Resource - RateLimiter

About this Resource

Defines an RateLimiter managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
Name Yes Yes Yes string Name to uniquely identify the Rate Limiter. Leading and trailing whitespaces are trimmed. Valid values: alphanumeric characters, dashes, underscores, spaces, and dots (maximum size of 64). Cannot start the name with reserved dsc_ or pt_ (case insensitive). TL1Name: NAME
CapacityParameterSet No No No string Capacity Parameter Set associated with this Rate Limiter. Valid values: Existing Capacity Parameter Set. Default value: default. TL1Name: RATELIMITERCAPPS
InternalID No No Yes int32 Rate Limiter unique internal ID. Reserved for internal use. TL1Name: INTERNALID

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