The SBC as IBCF supports using the "TERM" parameter as user part when creating PATH headers, and use "ORIG" parameter in a created Service-Route header as user part. Additionally, on receiving a ROUTE header with either of these parameters, the SBC populates the UE Roaming status field of the CDR with the appropriate value (refer to CDR Field Descriptions for billing details).

SBC as IBCF behavior:

  • Use ORIG from route header to identify that it is a roaming user originated call. If the parameter "ORIG" is present, the UE-Roaming-Status is updated with Calling Subscriber and is indicated as a roaming originated call.

  • Use “TERM” from route header to identify that it is a roaming user terminating call. If the parameter "TERM" is present, the UE-Roaming-Status is updated with Called Subscriber and is indicated as a roaming terminating call.


When register relay and create path header are enabled, the SBC inserts “TERM” as user part of the path header of REGISTER request.When register relay and create service route header is enabled, the SBC inserts “ORIG” as user part of service-route header of 200 OK to REGISTER request.


When the SBC receives INVITE with route headers and if top route points to the SBC and the user part of the route to “ORIG” then the UE-Roaming Status is updated with the value as “3”. This implies, the call is originated by a roaming user (i.e.Calling subscriber is roaming and has originated the call).

When the SBC receives INVITE with route headers and if top route points to the SBC and the user part of the route to “TERM” then the UE-Roaming Status is updated with the value as “2”. This implies, the call is terminated by a roaming user(i.e.Called subscriber is roaming and has terminated the call).

Refer to Managing SBC Core Users and Accounts for details of existing user roles.

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