Resource - DSCNode

About this Resource

Defines an DSCNode managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
Name Yes Yes No string Name used to logically identify the DSC Node. The Name must be unique within the DSC Instance. It is recommended that the name be set to a short and unique value to facilitate logs and alarms correlation. If no Name is entered on creation, or if the Name is modified to an empty string, the Node Diameter ID will be used. Valid values: alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores (maximum size of 32). The name is allowed to contain dots (.) and exceed maximum size only when it matches the Node Diameter ID. TL1Name: NAME
DIDHost No Yes No string DSC Node Host within the realm. This attribute is optional when creating a DSC Node with a Node Diameter ID. If specified, the value will be prepended to the Realm to create the Node Diameter ID. Valid values: FQDN format or empty string. TL1Name: DID_HOST
Realm No Yes No string DSC Node associated realm. If a FQDN is specified, a Realm Definition will be automatically created if none exists. If a Realm Definition is already defined, the FQDN value will be replaced by the associated Alias. Valid values: FQDN format or existing Realm Definition Alias. TL1Name: REALM
NodeDiameterID No Yes No string DSC Node unique Diameter ID. The attribute is optional when creating an DSC Node with a DID Host. If not specified, the value will be set to a concatenation of the DID Host and Realm. Valid values: FQDN format or empty string. TL1Name: DID
Status No No Yes NodeStatus Status of the DSC Node (UP/DOWN/INACTIVE). DSC Node status is set to UP when at least one non-DSC INTERNAL and non-DSC DB ADN is UP. TL1Name: STATUS
InitialRoutingTableName No No No string Node Initial Routing Table Name. Message incoming from the DSC Node will be routed based on this routing table or use default routing if set to dsc_default. Valid values: dsc_default or an existing Routing Table name. Default value: dsc_default. TL1Name: INITRTNAME
TopologyMappingTableName No No No string Topology Mapping Table to be applied to Nodes in the DSC realm. Valid values: Existing Topology Mapping table name or empty string to disable. TL1Name: TOPOMAP
RealmRoutingTableName No No No string Node Realm Routing Table Name. Message incoming from the DSC Node will be routed based on this realm routing table. Valid values: Existing Realm Routing table name or empty string to disable. TL1Name: RLMRTNAME
IngressFiltering No No No IngressFiltering Node Ingress Filtering (DISABLED/ORIGIN REALM). Ingress Filtering compares information about the realm of the Incoming ADN against the contents of the Origin-Realm AVP in the request message. If the Origin-Realm is the same as Incoming Realm, then the message passes ingress filtering. If a message fails ingress filtering, an answer is returned with error ERROR_UNABLE_TO_DELIVER TL1Name: INGRESS_FILT
MaximumRoutingDepth No No No int32 Maximum Routing Depth (10 to 50). When using explicit routing tables, this attribute limits the number of routing tables that may be used to route a single message. If this limit is exceeded, the message is returned as an error. This feature is a protection against loops in the routing tables causing undue processor usage. Default value: 10. TL1Name: MAXROUTDEPTH
RealmAccounting No No No Feature Realm Accounting feature (DISABLED/ENABLED). If enabled, traffic statistics are gathered based on incoming and outgoing realms as well as on associated ADNs where relevant. Standard statistics intervals apply (5 minutes, 30 minutes, and 1 day). Default value: DISABLED. TL1Name: REALMACCOUNTING
RealmAccountingFormat No No No RealmAccountingFmtType Realm Accounting Format (VERSION 1/VERSION 2). - Default value: VERSION 1. - This attribute will take effect only if Realm Accounting attribute is ENABLED. - Realm accounting is a feature that counts some details of Diameter transactions and writes the counters to a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file. The Instance column contains a formatted string that includes the Incoming ADN, Outgoing ADN, Originating Realm and Destination Realm. In some cases not all fields are relevant. For example, if a message cannot be routed there is no Outgoing ADN. If this attribute is set to VERSION 1 then the format of the Instance column is the format used in release 16.1.0 and earlier releases, namely: - <DSC Instance Name> <DSC Node Name> <Originating Realm of the incoming request>: <Name of the incoming ADN>:<Destination Realm of the incoming request>: <Name of the ADN from which the answer is received>, If this attribute is set to VERSION 2 then the Instance column contains the Instance string from VERSION 1 plus the Application Id, Command Code and Destination-Realm of the outgoing request. Specifically, the format is: - <DSC Instance Name> <DSC Node Name> <Originating Realm of the incoming request>:<Name of the incoming ADN>:<Destination Realm of the incoming request>:<Name of the ADN from which the answer is received>:<Application-Id>:<Command-Code>:<Destination-Realm of the outgoing Request> If the request is rejected by the DSC without being sent to an outgoing ADN then the <Destination-Realm of the outgoing Request> is set to (null). For any of the realm components of the instance, the Alias of an associated Realm Definition is used if it exists. Otherwise, the realm component uses the contents of the appropriate AVP, normalized to lower case and escaped: any character other than alphanumeric, dash or underscore is replaced with '%' followed by two hex digits representing the encoded octet. If the Application-Id in the message is defined as an Application ID Definition then <Application-Id> is the Application ID Definition Name, otherwise <Application-Id> is a string representing the numeric value of the Application-Id. If the Command-Code in the message is defined as an Command-Code Definition then <Command-Code> is the Command Code Definition Name, otherwise <Command-Code> is a string representing the numeric value of the Command-Code. Using VERSION 2 includes more granularity in the Instance strings, so it is possible to hit the overflow limit of 50000 distinct Instance strings more easily. TL1Name: REALMACCTFMT
AcceptUnknownADNs No No No Feature Accept incoming connections from unknown/unconfigured adjacent nodes (ENABLED/DISABLED). TL1Name: ALLOWUNKOWN
RoundTripAccounting No No No Feature Round Trip Accounting feature (DISABLED/ENABLED). If enabled, round trip delays on outbound transactions are calculated and organized according to destination and command type. Standard statistics intervals apply (5 minutes, 30 minutes, and 1 day). Default value: DISABLED. TL1Name: ROUNDTRIPACCOUNTING
ReceiveRealmRedirectIndications No No No RealmRedirectIndType Receive Realm Redirect Indications Attribute is used to specify how DSC handles the Realm Redirect Indications. Allowed Value: DISABLED, or PASSTHROUGH, RFC7075. If the Receive-Realm-Redirect-Indications attribute is set to DISABLED, then the received DIAMETER_REALM_REDIRECT_INDICATION is treated like a DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_DELIVER. If the Receive-Realm-Redirect-Indications attribute is set to PASSTHROUGH, then the received DIAMETER_REALM_REDIRECT_INDICATION is forwarded to the incoming ADN with the appropriate hop-by-hop id. The Origin-Host and Origin-Realm AVPs in the REALM_REDIRECT_INDICATION are unchanged. If the Receive-Realm-Redirect-Indications attribute is set to RFC7075, then the received DIAMETER_REALM_REDIRECT_INDICATION is handled as specified in RFC7075 where the DSC will forward the original request using the realms provided in the INDICATION message. Default value is DISABLED. TL1Name: REALMREDIND
InternalID No No Yes int32 Node unique internal ID. Reserved for internal use. TL1Name: INTERNALID
MaxTracingPerInterval No No No int32 Maximum number of traced MSUs logged in the given interval (0 to 99). MSU tracing, if enabled, assigns a unique identifier to incoming messages matching a Modification trace record. The message can then be traced throughout the Routing Tables for debugging purposes. Set to 0 to disable message tracing. Default value: 10. TL1Name: MAX_TRAC_PER_INTV
TracingInterval No No No LogInterval Message Tracing logging interval [5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 minutes]. Default value: 5 minutes. TL1Name: TRAC_INTV
TracingMsgHex No No No MsgTraceHex Message Tracing logging of hexadecimal [INCOMING, INCOMING AND OUTGOING]. Hexadecimal representation of the message (up to 500 bytes). Default value: INCOMING. TL1Name: TRAC_HEX
Errors No No No LogBoolean Enable or disable the logging of DSC Node error messages to the debuglog (NOT LOGGED/LOGGED). The logging of DSC Node errors should be set to LOGGED for all production systems. Default value: LOGGED. TL1Name: LOG_ERRORS
SetupManagement No No No LogBoolean Enable or disable the logging of startup and setup information to the debuglog (NOT LOGGED/LOGGED). These logs are not related to traffic processing and have no impact on the performance of a running system. The logging of DSC Node startup and setup information should be set to LOGGED for most production systems. Default value: LOGGED. TL1Name: LOG_SETUP_MGMT
ExecutionTrace No No No LogBoolean Enable or disable the logging of internal execution of the DSC traffic to the debuglog (NOT LOGGED/LOGGED). The resultant messages are intended for Sonus Networks engineering staff and are not intended for customer use. The logging of execution trace must be set to NOT LOGGED on all production systems so that the CPU is not unduly taxed. Default value: NOT LOGGED. TL1Name: LOG_EXEC_TRACE
NodeCommunication No No No LogBoolean Enable or disable the logging of inter-node communication to the debuglog (NOT LOGGED/LOGGED). The resultant messages are intended for Sonus Networks engineering staff and are not intended for customer use. The logging of node communication must be set to NOT LOGGED on all production systems so that the CPU is not unduly taxed. Default value: NOT LOGGED. TL1Name: LOG_NODE_COM
DistributionManagement No No No LogBoolean Enable or disable the logging of inter-DSC process communication to the debuglog (NOT LOGGED/LOGGED). The resultant messages are intended for Sonus Networks engineering staff and are not intended for customer use. The logging of inter-process communication must be set to NOT LOGGED on all production systems so that the CPU is not unduly taxed. Default value: NOT LOGGED. TL1Name: LOG_DIST_MGMT

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