This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.


Use this object to specify the Carrier ID Code to the SBC.

In the EMA, navigate to All > Profiles > Signaling > NNIProfile > Carrier Information Transfer > Carrier Category And Info > Carrier Info.

The Carrier Info window displays.

Carrier Info window


From the NNIProfile drop-down list, select the appropriate NNIProfile.

NNIProfile drop-down


The Edit Carrier Info frame displays.

Edit Crrier Info


The parameters and the options are described in the table below:

Carrier Infor - Parameter Description

Carrier ID CodeA 4-digit carrier identification code associated with the charge area. Only ASCII characters from 0 to 9 are valid.

Provide the appropriate value for the parameter, and click Save.

A Success message is displayed, to acknowledge the successful update of the configuration. Click Ok to finish the process.

Click Undo Edits to cancel all changes.

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