Resource - GTCallingSearch

About this Resource

Defines an GTCallingSearch managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
EPR Yes Yes Yes string GT Calling Search Entry Point Reference (EPR). Valid values: Alphanumeric string with a maximum size of 4 characters. Cannot be set to 0 (UNDEFINED). TL1Name: EPR
MinimumDigits Yes Yes Yes string The GT Digits Range are the dialed digits or Global Title Address of the Calling Party. Hexadecimal digits supported. The ST digit ('f'/'F') to indicate the end of the digits is not required and should be omitted during provisioning. The database will be searched for the longest possible substring. for example: - Record 1 = 800 - Record 2 = 800555 These are both valid entries and can exist in the database together. The query for 8005551212 will return record 2, and the query for 8001114444 will return record 1. Where more than one possible match occurs GTT will select the longest possible and most specific matches, starting with the SSN, GTI, TT, NP, and NAI attributes, and then searching for the longest substring of dialed digits (starting at the left-hand side.) TL1Name: MIN_DIGITS
MaximumDigits Yes Yes Yes string The GT Max Digits Range TL1Name: MAX_DIGITS
GTI Yes Yes No GtiAny This attribute optionally specifies the Global Title Indicator (GTI) of the Calling Party Address. To match any GTI value, enter 'ANY' in this attribute. The GTI value is used to indicate which of the heading information is included in the Global Title. The values are different in ANSI and ITU networks. ANSI: 0000 = no Global Title digits included 0001 = TT and NP included 0010 = TT included 0011 = not applicable in ANSI 0100 = not applicable in ANSI ITU: 0000 = no Global Title digits included 0001 = NAI included 0010 = TT included 0011 = TT and NP included 0100 = TT, NP and NAI included TL1Name: GTI
NP Yes Yes No NumberingPlanAny This attribute optionally specifies the Numbering Plan (NP) for the Global Title of the Calling Party Address. The valid range for this attribute is 0 to 15, however not all of these values may be appropriate in your network. To match any Numbering Plan value, enter 'ANY' in this attribute. TL1Name: NP
TT Yes Yes No Any_256 This attribute optionally specifies the Translation Type (TT) for the Global Title of the Calling Party Address. The valid range for this attribute is 0 to 255, however not all of these values may be appropriate in your network. To match any Translation Type value, enter 'ANY' in this attribute. TL1Name: TT
NAI Yes Yes No Any_128 This attribute optionally specifies the Nature of Address Indicator (NAI) for the Global Title of the Calling Party Address. The valid range for this attribute is 0 to 127, however not all of these values may be appropriate in your network. To match any Nature of Address Indicator value, enter 'ANY' in this attribute. TL1Name: NAI
GTOPCSearchesEPR Yes Yes No string This attribute provides the next step in the GTT advanced search. The EPR must point to a GT OPC Searches EPR that is already in existence. The EPR may only be modified if the GTT Advanced Search is licensed. It is expected that a number of GT Calling Search records will all point to the same GT OPC Searches EPR. Set to 0 (UNDEFINED) if there is no associated GT OPC Search record. Valid values: Alphanumeric string with a maximum size of 4 characters. TL1Name: OPC_EPR
DBDefName Yes Yes Yes string This attribute references the GTT DB Def associated with this GT Calling Search. The attribute is set at creation time only and cannot be changed thereafter. TL1Name: DB_DEF_NM
SSN Yes Yes No SSNAny This attribute optionally specifies the Subsystem Number (SSN) of the Calling Party Address. The valid range for this attribute is 0 to 255, NOT PRESENT (256), and ANY (257). To match any SSN value (including not present), set to ANY. TL1Name: SSN
PCListName No Yes No string This attribute provides the destination to which the matching record will be sent. The destination is a list of point codes and their associated cost. The SCCP will send to the lowest cost available point code of that list. The list of destinations is known as a Point Code List. This attribute is the name of the Point Code List. The name must point to a Point Code List Record that is already in existence. Each GT Calling Search record must point to a Point Code List Record or a GT OPC Searches EPR, because the resultant translation must be sent somewhere. It is expected that a number of GT Calling Search records will all point to the same PC List Record. TL1Name: PC_LIST_NAME
GTModificationName No Yes No string The GT Modification Name gives the name of the record in that table which will be used to modify the Calling Party Address. This must reference an existing GT Modification objects, or use the value 'NONE' to indicate no change in the Calling Party Address is required. TL1Name: GT_MODIF_NAME
Description No Yes No string This attribute provides an optional description of the object for user informational purposes only. Valid values: Alphanumeric, dashes, underscores and spaces (maximum size of 32). Default value: Empty string. TL1Name: DESC

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