Use this parameter for the SBC Core to control the mapping of CPC cause codes to/from SIP cause codes. 

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling causeCodeMapping
	cpcSipCauseMappingProfile <profile name>
	sipCpcCauseMappingProfile <profile name>
	sipInternalCauseMappingProfile <profile name>
	useNonDefaultCauseCodeforARSBlackList <enabled | disabled>

Command Parameters

Cause Code Mapping Parameters


Select the name of the CPC to SIP cause mapping profile for this SIP trunk group.

  • defaultCpcSip
  • defaultQ1912CpcSip
  • defaultRFC3398CpcSip
  • defaultTs29163CpcSip

Select the name of the SIP to CPC cause mapping profile for this SIP trunk group.

  • defaultQ1912SipCpc
  • defaultRFC3398SipCpc
  • defaultSipCpc
  • defaultTs29163SipCpc

Select the name of the internal cause to SIP cause mapping profile for this SIP trunk group.


Enable this flag to use cause code 168 for route rejection due to ARS blacklisting.

  • disabled (default) 
  • enabled

  • No labels