The SSReq tool is used to verify the provisioning and features of the SBC Core systems by simulating requests (policy, trigger, download, DIAMETER, etc.). SSReq provides the ability to specify all of the parameters in the request and displays the response received from the PSX and the call trace. The requests and responses can be saved in files for future use.
The SBC handles simulated calls from SSReq in the same manner as any live call sent from any client in a live Sonus network, such as from a GSX, a SIP server, etc. The policy response includes the same information provided to any client. Triggers are used to request a service from the PSX, such as an Authcode validation service or toll-free number translation service, allowing for the emulation of two-stage calls. Download requests are used to retrieve the script data from the SBC.
SSReq is a client/server software solution. The client is a Java-based, graphical user interface applet bundled with the EMA GUI and resides on the Sonus Insight server. The server software is bundled with the SBC, and is automatically installed on each SBC in your network.