In this section:
The SBC SWe Cloud inter-operates with a third-party transcoding platform called Media Resource Function (MRF) to transcode audio and relay video/T140. Only the SBC SWe Cloud on OpenStack (D-SBC) supports this feature.
This section provides the CLI syntax, parameter descriptions and command examples for configuring a MRF profile on a S-SBC.
For additional configuration details, refer to Invoke MRF as a Transcoder for D-SBC.
Use the global callRemoteMediaStatus and callResourceDetailStatus commands to see when MRF is used for transcoding a call (resType
= "dresMrf").
% set system dsbc cluster type mrf mrfFqdn <domanin name> mrfIpAddress <IP address> mrfPort <0-65535> mrfRequestUri <Request URI> mrfRoutingType <IpAddress | fqdn> mrfTgName <trunking group name> mrfTransportType <TCP| TLS| UDP> state <disabled | enabled>
The MRF server is configured as either FQDN or IP address based on the mrfRoutingType
To configure an MRF as IP address:
% set system dsbc cluster type mrf mrfRoutingType IpAddress mrfPort 5060 mrfIpAddress mrfTgName SBX_55461_IMS_TG mrfRequestUri MRF-SERVER mrfTransportType UDP state enabled commit
To configure an MRF as fqdn:
% set system dsbc cluster type mrf mrfRoutingType fqdn mrfPort 5060 mrffqdn mrfTgName SBX_55461_IMS_TG mrfRequestUri MRF-SERVER mrfTransportType UDP state enabled commit