Resource - ApplicationIDRoutingRecord

About this Resource

Defines an ApplicationIDRoutingRecord managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
RecordType Yes Yes Yes RecordType Record Type (DEFAULT/VALUE) A single non-deleteable DEFAULT record handles routing if no VALUE match is found. Default value: VALUE. TL1Name: RECORDTYPE
ApplicationID Yes Yes Yes string Associated Application ID Definition name. Valid values: existing Application ID definition name. TL1Name: APPIDNAME
ModificationTableName No Yes No string Associated optional Modification Table to be applied to the message. Valid values: empty string and existing Modification Table name. Default value: empty string. TL1Name: MODTBLNAME
NextTableName No Yes No string Next routing table, result table, default routing, or error handling to route the message. Depending on the required routing decision, set to: 1) The name of the next routing table to continue routing. 2) The name of the result table to send the message. 3) dsc_default to apply default routing. 4) dsc_error to return Result-Code 3002, UNABLE_TO_DELIVER. 5) dsc_error<error code> to return Result-Code of <error code>. 6) dsc_error<vendor id>_<error code> to return Experimental-Result with Vendor-Id of <vendor id> and Experimental-Result-Code of <error code>. 7) dsc_discard to drop the request. Optional text may be added after a variant of dsc_error, separated by a space, to indicated a desired Error-Message. The next table cannot be a modification table. TL1Name: NEXTTBLNAME

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