Resource - AppIDRegistration

About this Resource

Defines an AppIDRegistration managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
ApplicationID Yes Yes Yes string Application ID used to register GTT with SCCP. TL1Name: APPID
DBDefName No No No string GTT Database Definition Name. This attribute specifies which translation database to use for incoming messages from this AppID registration. By default, the string is unset (empty string) which translates to using the parent NA value. TL1Name: DB_DEF_NM
Status No No Yes PCRegStatus Application ID Registration status (NOT REGISTERED, PARTIALLY REGISTERED, REGISTERED). On a properly provisioned system this attribute should read 'REGISTERED.' If there are no GTT processes on any CPUs connected to any SCCP, then this attribute will read 'NOT REGISTERED.' If there are some connections, but not on all CPUs then the attribute will display 'PARTIALLY REGISTERED.' If the status is anything but REGISTERED, check the SYSLOG to determine the cause of the registration problems. A likely cause of registration problems is attempting to have the GTT process register with an AppID already registered by another process. TL1Name: REGSTATUS
RecordID No No Yes int32 Application ID Registration status (NOT REGISTERED, PARTIALLY REGISTERED, REGISTERED). On a properly provisioned system this attribute should read 'REGISTERED.' If there are no GTT processes on any CPUs connected to any SCCP, then this attribute will read 'NOT REGISTERED.' If there are some connections, but not on all CPUs then the attribute will display 'PARTIALLY REGISTERED.' If the status is anything but REGISTERED, check the SYSLOG to determine the cause of the registration problems. A likely cause of registration problems is attempting to have the GTT process register with an AppID already registered by another process.
RetainOrigination No No No RetainOrigin Application ID Registration Retain Origination. The Retain Origination attribute provides a mechanism where by the GTT notifies the SCCP to retain the Originating OPC in the Routing Label of the MSU when forwarding the MSU to to its new destination. Only MSUs redirected to GTT via the Gateway Screening App ID redirection table are affected by this attribute. By default, the Retain Origination attribute when set to disabled, maintains the standard GTT Routing implementation. TL1Name: RETAIN_ORIG

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