
Beginning in release 8.0, Load Balancing Service configuration applies only to media SBC (M-SBC) clusters in distributed SBC SWe deployments. The M-SBC load balancing distributes media requests among nodes. Load balancing of REGISTER or INVITE requests through retargeting is no longer supported and should not be configured.

This configuration applies to a feature that is no longer supported and the configuration is no longer required.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> retargetSupport <disabled | useSystemLevelConfiguration> 


Command Parameters

Retarget Support Parameters



Use this parameter to either disable load balancing or use the system-level load balancing settings for this zone.

  • disabled – Load balancing is disabled for this zone regardless of the system level settings.
  • useSystemLevelConfiguration (default) – The system-level settings for inviteRetargetMode and registerRetargetMode are applied to this zone. Refer to Load Balancing Service - CLI for system-level settings.