In this section:
SIP Peer signifies the static SIP interworking element and it is an significant building block for SBC Core service provisioning.
During the carrier peering deployment, each SIP peer is identified by the IP addresses of the peering VoIP network elements. There are only limited numbers of the peering VoIP network elements involved. It is also possible that a single Session Border Controller (SBC) owned by the peering carrier and the SBC counter-part acts as the single point of peering for the deployment.
Using the SBC Core EMA, you can create the SIP Peer and modify the services for existing customers.
Asterisk * indicates the fields are mandatory.
You can use the default Address Context or create a new Address Context in the Navigator.
Prerequisites for the workflow SIP peering are:
This section provides a high-level understanding of SIP Peer Provisioning.
SIP Peering - Workflow
SIP Peering Provisioning Flow
The following figure shows the provisioning flow of the SIP Peering.
SIP Peering 1
Perform the following tasks to set up the Zone:
For more information on creating Zone, refer to System Provisioning - Zone.
SIP Peering 2
Perform the following tasks to add a SIP Signaling Port.
SIP Peering 3
Perform the following procedure to add the SIP Trunk Group.
Click Next .
Perform the following procedure to add a IP Peer. It is optional.
Enter the IP Peer details.
Click Next to proceed.
Click Finish and Save. The result of this action is displayed.
Click OK to exit.