Resource - TopologyOneToNPublicMapping

About this Resource

Defines an TopologyOneToNPublicMapping managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
PrivateRealm Yes Yes No string Topology Mapping Realm to protect. Add this value to the Private DID Host attribute for the internal protected Diameter ID. If a FQDN is specified, a Realm Definition will be automatically created if none exists. If a Realm Definition is already defined, the FQDN value will be replaced by the associated alias. Valid values: FQDN format or existing Realm Definition alias. TL1Name: PRVREALM
PrivateDIDHost Yes Yes No string Host of the Diameter Node inside the protected realm. Valid values: FQDN format. TL1Name: PRVDID
PublicDIDHostPrefix No Yes No string Host of the Diameter Node to present to the outside realms. Valid values: FQDN format. TL1Name: PUBPREFIX
PublicDIDHostSuffix No Yes No string Input format is: <begin> - <end>, where <begin> and <end> are numbers between 1-10000. There can be a difference up to 32 between end and begin. This is the range of suffix values to add to the Public DID for this mapping. TL1Name: PUBSUFFIX
PublicRealm No Yes No string Topology Mapping Public Realm to protect. Add this value to the Public DID Host attribute for the external Diameter ID. If a FQDN is specified, a Realm Definition will be automatically created if none exists. If a Realm Definition is already defined, the FQDN value will be replaced by the associated alias. Valid values: FQDN format or existing Realm Definition alias. TL1Name: PUBREALM

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