
In a limited number of OpenStack cloud environments, SBC SWe supports a licensing model referred to as network-wide domain licensing (NWDL). Contact your Ribbon representative for information on the licensing options that are available in your environment.

Use the  License Domain Bundle Info window to view details for all NWDL licenses installed in the SBC.

On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > System > License Domain Bundle Info. The License Domain Bundle Info window opens.

License Domain Bundle Info Window

The information displayed in the License Domain Bundle Info List window is described in the table below:

License Domain Bundle Info List

Bundle NameLicense bundle name.
Feature NameThe names of licensed features within the license bundle.
License IDLicense ID
Purchase Order IDThe purchase order ID specified when the license was generated.
Line IDThe line ID for the license feature entry.
Generation DateThe date the license was generated.
Install DateThe date the license was installed.
Expiration DateLicense expiration date.
Usage LimitUsage limit for the license.
Active License ModeThe licensing mode currently in use by the SBC.