Defines an DCRLink managed object.

Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
Origin Yes Yes Yes string Origin long CLLI, 16 characters maximum. TL1Name: ORIGIN
Destination Yes Yes Yes string Destination long CLLI, 16 characters maximum. TL1Name: DESTINATION
OriginDestinationPair No No Yes string CLLI for the Orgin node and CLLI for the destination node TL1Name: OD
Defunct No No Yes Defunct Is the object valid? TL1Name: DEFUNCT
TrunkOverflowStatus No No Yes OverflowStatus Overflow status TL1Name: OVERFLOW_STATUS
TotalTrunkMismatchStatus No No Yes TrunkMismatchStatus Total trunk mismatch status TL1Name: TRK_MISMATCH_STATUS
TrunkControlAppliedStatus No No Yes ControlAppliedStatus Control applied status TL1Name: CTL_APPLIED_STATUS
IdleTrunkMismatchStatus No No Yes MismatchStatus Idle trunk mismatch status TL1Name: IDLE_TRK_MISMATCH_STATUS
Trunks No No Yes uint15 total number of trunks in the link TL1Name: TRUNKS
ProtectiveAllowance No No Yes uint15 protective allowance on the link. TL1Name: PA
IdleTrunks No No Yes uint15 number of idle trunks in the link. TL1Name: IT
SafeIdleTrunks No No Yes uint15 Hidden number of safe idle trunks in the link. TL1Name: IT
IncomingCalls No No Yes uint15 number of incoming calls in the link. TL1Name: IC
OverflowCalls No No Yes uint15 number of Overflow calls in the link. TL1Name: OVC
TwoWayTerrestrial No No Yes uint15 number of trunks in the link of each trunk group type Two-Way Terrestrial TL1Name: TWO_WAY_TERRESTRIAL
OneWayTerrestrial No No Yes uint15 number of trunks in the link of each trunk group type One-Way Terrestrial TL1Name: ONE_WAY_TERRESTRIAL
TwoWayDPT No No Yes uint15 number of trunks in the link of each trunk group type Two-Way DPT TL1Name: TWO_WAY_DPT
OneWayDPT No No Yes uint15 number of trunks in the link of each trunk group type One-Way DPT TL1Name: ONE_WAY_DPT
MinimumTrunkReservation No No No uint31 minimum trunk reservation allowed on the link. TL1Name: MIN_TRUNK_RESERVE
MaximumTrunkReservation No No No uint31 maximum trunk reservation allowed on the link. TL1Name: MAX_TRUNK_RESERVE

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