Resource - ResultRecord

About this Resource

Defines an ResultRecord managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
Cost Yes Yes No int32 Cost of the result record (1 to 99). Lowest available record is used for routing. If more than one record have the lowest available cost, loadsharing is performed. TL1Name: COST
RecordType Yes Yes Yes ResultRecordType Record Type (RELAY/REDIRECT/REALM_REDIRECT). RELAY: The message is forwarded (relayed) to the ADN represented by Record Value. REDIRECT: An answer message is returned to the originator instructing it to try the peer given in Record Value. REALM_REDIRECT: An answer message is returned to the originator instructing it to try the realm given in Record Value. Default value: RELAY (reference only). TL1Name: RECORDTYPE
RecordValue Yes Yes No string Record Value representing an ADN for RELAY, URI for REDIRECT and Realm Definition for REALM_REDIRECT type. For RELAY records, if a FQDN Diameter ID is specified, the value will be replaced by the associated ADN name. Valid values: existing ADN Diameter ID (FQDN format) or ADN name (RELAY). URI format (REDIRECT). Examples: URI format NO Transport security URI format - aaa://FQDN [port] [transport] [protocol] aaa://;transport=tcp;protocol=diameter Transport security URI format - aaas://FQDN [port] [transport] [protocol] aaas://;transport=tcp;protocol=diameter For REALM_REDIRECT records, the realm record value must be the Alias of an existing Realm Definition. TL1Name: RECORDVAL
Weight No No No WeightType Weight of the Diameter ID (0 to 400000). The Diameter ID Weight is used to indicate the relative message capacity of this Diameter ID when load sharing on the server pool. Valid values: 0 to 100 (ROUND ROBIN) 0 to 4000000 (LEAST LOADED). Default value: 10 (ADN) and 0 (non-ADN) (ROUND ROBIN) 2000 (ADN) and 0 (non-ADN) (LEAST LOADED) TL1Name: WEIGHT

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