validation applies [0..255, *]. Only applicable to SCCP MSUs. TL1Name: OPCODE_RANGE
PCRouting No Yes Yes string GWS Statistics Rule TCAP Op Code Range. Decimal range validation applies [0..255, *]. Only applicable to SCCP MSUs. TL1Name: PC_ROUTING

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