In this section:

This section explains how to configure security settings for the EdgeView login. 


The security settings allow users to set password policies for EdgeView. Password policies such as password length, characters to be included, security questions setup, and account lockout policy are set from here. The security settings configured here are enforced for all EdgeView users.

Password Policy

The Password Policy pane allows you to set the password policy for EdgeView login. To set password policies for the EdgeView:

  1. Log in to EdgeView as evadmin and go to the Security Settings tab.

    Security Settings

  2. On the Security Settings tab, go to the Password Policy pane.

    Password Policy

  3. On the Password Policy pane, set values for the following parameters:
    • Minimum password length - Minimum number of words required for the password.
    • Maximum password length - Maximum number of words required for the password.
    • Minimum special characters - Minimum number of special characters required for the password.
    • Minimum numeric characters - Minimum number of numeric characters required for the password.
    • Minimum lower case characters - Minimum number of lowercase characters required for the password.
    • Minimum upper case characters - Minimum number of uppercase characters required for the password.
    • Password expiry days - Number of days before the password expires.
    • Number of passwords in history - Number of new passwords that must be given before an old password can be reused.   
    • Number of months for password in history - Number of months the passwords in history are saved.
    • Forgot password limit - Number of times you can use the Forgot password option. 
    • Number of forgot password in hours - Number of hours before Forgot password is active again after exceeding the limit.
  4. Once you've entered the required information, click Save.

Security Question Setup

The Security Question Setup pane allows you to configure settings for security questions, in case users forget the password. To configure the security question setup:

  1. Log in to EdgeView as evadmin and go to the Security Settings tab.
  2. On the Security Settings tab, go to the Security Question Setup pane.

    Security Question Setup

  3. On the Security Question Setup pane, configure the following parameters:
    • Number of questions must be set - The total number of security questions that must be set by the user.
    • Number of questions must be answered - The number of questions that must be answered to reset the password. The value specified here is the number of questions that are chosen from the pool of security questions set. For example, if the Number of questions must be set is 5 and Number of questions must be answered is 2, the user has to set 5 security questions out of which only 2 is asked during password reset. These 2 questions are randomly selected from the total 5. 
  4. Once you've entered the required information, click Save.

Account Lockout Policy

The Account Lockout Policy pane allows you to configure account lockout policies, in case the user makes repeated attempts to log in with incorrect credentials. To configure the account lockout policy:

  1. Log in to EdgeView as evadmin and go to the Security Settings tab.
  2. On the Security Settings tab, go to the Account Lockout Policy pane.

    Account Lockout Policy

  3. On the Account Lockout Policy pane, configure the following parameters:
    • Temporarily lock a user - Configure how many attempts a user gets within a specified time period before getting locked out for a specific time duration. Choose the number of attempts, lockout duration, and also the time period before the 'number of failed login attempts' is renewed.
    • Hardlock a user - Configure how many attempts a user gets within a specified time period before getting hard-locked out.  Only the tenantadmin user can unlock the user account once hard-locked. 
  4. Once you've entered the required information, click Save.