Resource - SecurityParameterSet

About this Resource

Defines an SecurityParameterSet managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
Name Yes Yes Yes string Name to uniquely identify the Parameter Set. Leading and trailing whitespaces are trimmed. Valid values: alphanumeric characters, dashes, underscores, spaces, and dots (maximum size of 64). TL1Name: NAME
SecurityType No No No SecurityType Security Type (NONE/TLS/FULL TLS DTLS). Only default and plaintext security parameter sets can be set to NONE. Default value: NONE (default and plaintext) TLS (else). TL1Name: SECTYPE
FileSetName No No No string TLS Prefix file names \If the Security Type is NONE, set to empty string. Used in certificate upload. Valid value: empty string and file name string. Default value: empty string (for default and plaintext Name) parameter set name (else). TL1Name: FILESET
PriorityString No No No string TLS Priority String If the Security type is NONE, set to empty string. Leave as 'NORMAL' unless there are errors. See documentation. Valid values: empty string, NORMAL, valid OpenSSL cipher list (separated by :). Default value: empty string (for default and plaintext Name) NORMAL (else). Note that to counter known security vulnerabilities, RC4 and MD5 algorithms have been disabled by default. Furthermore, TLS 1.0 and below have also been disabled by default. For Diameter RFC compliance: Add RC4-SHA to enable TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA Add RC4-MD5 to enable TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 For compatibility (for example): Add !SHA384 to interwork with a remote peer that erroneously reports support for SHA384 ciphers Add &TLS10 to allow TLS 1.0 TL1Name: PRIO
InternalID No No Yes int32 Parameter set unique internal ID. Reserved for internal use. TL1Name: INTERNALID

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