Resource - UDPConnection

About this Resource

Defines an UDPConnection managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
Host Yes Yes No string Switch hostname or IP address TL1Name: HOST
Port Yes Yes No IP_PORT Switch UDP Port TL1Name: PORT
ConnectionEnabled No No Yes FeatureBoolean User activation status. TL1Name: ENABLED
State No No Yes ConnectionState State of the connection to the node. TL1Name: STATE
Comments No No No string Connection description TL1Name: COMMENTS
KeepAlivePort No Yes No IP_PORT UDP port number to send keep alive messages to. TL1Name: KEEP_ALIVE_PORT
KeepAliveInterval No No No Keep_Alive_Interval Frequency of keep alive messages, in seconds. TL1Name: KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL

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