Resource - GTTConfiguration

About this Resource

Defines an GTTConfiguration managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
Name No No Yes string
SS7Variant No No No GTTSS7Variant TL1Name: SS7_VARIANT
GTDigitsFiller No No No GtDigitsFiller TL1Name: GT_DIGITS_FILLER
DefaultPCListName No No No string TL1Name: DFLT_PCLIST_NAME
TranslateUDTS No No No FeatureBoolean TL1Name: TRANSL_UDTS
GTTTraffic No No Yes ActiveStatus GTT traffic (INACTIVE/ACTIVE). Activate/deactivate all the NAs. Will not activate an NA deactivated by the user. Obsolete as of 12.2. TL1Name: GTT_TRAFFIC
LicenseStatus No No Yes LicenseStatus GTT license status (UNLICENSED, LICENSED). Global Title Translations is a licensable feature. The feature must be licensed to forward traffic. Also the number of records in the database is also a licensed amount. TL1Name: LICENSE_STATUS
AdvancedSearch No No Yes LicenseFlag GTT advanced search license status (UNLICENSED, LICENSED). Advanced search is a licensable feature. The feature must be licensed to allow GT routing search on not only the Called Party Address but also the Calling Party Address and the OPC from the routing label. TL1Name: ADVANCED_SEARCH
UnavailablePeerIDs No No Yes string List of peers that are currently unavailable to the active GTT. Should one or more CPUs lose communication with this CPU, then those CPUs will be listed here. The most common cause of commuication problems are IP network related. TL1Name: UNAVAIL_PEERS
DefaultDBDefName No No No string Default GTT Database Definition Name. This feature is used during UI DB record creation if no associated DB Def Name is specified to facilitate provisioning. The corresponding GTT DB Def object must exist prior to setting this attribute. Set the Default DB Def Name to an empty string to disable this feature. TL1Name: DEFAULT_DB_DEF_NM
CrossNAUDTS No No No FeatureBooleanNA Enable or disable the cross NA (X)UDTS support. If the cross NA feature is licensed, and an (X)UDT is undeliverable in the destination NA, a (X)UDTS message is generated if required and sent back to the originating NA to report the routing failure. This feature is enabled by default if cross NA is licensed. If unlicensed, the feature is set to NOT APPLICABLE. TL1Name: CROSS_NA_UDTS
Errors No No No LogBoolean This flag Enables or disables the sending of error information to the DEBUGLOG files. These are system level errors, not errors relating to translations and searches for specific levels. Most of these system level messages are also sent to the SYSLOG file. This flag should be set to LOGGED for production systems. TL1Name: ERRORS
SetupManagement No No No LogBoolean This flag enables or disables the sending of information concerning the process start-up and setup activities, to the DEBUGLOG. It is only used when there is a system start-up or a communication problem between the CPUs of a two CPU system. The Setup Management Debug flag is normally set to LOGGED on most production systems, because its messages usually occur only at system start-up. TL1Name: SETUP_MGMT
DatabaseManagement No No No LogBoolean This flag enables or disables the sending of information concerning the translation database and its provisioning. The Database Management Debug flag is normally set to NOT_LOGGED on most production systems, so that the system does not spend an undue amount of time logging messages. TL1Name: DB_MGMT
MSUTrace No No No LogBoolean Obsolete as of 9.0. This flag enables or disables the logging of MSU Tracing to the DEBUGLOG file. By default, this flag is turned on. TL1Name: MSU_TRACE
ExecutionTrace No No No LogBoolean This flag enables or disables the sending of information concerning the internal sections of code being executed, to the DEBUGLOG file. It is intended for the use of Sonus Networks customer support for specific error situations. The resultant messages in the DEBUGLOG are not meant to be interpreted by customers. The Execution Trace Debug flag is should be set to NOT_LOGGED on all production systems, unless directed by Sonus Networks customer support. Otherwise the system performance may be impacted as the system may spend an undue amount of time logging messages. TL1Name: EXEC_TRACE
SCCPMessages No No No LogBoolean This flag enables or disables the sending of information concerning the messages received from the SCCP to the DEBUGLOG. The messages are presented in the DEBUGLOG as a hexadecimal output of the contents. The format of the message is in a proprietary protocol and is not one used by customers. This flag is only relevant if the GTT is executed as a process as when PCE is licensed. When GTT is executed as a library of SCCP, the SCCP SS7 Messages debug flag should be used to obtain a more thorough decoded hex output. The SCCP Messages Debug flag should be set to NOT_LOGGED on all production systems, unless directed by Sonus Networks customer support. Otherwise the system performance may be impacted as the system may spend an undue amount of time logging messages. TL1Name: SCCP_MSGS
FileManagement No No No LogBoolean This flag enables or disables the sending of information concerning the files that contain the translation database. The information is sent to the DEBUGLOG. The File Management Debug flag should be set to NOT_LOGGED on all production systems, unless directed by Sonus Networks customer support. Otherwise the system performance may be impacted as the system may spend an undue amount of time logging messages. TL1Name: FILE_MGMT
PeerManagement No No No LogBoolean This flag enables or disables the sending of information concerning the communications between the distributed software on a two CPU system. The messages exchanged between the two systems are presented by this flag. The information is sent to the DEBUGLOG. The Peer Management Debug flag should be set to NOT_LOGGED on all production systems, unless directed by Sonus Networks customer support. Otherwise the system performance may be impacted as the system may spend an undue amount of time logging messages. TL1Name: PEER_MGMT
LDLDebugLevel No No No LogLevel The LDL Debug Level should be set to 2 or lower on all production systems, unless directed by support. Otherwise the system performance may be impacted by an undue amount of time logging messages. Valid range is (0 [NOT LOGGED], 1 to 10). TL1Name: PEER_LDL_LVL
SCTPDebugLevel No No No LogLevel The SCTP Debug Level should be set to 0 on all production systems, unless directed by support. Otherwise the system performance may be impacted by an undue amount of time logging messages. Valid range is (0 [NOT LOGGED], 1 to 10). TL1Name: PEER_SCTP_LVL
UIPort No No Yes int32 This value shows the TCP/IP port used for User Interface connections. This is a read-only value and provided for informational purposes only. TL1Name: UI_PORT
MaxGTSearches No No Yes int32 This value shows the current maximum size of the sum of the GT Searches tables permitted by your license. If you wish to have more GT searches than is shown here, please contact your Sonus Networks sales associate. TL1Name: MAX_GT_SEARCHES
MaxGTModifications No No Yes int32 This value shows the current maximum size of the GT Modifications table permitted by your license. If you wish to have more GT Modifications than is shown here, please contact your Sonus Networks sales associate. TL1Name: MAX_GT_MODIFS

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