In this Section:

Adding the Domain Controller Root Certificate

This section describes configuring the Domain Controller root certificate.


Ensure you perform the following steps before you perform the configuration.

  1. Load the root certificate to /opt/sonus/external directory by copying the downloaded certificate file or through the EMA.
  2. Convert the root certificate file into .der file: openssl x509 -inform PEM -in <infile.cer> -outform DER -out <outfile>.der.
  • To configure the AD root certificate:
set system security pki certificate PkiCert type remote fileName ldapFirst.der state enabled
  • To configure the LdapTlsProfile:
set profiles security ldapTlsProfile defaultLdapTlsProfile ldapCaCerts PkiCert
  • To delete the AD root certificate:
delete profiles security ldapTlsProfile defaultLdapTlsProfile ldapCaCerts PkiCert