Resource - AllowedSCCPCLDDigitsPA

About this Resource

Defines an AllowedSCCPCLDDigitsPA managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
EPR Yes Yes Yes string
DigitsPrefix Yes Yes Yes string Allowed SCCP CLD Digits PA prefix. Maximum length of 16 digits (hexadecimal digits supported). The ST digit ('f'/'F') to indicate the end of the digits is not required and should be omitted during provisioning. Set to empty string or * for default record.
Remark No No No string Allowed SCCP CLD Digits PA prefix. Maximum length of 16 digits (hexadecimal digits supported). The ST digit ('f'/'F') to indicate the end of the digits is not required and should be omitted during provisioning. Set to empty string or * for default record. TL1Name: REMARK
NextTable No No No NextTableIdSCCPCLDDigits Allowed SCCP CLD Digits PA prefix. Maximum length of 16 digits (hexadecimal digits supported). The ST digit ('f'/'F') to indicate the end of the digits is not required and should be omitted during provisioning. Set to empty string or * for default record. TL1Name: NEXT_TABLE
NextEPR No No No string Allowed SCCP CLD Digits PA prefix. Maximum length of 16 digits (hexadecimal digits supported). The ST digit ('f'/'F') to indicate the end of the digits is not required and should be omitted during provisioning. Set to empty string or * for default record. TL1Name: NEXT_EPR
NextStep No No Yes NextStep Allowed SCCP CLD Digits PA prefix. Maximum length of 16 digits (hexadecimal digits supported). The ST digit ('f'/'F') to indicate the end of the digits is not required and should be omitted during provisioning. Set to empty string or * for default record. TL1Name: NEXT_STEP
SS7Variant No No No SS7Variant Allowed SCCP CLD Digits PA prefix. Maximum length of 16 digits (hexadecimal digits supported). The ST digit ('f'/'F') to indicate the end of the digits is not required and should be omitted during provisioning. Set to empty string or * for default record. TL1Name: SS7_VARIANT
PCRouting No Yes No string Allowed SCCP CLD Digits PA prefix. Maximum length of 16 digits (hexadecimal digits supported). The ST digit ('f'/'F') to indicate the end of the digits is not required and should be omitted during provisioning. Set to empty string or * for default record. TL1Name: PC_ROUTING
MSUTracing No No No FeatureBoolean Allowed SCCP CLD Digits PA prefix. Maximum length of 16 digits (hexadecimal digits supported). The ST digit ('f'/'F') to indicate the end of the digits is not required and should be omitted during provisioning. Set to empty string or * for default record. TL1Name: MSU_TRACING
ScreeningTestMode No No No FeatureBoolean Allowed SCCP CLD Digits PA prefix. Maximum length of 16 digits (hexadecimal digits supported). The ST digit ('f'/'F') to indicate the end of the digits is not required and should be omitted during provisioning. Set to empty string or * for default record. TL1Name: SCREEN_TEST_MODE

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