Resource - TransportServer

About this Resource

Defines an TransportServer managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
Slot Yes Yes Yes TRSlot Transport server associated DSC slot. Valid values: Available routing CPU slot number and ALL (0). When set to ALL, the transport server is created on all the available routing CPUs. TL1Name: SLOT
TransportType Yes Yes No TransportTypeServer Transport Type (TCP/SCTP). The type of transport used for incoming connections. To establish a connection, each ADN connecting to this server requires an associated ADN Connection with matching or SERVER ONLY type. Default value: SCTP. TL1Name: TRANSPORTTYPE
Host Yes Yes No string Hostname or IP address of this server. If a hostname is provided, then it may resolve to multiple IP addresses. In this case, a TCP server uses the first IP address, whereas the SCTP server uses all IP addresses. The IP addresses must be provisioned on the card hosting the slot for the server to activate. This is the primary IP Address when using multihomed Diameter SCTP associations Valid values: Hostname or IP address. TL1Name: HOST
Port Yes Yes No DiameterPort Port used for this server (1 to 65535). RFC6733 recommended port values are: 3868 for non-encrypted or CE-R/CE-A enabled TLS 5868 for full-time TLS/TCP or DTLS/SCTP (as per IANA reserved value) TL1Name: PORT
SecondaryHostIPAddress Yes Yes No string Secondary IP address of this server. Optional based on the connection and transport types. Valid values: IP address (Only to be configured when the Host is an IP Address and using SCTP Transport Type). Default value: UNSET. TL1Name: SECONDHOST
SecurityParameterSet No No No string Security Parameter Set associated with this Transport Server. Set to default for RFC3588 TLS. Valid values: Existing Security Parameter Set. Default value: default. TL1Name: SECPARMSETSERVER
ADNProtocol No No No ADNProtocol Protocol used by the ADN Connections associated with the Transport Server (DIAMETER/XML). Modifiable when the server is inactive. A DIAMETER server accepts connections from DIAMETER and UA ADNs. A XML server only accepts connections from UA XML ADNs. Default value: DIAMETER. TL1Name: PROTO
Status No No Yes NodeStatus Status of the Transport Server (INACTIVE/DOWN/UP/PARTIALLY UP). When the Slot attribute is set to ALL (0), the PARTIALLY UP status means that one or more slots have port conflicts with existing servers and established ADN Connections and cannot bring this server in service. Please check the server unavailable major alarm (1807) for the list of slots that cannot bring the Transport Server in service locally. TL1Name: STATUS
RemoteIPValidation No No No Feature Validate remote IP addresses of incoming connections (DISABLED/ENABLED). If enabled, the resolved values of the Allowed IPs list must match the source address(es) of received TCP or SCTP packets. If the validation fails the connection is closed. This value cannot be set to ENABLED if no Allowed IP exist. Default value: DISABLED. TL1Name: IPVALIDATE
InternalID No No Yes int32 Transport Server unique internal ID. Reserved for internal use. TL1Name: INTERNALID
DSCP No No No int32 Differentiated Services Code Point is used to classify traffic within a network in order to determine the priority of the various classes of traffic (0 to 63). Default value: 0. TL1Name: DSCP

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