Command Syntax


> show table profiles ipSignalingPeerGroup


Command Parameters

IP Signaling Peer Group Parameters

nameIP Signaling Peer Group name
descriptionCustomized description of this IP Signaling Peer Group.
sendAllIpAddressAndFqdnIf set to 'enable', the SBC sends all IP addresses and FQDNs for the IP Signaling Peer Group in a single policy response.
sequenceA unique sequence number for each IP Peer belonging to this IP Signaling Peer Group. 
serviceStatusDefault is 'outOfService'. If set to 'inService', this IP peer is used.
ipAddressIP address of this IP peer.
ipPortTCP/UDP port for this IP peer.
fqdnFQDN to use for sending egress calls/requests to this IP peer.

Port number for FQDN. (range: 0-65535 / default = 0)



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