PUT - AVPDefinition

REST API Method: PUT /api/defDSC/DSC/[string:aid_1]/DSCDefinitions/AVPDefinitions/AVPDefinition/[string:aid_2]

Modifies an AVPDefinition managed object.



HTTP Method:


Requires Authentication:



Parameter Description
[string:aid_1] [DSC/Type]
[string:aid_2] [AVPDefinition/Name]
Payload(Not necessarily in order) {"Comment":"value"}


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
Name Yes Yes Yes string String representation of the AVP Definition. Leading and trailing whitespaces are trimmed. Valid values: alphanumeric characters, dashes, underscores, spaces, and dots (maximum size of 64). Cannot start the name with reserved dsc_ or pt_ (case insensitive). TL1Name: NAME
VendorID No Yes Yes string Vendor ID Definition name responsible for the AVP. The combination of Vendor ID and AVP Code uniquely identifies an AVP. Valid values: name of existing Vendor ID Definition. TL1Name: VENDORID
AVPCode No Yes Yes int32 Code of the AVP. The combination of Vendor ID and AVP Code uniquely identifies an AVP. Valid values: integers. TL1Name: AVPCODE
AVPType No Yes Yes AVPType AVP Type defines the validation and encoding format of the AVP values. Important for Modification Record commands affecting the AVP values. Valid values: UTF8Strings, OctetString, Unsigned32, Unsigned64, Integer32, Integer64, Time, Grouped, Enumerated, DiameterIdentity, DiameterURI, IPFilterRule, Address, Float32, Float64, and Unknown (as per RFC6733). Default value: UTF8String (reference only). TL1Name: AVPTYPE
Comment No Yes No string AVP Definition optional comment for supplementary information. Often includes the specification reference for the AVP definition. Valid values: free-form string of maximum size 64 characters. TL1Name: COMMENT

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