In this section:


The SBC 5100, SBC 5110, SBC 5200, and SBC 5210 platforms are no longer supported beginning with the SBC Core 10.0.0R0 release. This release supports SBC 5400/7000/SWe platforms. Contact Ribbon Sales for upgrade information.

Common Call Statistics Terminology
Stable CallsCalls that are established and fully stable (connected and media cut-through type of calls) and will survive a fail-over. This excludes calls in establishing, clearing and updating states which will not survive a fail-over.
Active CallsA snapshot of total number of active calls on the SBC at the point of execution of the status command. This count reflects the actual live calls on the box independent of the state of the call (setup, stable, updating or clearing).
Call AttemptsAccumulative number of attempted calls on this system since the last reboot/start-up, including calls where a setup was sent/received, uncompleted calls (calls failed, busy, not answered, etc.) and calls completed (answered).
Call CompletionsAccumulative number of calls completed on this system since the last reboot/start-up.

The SBC allows the operator to access data from the current interval and from the interval statistics table related to each object being monitored. The current interval consists of a statistics table entry that is accumulating data for the next interval report. The interval statistics table is a series of statistics table entries containing data from the most recently completed n intervals (where n is the number of intervals in the retention policy configuration).

Refer to Links to Statistics Pages to navigate to a particular EMA or CLI statistics page.


If using the EMS in your network, configure EMS PM data collection intervals for the SBC to be both:

  • Equal to or greater than the SBC intervals size, and
  • Not less than the SBC interval size multiplied by the SBC number of intervals.

Refer to the Insight EMS User Guide for configuration details.


Command Syntax

The command syntax of the objects related to the show table system command is shown below.

show table system

Command Parameters

Shared Common Parameters - 'show status system' and 'show table system'



activeConfigFileDisplays the file name of the last retrieved file from the external object store service.

Numeric identifier for the active configuration revision level. (SBC SWe N:1 HA deployments only) The revision number is incremented when executing the saveAndActivate action or restoring a cluster configuration.

CAUTION: In certain scenarios, a managed node is unable to apply changes due to unexpected configuration conflicts or network error conditions. Such situations trigger a sonusSbxManagedNodeUnableToReceiveConfigUpdates alarm and set the activeRevision number for the node to “-1.” When a node is in a “-1” state, some operations may be prevented until the situation resolves. Recovery requires a reboot of the impacted node. However, a reboot can be service impacting, proceed with caution.


Basic configuration (name, location, etc) for the system. See Admin Attributes table below for details.


Announcement file status and statistics. See Announcements Attributes table below for details.


Displays base MAC address of servers.

  • activeBaseAddress – The base MAC address assigned to the active server.
  • assignedBaseAddress – The base MAC address assigned to this server.

Displays cluster-specific configuration details.

  • mgmtInterfaceGroup – The Management Interface Group used for intra-cluster communication
  • mgmtIpAddress – The management IP address used for intra-cluster communication
  • type – The interface type used during intra-cluster communication

Indicates the configuration mode for the node.

  • oam - an OAM node in a cluster that uses the OAM configuration type.
  • managed-vm - a node, managed by an OAM node, in a cluster that uses the OAM configuration type.
  • direct-single - a node in a cluster that uses the Direct Single configuration type.
  • sbc - a non-clustered node such as a hardware-based SBC.


System congestion profile for the node.

  • adaptive – adaptive overload configuration.
  • levelMC1 – Configuration for congestion level MC1.
  • levelMC2 – Configuration for congestion level MC2.
  • levelMC3 – Configuration for congestion level MC3.
  • mode – Mode (static or adaptive) of the system overload control.
  • policer – System congestion Call Rate Policer configuration.


List of core dumps on the server(s). Fields include:

  • coredumpFileName
  • size
  • dateAndTime
  • newSinceLastStart (true/false)


Summary of core dump files on server(s).

  • <server name> – The name of the server.
  • coredumpAndTraceCount – Number of coredumps and trace files.
  • totalSize – Indicates the total size of the coredumps (KBytes).

Available only on SWe except S-SBC SWe. See CPU Transcode Status for details.


The CPU utilization of the server for the current period.

  • <server name> – The name of the server.
  • average – The average CPU % utilization for this interval.
  • high – The high CPU % utilization for this interval.
  • low – The low CPU % utilization for this interval.


The CPU utilization for the 'n' number of intervals.

  • number – The interval sequence number. The number of intervals to store are configurable. (Refer to Interval Statistics - CLI for status/statistics details)
  • ceName – The SBC server name.
  • cpu – The CPU number.
  • intervalValid – A setting of 'true' indicates the interval contains valid data during the time interval. Each interval is for a configurable fixed time (default interval is 15 minutes) starting on the hour. For example, if the system starts at 12:05, the first interval at 12:15 will not be valid because it is less than the 15-minute interval. Subsequent intervals will be valid upon meeting the 15-minute time interval. System switch-overs also cause invalid intervals because data is lost during the interval.
  • time – The system up time when the interval statistics are collected.
  • average – The average CPU % utilization for this interval.
  • high – The high CPU % utilization for this interval.
  • low – The low CPU % utilization for this interval.

Displays SBC database sync status from executing the request system admin <system name> verifyDatabaseIntegrity command. (Refer to Admin - CLI)

The following command options are available to match the results of the 'show' command with the associated 'request' command:

activeAndStandbyPolicy – Display results of the sync check against policy databases on the active and standby servers.
activeConfigAndActivePolicy – Displays the results of the sync check against the policy and configuration databases on the active server.

Displayed results include the following fields:

  • syncModuleName – The database sync module name: activeAndStandbyPolicy, activeConfigAndActivePolicy
  • syncStatus – Possible results: inProgress, inSync, outOfSync, unknown.
  • timeStamp – Times tamp of when the command was executed.


SBC 5x10/7000 daughter board administrative status from server/CE level.

  • ceName – The SBC server name.
  • disableCleanupAction – Identifies the type of disable cleanup action (forced/graceful)
  • dryUpTime – The set time, in minutes, for a graceful shutdown to occur (range: 0-60 / default = 10).
  • slot – Slot number designation for DSP20 (slot 1) and DSP25 (slots 1-4) cards.
  • state – Administrative state of daughter board.

NOTE: Not applicable for 5x00 or SWe systems.


Server Daughter Board (DB) status details. See Daughter Board Status Attributes table below for details.


DoD mode status details, with following details:

  • index – Index number
  • status – Specifies if DoD mode is enabled/disabled, as well as if CLI, EMA Platform Mode and sFTP are enabled for access while SBC is in DoD mode.

Distributed SBC (D-SBC) statistics details.

  • dsbcSigPortStatisticsD-SBC signaling port statistics when communicating with the other D-SBC nodes. Fields include:
    • <IP address> – The IP address of the remote node
    • BytesReceivedThe total number of signaling bytes received from this remote node
    • BytesSentThe total number of signaling bytes sent to this remote node
    • Interface – The interface used for this link
    • PdusReceivedThe total number of signaling PDUs received from the remote node
    • PdusSentThe total number of signaling PDUs sent to the remote node
    • StateThe current state of the signaling link of the remote node
  • dsbcSigPortStatus – D-SBC signaling port status details.
    • <index> – The D-SBC signaling port index.
    • stateThe administrative state of the D-SBC signaling port.


DSP PAD configuration service (must be restarted for new configuration to take effect). See DSP PAD Attributes table for details (for 'show table system' command only).


DSP historical interval statistics. See DSP Resources Attributes table below for parameter details.

  • dspCallCurrentStatistics – The System Call DSP Resource Current table.
  • dspCallIntervalStatistics – The System Call DSP Resource Interval table.
  • dspUsageCurrentStatistics – The DSP Resource Current table.
  • dspUsageIntervalStatistics – The DSP Resource Interval table.

dspStatus dspUsage

Status of DSP resources. See DSP Status Attributes table below for details.


EMS-specific configuration.

  • emsFqdn – the FQDN ofthe EMS to use for registration
  • emsIpAddress – the IP address of the EMS the SBC is currently registered with.
  • emsIpAddressOverride – list of IP addresses (up to 8) to use to override any other configuration that speciftes the EMS to register with.

Applies to SBC SWe systems only.


Configuration for management, packet, and field service Ethernet ports. See Ethernet Port Attributes table for details.


Fan status on the server(s).

  • <system name>
  • <fan nomenclature>
  • speed

Displays whether the following interval statistics are enabled/disabled to write data to the statistics file.

  • CallFailIntervalStats
  • CallIntervalStats
  • DiamNodeRfIntervalStatistics
  • DnsGroupDnsServerStats
  • DspResDspCallIntervalStats
  • DspResDspUsageIntervalStats
  • H323SigPortStatisticsStats
  • IpAclOverallStats
  • IpAclRuleStats
  • IpPolicingSystemIntStats
  • LinkDetectionGroupStats
  • LinkMonitorStats
  • MtrmConnPortPeerStats
  • NBS5200TrunkGroupStatusStats
    NOTE: This statistic applies to both SBC 5000 and 7000 series. The EMS uses "SBC7KTrunkGroupStatusStats" for SBC 7000 series statistics.

  • SipIntervalStats
  • sipOcsCallIntervalStatistics
  • SipRegCountStats
  • SipSigPortStatisticsStats
  • SipSubCountStats
  • SysCpuUtilIntStatsSts
  • SysMemoryUtilIntStatsSts
  • SystemCongestionIntervalStats
  • TrafficControlStats
  • ZoneIntervalStatisticsStats


Displays the current ID of the last performance statistics data written to the database.

FIPS finite state machine state.

  • issuer – FIPS FSM Issuer.
  • message – FIPS FSM message.
  • state – FIPS FSM state.
  • timeStamp – FIPS FSM timestamp.

SWE only. Returns server name and GPU number for each attached GPU. See GPU Status table for details.


Returns GPU codec channel capacities. Available only on SBC SWe except S-SBC SWe. See GPU Transcode Status for details. 


This statistic displays GRHA status details.

  • serverName
  • leaderElection – The current GRHA mode setting for the leader election algorithm type.
  • bondMonitoring – The current GRHA mode setting for bond monitoring type.


Hard disk status on the server(s).

  • capacity – Capacity of the disk.
  • diskLifeRemaining – A calculated percentage estimating the life remaining of the device or N/A if not supported by the device.
  • diskStatus – Hard disk status that indicates if the disk is online/failed.
  • healthTest – Pass or Fail indicating the overall health of the device.
  • present – Indicates if the hard disk exists (true/false).
  • productId – Product ID of the hard disk as assigned by vendor.
  • revision – Revision of the hard disk as assigned by vendor  .


Hard disk usage on the server(s).

  • freeDiskSpace – Indicates free hard disk space (KBytes).
  • role – Role of the server for the indicated partition (see Note below).
  • syncCompletion – Indicates partition's sync completion percentage.
  • syncStatus – Partition's synchronization status with peer server.
  • totalDiskSpace – Capacity of the disk (KBytes).
  • usedDiskSpace – Indicates used hard disk (%) .

NOTE: The role of the standby server is reflected as Primary for the root partition because the other partition, /var/log/sonus/sbx/evlog is not mirrored/mounted in the standby CE until a switch-over occurs and the Standby assumes the role of active.


Configuration and status for the HA ethernet ports.

  • statistics – Lists status/statistics details such as port name, number of packets transmitted/received, bytes transmitted/received, and errors transmitted/received.
    • <host name> – SBC host name.
    • allocRxBufFailRx – The number of receive buffer allocation errors.
    • byteRx – The number of bytes received.
    • byteTx – The number of bytes transmitted.
    • crcErrRx – The number of receive CRC errors.
    • errTx – The number of transmit errors.
    • noBufCntRx – The number of receive no buffer errors.
    • overErrRx – The number of receive overrun errors.
    • packetRx – The number of packets received.
    • packetTx – The number of packets transmitted.
  • status – List details such as port name, MAC address, IP address, negotiated speed and OOS reason.
    • ipAddress – The IP address of this port.
    • macAddress – The MAC address of this port.
    • negotiatedSpeed – The negotiated speed of this port.
    • oosReason – The reason this port is out of service.


The system- wide settings for interval statistics.

  • maxFileRetentionPeriod – The maximum retention period for statistics files stored on disk. (range: 60-1440 / default = 60)
  • nodeId – The EMS configured nodeID for this system to be used as part of the filename when writing the statistics  to the file. (default = 0)
  • numOfPastIntervals – The maximum number of past intervals display in CLI. (range: 1-12 / default = 4)
  • timeInterval – The time interval for interval statistics data.


The MIB Module for IP Monitoring statistics. These statistics are divided into three categories: Offenders List/Offenders Interval statistics, Micro Flow statistics and System statistics.

Some or all of the following fields appear in the Offenders List/Offenders Int Stats statistics, depending on the type:

  • Role – Role of this statistic
  • Index – Index  number of this statistic
  • Address Context – Address context associated with this statistic
  • Interface Group Name – IP interface group name
  • Interface Name – Interface name
  • Source IP Address – Source IP address
  • Destination IP Address – Destination IP address
  • Source IP Port – Source IP port
  • Destination IP Port – Destination IP port
  • IP Protocol – IP protocol
  • Ether Type – This field indicates the decimal value representing which protocol is encapsulated in the payload of the Ethernet Frame. For example, a value of 2048 equates to 0800 hexadecimal, which in turn represents IPv4.
  • Discard Count – The number of packets dropped
  • Ring Type – Media ring type
  • Source Unique – Determines if all discards were from a unique source address

Offenders Lists: (See Offenders Lists for additional details about each type of list)

  • aclOffendersList – The table of statistics for the ACL policer offenders list
  • aggregateOffendersList – The table of statistics for the aggregate policer offenders list
  • arpOffendersList – The table of statistics for the ARP policer offenders list
  • badEtherIpHdrOffendersList – The table of statistics for the bad Ethernet/IP Header policer offenders list
  • discardRuleOffendersList – The table of statistics for the discard rule offenders list
  • ipSecDecryptOffendersList – The table of statistics for the IPsec Decrypt policer offenders list
  • mediaOffendersList – The table of statistics for the media policer offenders list
  • rogueMediaOffendersList – The table of statistics for the rogue media policer offenders list
  • srtpDecryptOffendersList – The table of statistics for the SRTP decrypt offenders list.

  • uFlowOffendersList – The table of statistics for the micro flow policer offenders list

Offenders Interval Statistics:

  • aclOffendersListIntStats – The table of statistics for the ACL policer offenders list
  • aggregateOffendersIntStats – The table of statistics for the aggregate policer offenders list
  • arpOffendersListIntStats – The table of statistics for the ARP policer offenders list
  • badEtherIpHdrOffendersIntStats – The table of statistics for the bad Ethernet/IP Header policer offenders list
  • discardRuleOffendersIntStats – The table of statistics for the discard rule offenders list
  • ipSecDecryptOffendersIntStats – The table of statistics for the IPsec Decrypt policer offenders list
  • mediaOffendersIntStats – The table of statistics for the media policer offenders list
  • rogueMediaIntStats – The table of statistics for the rogue media policer offenders list
  • srtpDecryptOffendersIntStats The table of statistics for the SRTP decrypt offenders list.

  • uFlowOffendersListIntStats – The table of statistics for the micro flow policer offenders list

Micro Flow statistics:

NOTE: This command displays any micro flow entry regardless of whether SIPFE or MRM (or any sub-system) created the micro flow.

System statistics:


Indicates whether the node is an OAM node.

  • false
  • true


JSRC server configuration.

  • globalConfig – This defines global configuration applicable to all the JSRC servers.
  • remoteServer – JSRC server configuration.
  • serverStatus – JSRC server status.


Displays status of various LEDs of the server.

  • ledColor – Indicates the LED color.
  • ledState – Indicates the LED state.
licenseDomainBundleInfoLicense details for the domain licenses available on the SBC. See License Attributes table for details.


The license status for registered license features. See License Attributes table for details.


License details for the node-locked licenses stored on the SBC. See License Attributes table for details.


Displays the licenseRequired configuration: The configured maximum number of licenses for a particular feature for a specific node when network-wide domain licensing is in effect. See License Attributes table for details.

(Applies to 'show table' command only)


The CE license status table describes the current CE license state, for example "dualCe". See License Attributes table for details.


The Load Balancing Service status/statistics details with the following fields. See one of the following tables, as applicable, for details:


The logical management IP interface status/statistics details with following fields:

  • name – The name of the logical IP interface.
  • mgmtIpInterfaceGroupName
  • ipAddress
  • state


The Logical Mgmt IP Interface status status/statistics details with following fields:

  • name – The name of the logical IP interface.
  • operStatus – Operational status.

Displays MAC addresses of the system server(s).

  • <server name> – SBC server name.
  • status – Status of the specified MAC address.

  • usedBy – Name of the server using this MAC address.

  • usedByPort – The port used by this MAC address.


System- wide media configurations, UDP port range and RTP/RTCP peer inactivity timeout.

  • mediaPeerInactivity – media peer inactivity configurables.
  • mediaPortRange – Allowed range of UDP port numbers for RTP/RTCP media.
  • mediaRtcpControl – RTCP session configurables.


DSP Media Profile configuration. (The System Media Profile configuration applies to hardware platforms (5000 series, 5400, 7000) only.)

  • compression – Percentage (of DSP cores) for capability COMPRESSION.
  • tone – Percentage (of DSP cores) for capability TONE.


The memory utilization for the current interval period. Fields include:

  • ceName – The SBC server name.
  • average – The average memory % utilization for this interval.
  • averageSwap – The average swap % memory utilization for this interval.
  • high – The high memory % utilization for this interval.
  • highSwap – The high swap % memory utilization for this interval.
  • low – The low memory % utilization for this interval.
  • lowSwap – The low swap memory % utilization for this interval.


The memory utilization for the 'n' number of intervals.

  • number – The interval sequence number. The number of intervals to store are configurable. Refer to Interval Statistics - CLI for status/statistics details.
  • ceName – The SBC server name.
  • average – The average memory % utilization for this interval.
  • averageSwap – The average swap memory % utilization for this interval.
  • high – The high memory % utilization for this interval.
  • highSwap – The high swap memory % utilization for this interval.
  • intervalValid – A setting of 'true' indicates the interval contains valid data during the time interval. Each interval is for a configurable fixed time (default interval is 15 minutes) starting on the hour. For example, if the system starts at 12:05, the first interval at 12:15 will not be valid because it is less than the 15-minute interval. Subsequent intervals will be valid upon meeting the 15-minute time interval. System switch-overs also cause invalid intervals because data is lost during the interval.
  • low – The low memory % utilization for this interval.
  • lowSwap – The low swap memory % utilization for this interval.
  • time – The system up time when the interval statistic is collected.

Displays the system dynamic metavariable names and values.

  • ceNameDisplays the name of the instance along with its HA IP address.
  • nameDisplays the name of the interface definition parameters.
  • valueDisplays the value associated with the IDP.

Displays user-configured metavariables that add to the metadata available to an existing SBC SWe N:1 HA or cloud-based deployment.

  • ceName – Displays the name of the instance along with its HA IP address.
  • name – Displays the name of an interface definition parameter.
  • value – Displays the value assigned to the specified parameter.


A group of management IP interfaces for the default address context. See Mgmt IP Interface Group Parameters table below for details.


Static IP routes for this address context.

  • <destination IP address>
  • preference – Route preference value.

NOTE: For internal debug use only.

Network Processor statistics details.See Network Processor Attributes table below for details.

niceLicenseReports whether the SBC NICE recording feature is dependent on the setting for the feature within the SBC's license. For deployments that upgraded and were already using the legacy license model, this status is set to "true" automatically and access to the NICE recording feature is maintained without the need to install a new license. If the status is set to "false" your installed license must have NICE recording explicitly enabled to enable the feature.


NTP services management details. See NTP Attributes table below for details.

objectStoreParametersParameters used to specify an object store service to upload or download a configuration file ( SBC SWe cloud-based deployments only)

Path for ICMP ping mechanism

  • name – Path Check Path name
  • sourceIpAddress – Source IP address of the ping path
  • targetIpAddress – Target IP address of the ping path
  • reportSignalIpAddress – Reported Signaling IP address of the ping path
  • reportSignalIpPort – Reported Signaling Port of the ping path
  • pathCheckProfile – Path Check profile name used when pinging this peer
  • addressContext – Address Context where the corresponding Interface Group is present
  • zone – Zone name used when pinging this peer
  • ipInterfaceGroup – IP Interface Group where the corresponding IP Interface is present.
  • ipInterface – IP interface from which ping should be generated.
  • state – Administrative state of pathCheckPath (active pinging state).

NOTE: This field applies to the 'show table' command only.

pdcsLicenseReports whether the SBC feature which enables lawful call interception based on receipt of a SIP P-DCS-LAES header is dependent on the setting for the feature within the SBC's license. For deployments that upgraded and were already using the legacy license model, this status is set to "true" automatically and access to the P-DCS-LAES feature is maintained without the need to install a new license. If the status is set to "false" your installed license must have the P-DCS-LAES feature explicitly enabled to enable the feature.


Softswitch servers and client services status/statistics details. See Policy Server Attributes table below for details.


Power consumption/state of the server.

  • <server name>
  • partNum – Identifies the part number of the module.
  • powerFault – Indicates if there is power fault.
  • present – Indicates if the module is present or not.
  • productName – Identifies the name (as given by manufacturer) of power supply module.
  • serialNum – Identifies the serial number of the power supply module.
  • voltageFault – Indicates if there is voltage fault.

Displays the status of the instances in a redundancy group.

NOTE: This command applies to N:1 redundancy configurations only.


List of configurations saved on the system.

  • <index of saved config. file>
  • fileName – The file name of the saved configuration.
  • size – Indicates size of the saved configuration file (KBytes).
  • version – The software version name of the saved configuration.
sbcliLicenseReports whether the SBC feature which enables lawful interception (LI) service using ERE is dependent on the setting for the feature within the SBC's license. For deployments that upgraded and were already using the legacy license model, this status is set to "true" automatically and access to the feature is maintained without the need to install a new license. If the status is set to "false" your installed license must have the LI feature explicitly enabled to enable the feature.

Displays the personality role of the SBC SWe instance. Choices are isbc, msbc and ssbc.


Security management status/statistics details. See Security Attributes table for details.


The serverAdmin table describes the configuration of each server module.

  • name – The node name.
  • actualCeName
    • Cloud platform: The ceName provided in the user data.
    • Non-cloud platform: The SBC name entered during the SBC application installation.
  • coredumpProfile – The core dump settings for this server.
  • role – If set to ‘primary’, role designates a server for internal processing.
  • deviceSmartAttrib – The smart control attribute value that reports disk life remaining. A value of 0 means that no overriding attribute is available. The SBC could still be using an internal value based on pre-defined settings of known disk types. If the SBC is unable to retrieve a value (reports "n/a") for "Disk Life Remaining" when you run the hardDiskStatus command you may be able to specify the integer ID number of a smart control attribute that reports the percentage lifetime used for the disk. Contact Ribbon Technical Support for assistance in determining whether there is a valid smart control attribute available on your system.
  • modularType – If set to 'true', the SBC uses modular DSPs.
  • hwType The type of server module the indexed slot has been configured to accept.
  • pktPortSpeedPacket port speed setting (1Gps, 10Gps).
  • hwSubType – This field stores the SBC SWe subscription type.

    • virtual – SBC SWe configured for a virtualized (non-cloud) environment.
    • virtualCloud – SBC SWe configured for a cloud-based environment.


The system server software upgrade status table describes the status of the server software upgrade module.

  • <server name>
  • upgradeStatus – Indicates the current status of the server (none, pendingRevert, pendingUpgrade, reverted, reverting, revertingOnError, upgraded, upgrading)


The system server status table provides status of the server module.

  • name – The node name.
  • hwType – The type of server module the indexed slot has been configured to accept.
  • serialNum Serial number of the server module.
  • partNum – Identifies the part number of the module.
  • platformVersion – Platform version currently running on server.
  • applicationVersion – Indicates the application version currently running on server.
  • mgmtRedundancyRole – Redundancy role of the server (for management entities)
  • upTime – Server module uptime in days/hours/minutes/seconds
  • applicationUpTime – Indicates application uptime on the server in days/hours/minutes/sec.
  • lastRestartReason – Reason for last restart of server.
  • syncStatus – Inter-CE data synchronization state.
  • daughterBoardPresent – Daughter board presence indicator.
  • currentTime – Current system time.
  • pktPortSpeed – Packet port speed setting (1Gps, 10Gps).
  • actualCeName
    • Cloud platform: The ceName provided in the user data.
    • Non-cloud platform: The SBC name entered during the SBC application installation.
  • hwSubType – This field stores the SBC SWe subscription type.

    • virtual – SBC SWe configured for a virtualized (non-cloud) environment.
    • virtualCloud – SBC SWe configured for a cloud-based environment.
  • fingerprint – The licensing fingerprint for the node.

The settings for the Service Registry and name server used to resolve FQDNs as part of Service Discovery. Refer to Service Discovery for Trap Target Destinations and EMS Registration.

  • serviceRegistry – name of the Service Registry.
    • nameserver –  numeric index of name server (0 to 7).
      • hostname – FQDN for the name server.
      • ipAddress – IP address for the name server.
      • port – port number on the name server (1 to 65535).
      • priority – priority for the name server (0 to 100).
      • weight – weight for the name server (0 to 100).
    • transport – type of transport to reach the name server: <fallback | tcp | udp | udpEdns0>.
    • attempts – number of attempts to retry before a request to a name server is dropped (1 to 4294967295).
    • timeout timeout, in ms, before a request to a name server times out (100 to 4294967295).
    • resolve – resolve parameters
      • recursewhether the resolution of a service should be recursive (false | true).
      • roundRobin whether the order in which name servers are queried should be random (false | true).
      • ttl the maximum time-to-live, in seconds, to use when resolving an entry (1 to 4294967295).
slbSIP-aware front-end Load-Balancer (SLB) configuration. See SLB for details.

<system name> detailedStatus – Prints the complete Live Software Upgrade (LSWU) upgrade details for the specified system to the screen. Details include the number of steps involved, the time taken to completed LSWU and upgrade process results.


LSWU status at any given time with the following details.

  • activeCeAtStart – Active CE name when the upgrade started.
  • cemodeAtStart – CE mode when upgrade started (single/dual).
  • modelChange – Indicates if process model changed as part of this upgrade.
  • newRelease – Software release to which the upgrade is performed.
  • oldRelease – Software release running before upgrade started.
  • package – Name of the new package.
  • previousState – This is the previous LSWU state.
  • primaryUpgradeStatus – Indicates the current status of the primary server.
  • reason – Exit reason for failure of last software upgrade.
  • revertScript – Revert script to run in case upgrade fails.
  • revertStartTime – Start time of revert activity.
  • rpmName – Name of the new rpm used for upgrade.
  • secondaryUpgradeStatus – Indicates the current status of the secondary server.
  • state – Current LSWU state.
  • upgradeScript – Script to run to perform upgrade.
  • upgradeStartTime – LSWU start time.

Sync status details of the standby node for active nodes created through a N:1 redundancy group configuration.

  • Call/Registration Data – The sync state of Call/Registration data for active or standby node.
  • Metavar Data – The sync state of metavariable data for the active or standby node.


HA Redundancy:

Sync status of both the active and standby nodes for an SBC HA pair.

  • Call/Registration Data – Call/Registration data synchronization status with the SBC peer 
  • Configuration Data – Configuration data synchronization status with the SBC peer
  • Disk Mirroring – Disk Mirroring synchronization status with the SBC peer
  • Policy Data – Policy data synchronization status with the SBC peer

N:1 Redundancy:

Sync status of both the active and standby nodes created through a N:1 redundancy group.

  • Call/REgistration DataThe sync state of Call/Registration data for active or standby node.
  • Metavar DataThe sync state of metavariable data for the active or standby node.


The System Congestion Current Statistics table details.

  • avgCallRate – The average call rate calculated using the formula: (# call attempts in an interval) / (# seconds elapsed in that interval).
  • avgRegRate – The average registration rate calculated using the formula: (# registration attempts in an interval) / (# seconds elapsed in that interval).
  • avgSubsRate – The average SIP SUBSCRIBE arrival rate calculated using the formula: (# SUBSCRIBE attempts in an interval) / (# seconds elapsed in that interval).
  • callArrivals – The number of call arrivals since the current interval started.
  • emergencyCallArrivals – The number of SIP emergency call arrivals since the current interval started.
  • emergencyCallRejects – The number of SIP emergency call rejects since the current interval started.
  • levelMC1Count – The number of transitions into MC1 since the current interval started.
  • levelMC1TotalTime – The total number of seconds spent in MC1 since the current interval started.
  • levelMC2Count – The number of transitions into MC2 since the current interval started.
  • levelMC2TotalTime – The total number of seconds spent in MC2 since the current interval started.
  • levelMC3Count – The number of transitions into MC3 since the current interval started.
  • levelMC3TotalTime – The total number of seconds spent in MC3 since the current interval started.
  • overloadRejects – The number of calls rejected due to system congestion since the current interval started.
  • peakCallRate – The system peak call arrival rate (in calls per second) since the current interval started.
  • peakRegRate – The peak SIP registration arrival rate (in registrations per second) since the current interval started.
  • peakSubsRate – The peak SIP SUBSCRIBE arrival rate (in subscriptions per second) since the current interval started.
  • sipRegArrivals – The number of SIP registrations arrivals since the current interval started.
  • sipRegRejects – The  number of SIP registrations rejected since the current interval started.
  • sipSubsArrivals – The number of SIP SUBSCRIBEs that arrived since the current interval started.
  • sipsSubsRejects – The number of SIP SUBSCRIBEs that are rejected due to system congestion since the current interval started.


The System Congestion Interval Statistics details.

  • <sequence number> – The interval sequence number. The number of intervals to store are configurable. Refer to Interval Statistics - CLI for configuration details.
  • avgCallRate – The system average call arrival rate over the reporting inteval (callArrivals / interval-time = avgCallRate).
  • avgRegRate – The average SIP registration arrival rate (in registrations per second) over the reporting interval.
  • avgSubsRate – The average SIP SUBSCRIBE arrival rate (in subscriptions per second) over the reporting interval.
  • callArrivals – The total count of call arrivals during the interval (callArrivals / interval-time = avgCallRate) .
  • emergencyCallArrivals – The total count of SIP emergency calls that arrived.
  • emergencyCallRejects – The total count of rejected SIP emergency calls.
  • intervalValid – A setting of 'true' indicates the interval contains valid data during the time interval. Each interval is for a configurable fixed time (default interval is 15 minutes) starting on the hour. For example, if the system starts at 12:05, the first interval at 12:15 will not be valid because it is less than the 15-minute interval. Subsequent intervals will be valid upon meeting the 15-minute time interval. System switch-overs also cause invalid intervals because data is lost during the interval.
  • levelMC1Count – The total count of transitions into MC1 during the interval.
  • levelMC1TotalTime – The total time spent (in seconds) in MC1 during the interval.
  • levelMC2Count – The total count of transitions into MC2 during the interval.
  • levelMC2TotalTime – The total time spent (in seconds) in MC2 during the interval.
  • levelMC3Count – The total count of transitions into MC3 during the interval.
  • levelMC3TotalTime – The total time spent (in seconds) in MC3 during the interval.
  • maxActiveCalls – The high water mark of the total number of active calls in both inbound and outbound directions on all trunk groups in the system for specified interval. This statistic applies to calls which are setting up, tearing down or stable.

    Switch-over scenario:

    When a switch-over occurs from SBC-A to SBC-B, the number of stable calls that were transferred from SBC-A to SBC-B equals the initial value of "maxActiveCalls" (immediately after the switch-over). Subsequent values are calculated and recorded accordingly.

  • overloadRejects – The total count of calls rejected during the collection interval.
  • peakCallRate – The system peak call arrival rate (in calls per second) measured during the collection interval.
  • peakRegRate – The peak SIP registration arrival rate (in registrations per second) measured during the collection interval.
  • peakSubsRate – The peak SIP SUBSCRIBE arrival rate (in subscriptions per second) measured during the collection interval.

  • sipRegArrivals – The total count of SIP registrations that arrived during the collection interval.
  • sipRegRejects – The total count of SIP registrations rejected during the collection interval.
  • sipSubsArrivals – The total count of SIP SUBSCRIBEs that arrived during the collection interval.

  • sipsSubsRejects – The number of SIP SUBSCRIBEs rejected during the collection interval.

  • time – The system up time when the interval statisitic is collected.


System Congestion status status/statistics details.

  • systemCongestionCPULevel – The current System Machine Congestion (MC) Level at the time this command is executed.
    • 0 – No Congestion

    • 1 – Level one congestion

    • 2 – Level two congestion

    • 3 – Level three congestion

  • systemCongestionCallAcceptCount – A snapshot of the number of calls being accepted by the system. A value of "65535" represents all calls. During MC2 congestion, SBC calculates the CallAcceptRate peridocially (each second), and uses the value to compute a new CallAcceptCount.
  • systemCongestionCallAcceptRate – Current rate (in calls per second) at which calls are being accepted by the system.
  • systemCongestionCallArrivalRate – A snapshot of the number of call arrivals in the last second.
  • systemCongestionCallEqArrivalRate – Indicates the number of call/subscribes/registrations arrival per second. For registrations and subscriptions, the counter is incremented after every four new subscriptions/registrations. For calls, the counter is incremented after every new call.
  • systemCongestionCallRateLevel – Call rate congestion level.
  •  systemCongestionIRTTLevel – Internal RoundTrip Time (IRTT) congestion level.
  • systemCongestionMCDuration – Number of seconds the system has been at this congestion level.
  • systemCongestionMCLevel – System congestion level.
  • systemCongestionRegArrivalRate –  A snapshot of the number of SIP registration arrivals in the last second.
  • systemCongestionSubsArrivalRate – The number of SIP SUBSCRIBEs that arrived in the last second.

(Available only on SWe except S-SBC SWe)

  • cpu – Number of cores used by CPU-based transcoding. This is system level information and shows only one entry in case of HA system.
  • gpu – GPU information. This is system level information and shows only one entry in case of HA system.
    • gpuName Name of the GPU, this is used to differentiate between instances of same GPU type such as M60_0, M60_1.
    • cpuCoresUsed CPU cores used for GPU transcoding by this GPU.
    • gpuType   GPU type.
    • gpuAllocationRatio GPU allocation ratio. Reserved for future use.

(Available only on SWe except S-SBC SWe)

Shows type of transcode information used (CPU, GPU, CPU + GPU, HWDSP). This is system level information and shows only one entry in case of HA system.


SBC releases 5.1, 6.2 and 7.2 are officially FIPS-compliant.


Command Syntax

> show table system admin <system name>

Command Parameters

Admin Attributes



<system name>

System name


Account and password management-related configuration

actualSystemNameSystem name given by the user as user/metadata

Management audit log state

bannerThe configurable banner text that displays when users login to EMA and CLI applications. Refer to Banner - CLI for configuration details.

Setting to enable/disable warning prompts configured for the set command.

clusterIdclusterID instance present in the userdata
contact Contact information of the system

This flag determines whether the default admin user must be locally authenticated. Options are:

  • true
  • false (default)

The option can only be set to true when the options that enable/disable local authentication on the SBC generally, localAuthenticationEnabled and externalAuthenticationEnabled, are also set to true. If both local and external (RADIUS) authentication are enabled on the SBC then the method for authentication of the default admin user is governed by the new flag.

dodDOD-related configuration

Action to take for one of the following DSP mismatch conditions:

  1. Mismatch in DSP card installation across any/all slot locations. Cards must match by slot location. For any mismatched slot, DSP capacity is not used when “preserveRedundancy” is configured (and card dried up if calls were already in place when the mismatch occurred), or if left unprotected when “preserveCapacity” is configured.
  2. Mismatch in DSP card type within a slot location. Card installations must match by type – DSP25 (higher capacity) or DSP20 (lower capacity). Same rules as above apply.
externalAuthenticationEnabled The Conf-D CLI user information stored on remote Radius server for authentication
fips-140-2FIPS-140-2 related configuration and commands
localAuthenticationEnabled The Conf-D CLI user information stored locally for authentication
location Physical location of the system.

Identifies the HA mode of the system.

  • haMode1to1 (default) - Is the traditional HA/redundancy model (1:1 scenario) where one active instance is backed up by one standby instance. In 1:1 HA mode, the SBC configuration is synchronized between active and standby SBCs.
  • haModeNto1 - Up to N active SBC instances are backed up by a single standby instance (N:1). In this mode, a 1:1 HA pair of dedicated Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) nodes is deployed to configure and manage SBC nodes. The SBC instances in such deployments have homogeneous configuration. The active OAM node holds the active configuration for the cluster and is responsible for sharing this configuration with the SBC nodes in the cluster.

NOTE: haModeNto1 is supported in SBC SWe cluster deployments in an OpenStack cloud, and on VMware when deployed using the IaC environment. 

passwordDictionaryPassword management dictionary related configuration
passwordRules The rules implementing Conf-D user password policy
passwordRulesForAdminThe rules implementing user password policy for Administrator users

The Active continues to use the extra DSP capacity, as needed, assuming appropriate session licenses are in place; partial redundancy is in effect

NOTE: If a switchover occurs, calls using the extra, non-matching DSP capacity on Active are not protected during switchover (i.e. partial redundancy)


The Active automatically triggers a graceful dry-up in an attempt to align DSP hardware capabilities. Once dry-up completes, the Active uses the protected, matching DSP capacity to preserve redundancy.

NOTE: During the dry-up period, active calls using the extra, non-matching DSP capacity are not protected in the event that a switchover occurs before the dry up completes.

restREST API flag setting
savedConfigurationsA list of saved configurations, by revision number and the timestamp when the configuration was saved. Applicable for SBC SWe N:1 HA cluster deployments using OAM configuration mode.
sftpUserPasswordPassword rules for SFTP user
sshPublicKeyAuthorizationEnabledThe current state of this flag which is used for SSH public key authentication through CLI for all users
utilMonitorStatsInterval The time interval for system resource monitoring statistics.


The number of past intervals saved for system resource monitoring statistics.

verifyAutoIndexView the verifyAutoIndex setting.



Announcement file status and statistics.

Command Syntax

> show table system announcements

Command Parameters

Announcements Attributes


Announcement segment NP memory usage.

  • cachedSegments – Number of announcement segments cached in NP memory.
  • totalCacheMemory – Total amount of segment cache memory available in NP.
  • totalPlayoutTime – Total playout time of all segments cached in NP memory.
  • totalSegments – Total number of announcement segments on disk.
  • usedCacheMemory – Amount of segment cache memory being used in NP.
  • utilizedCacheMemory – Percentage of segment cache memory being used in NP.

segmentStatus <segment ID>

Announcement segment file status.

  • audioFormat – Compression type of audio data.

  • audioLength — Length of audio data in segment file.

  • pathname – Pathname of segment file.

  • playoutDuration – Playout duration of segment file.

  • state – State of segment.

  • totalPlays – Total number of times this segment has been played.

  • useCount – Number of announcements currently using this segment.

  • version – Version number of segment file.


AD Sync Status

Command Syntax

> show table system adSyncStatus

Command Parameters

adSyncStatus Command Parameters


Displays AD server sync status

Specifies one of the following status values:

  • neverSynced - data never synced
  • syncInProgress - sync is currently in progress
  • syncCompleted - data sync was successfully completed
  • syncFailed - the sync operation failed

CPU Transcode Status  

The CPU Transcode Status captures the information on spilled over channels due to the exhaustion of GPU resources. GPU codecs appear on the CPU when the GPU resources are exhausted and cannot accommodate GPU-supported codec channels, so the codec channels spill onto the CPU. You can use the show status system cpuTranscodeStatus command only on GPU accelerated SWe and only for codecs with GPU support.

Applies to SBC SWe Only.

Command Syntax

show table system cpuTranscodeStatus

Command Parameters

cpuTranscodeStatus Descriptions

ParameterStatus Names and Descriptions


<system name> – The SBC system name.

  • amrNbUsed - Number of AMR channels spilled over onto CPU.

  • amrWbUsed - Number of AMR-WB channels spilled over onto CPU.
  • evrc0Used - Number of EVRC channels spilled over onto CPU.
  • evrcb0Used - Number of EVRCB channels spilled over onto CPU.
  • evsUsed - Number of EVS channels spilled over onto CPU.
  • opusUsed - Number of OPUS channels spilled over onto CPU.
  • g722Used - Number of G.722 channels spilled over onto CPU.
  • g729AbUsed - Number of G.729AB channels spilled over onto CPU.

Daughter Board Status

Server Daughter Board (DB) status details.

Applies to SBC 5xxx and SBC 7000 only.

Command Syntax

> show table system daughterBoardStatus

Command Parameters

Daughter Board Status Attributes

daughterBoardStatus<server name> Server name

Daughter board identifier

SBC 5000 series:

  • SPS100 – SBC 5x00 SPS100 module
  • DB0 – SBC 5x00 SPS100DB 0 module
  • DB1 – SBC 5x00 SPS100DB 1 module
  • DSP20 – SBC 5x10 DSP20 module
  • DSP25 – SBC 5x10 DSP25 module

SBC 7000 series:

  • FRU_DSP1 – SBC 7000 DSP-LC slot 1
  • FRU_DSP2 – SBC 7000 DSP-LC slot 2

  • FRU_DSP3 – SBC 7000 DSP-LC slot 3

  • FRU_DSP4 – SBC 7000 DSP-LC slot 4


 A card’s programmed firmware version (using FPGA build date)

NOTE: This maintenance field does not apply to SPS100 cards.


Number of module boot failures since the last successful module boot, for use during diagnostic testing of a potentially failed module.

NOTE: This maintenance field does not apply to SPS100 cards.


Operational state of daughter board.

  • disabled – Card is disabled.
  • dryup – Card is enabled but in the process of drying up. Once completed, card will be set to ‘disabled’.
  • enabled – Card is enabled.
  • failed – If a DSP2x or DSP-LC module fails to boot over three consecutive tries (typically due to a hardware failure), it is taken out of service and marked as state “failed”. The rest of the system continues to boot normally, including any other DSP modules. The module failure is logged/alarmed with trap “sonusConnexIpSystemCESlotFailedNotification”. The slot remains in the failed state until the module is disabled and re-enabled once a replacement card is installed.
  • loading – Card is enabled but in the process of booting. Resources are not yet available. Once completed, card will be set to ‘enabled’.
  • locked – Slot capacity is locked out due to mismatch (with “preserveRedundancy” configured).

NOTE: For 5x00 systems, only the “enabled” state displays in the results.

partNumThe part number of the module (if present)
presentIndicates if the module is present or not.
productNameIdentifies manufacturer name of module (if present)


Identifies the serial number of the module (if present)



DSP PAD configuration service (SBC must be restarted for new configuration to take effect).

Command Syntax

> show table system dspPad

Command Parameters

DSP PAD Attributes


State of Audio Transmit During 2833.


Initial estimate (in –dBm) to be used for generating comfort noise.


Time period to decide when to periodically evaluate playout occupancy (in milliseconds).


If occupancy falls below this threshold for some time period we advance the playout time (in milliseconds).


Duration of one period of the RTP playout buffer loss time series statistic.


Threshold #0 for generation of the playout loss time series statistic.


Threshold #1 for generation of the playout loss time series statistic.


Threshold #2 for generation of the playout loss time series statistic.


RTP Payload type to be received as DTMF relay during compressed calls.


Minimum time (in milliseconds) after DSP detects speaker going inactive before sending silence packets.


Maximum noise floor (in –dBm).


Maximum time (in milliseconds) between silence packets.


Minimum noise floor (in –dBm).


Minimum time (in milliseconds) between silence packets.


Percentage Threshold crossing value for tone resources.


State of Tone Threshold Event.


Percentage Threshold crossing value for Universal Compression resources.


State of Universal Compression Threshold Event.


Percentage of compression resources (0-100, default = 0) reserved for high priority calls.

highPriorityToneReservationPercentage of tone resources (0-100, default = 0) reserved for high priority calls.

Command Example

> show table system dspPad
jitterEvalPeriod                   1000;
jitterMinOccThsh                   20;
rtpDtmfRelay                       100;
sidMinTime                         200;
sidMaxTime                         2000;
sidHangoverTime                    300;
sidMinNoiseFloor                   60;
sidMaxNoiseFloor                   48;
comfortEnergy                      56;
universalCompressionThreshold      90;
universalCompressionThresholdState enabled;
playoutTimeseriesPeriod            20000;
playoutTimeseriesThreshold0        0;
playoutTimeseriesThreshold1        200;
playoutTimeseriesThreshold2        600;
toneThreshold                      90;
toneThresholdState                 enabled;
audioTxDuring2833                  enabled;
highPriorityCompressionReservation 0;
highPriorityToneReservation        0;

DSP Resources

Command Syntax

> show table system dspRes

Command Parameters

DSP Resources Attributes



<system name or sequence number>

  • The system name (for CurrentStatistics objects).
  • A sequence number which identifies the interval for which the set of statistics is required (for IntervalStatistics objects).

The System Call DSP Resource Current table containing the following information:

The following statistics are collected in this table for each codec.

  • numCallSuccessNoDspAllocFailure – Number of successful calls without DSP resource allocation failure during the current time interval.
  • numCallSuccessWithDspAllocFailure – Number of successful calls with DSP resource allocation failure during the current time interval.
  • numCallFailNo<codec> – Number of calls failed due to lack of DSP resource for the specified codec since initialization/last reboot.
  • numCallFailOtherOn<codec> – Number of call fails due to reason other than lack DSP resources for the specified codec since initialization/last reboot.
  • numCallSuccessNo<codec> – Number of successful calls even though lack of DSP resourcesfor the specified codec since initialization/last reboot.

The System Call DSP Resource Interval table containing the following statistics for the 'n' number of intervals:

  • number – The interval sequence number. The number of intervals to store are configurable. Refer to Interval Statistics - CLI for configuration details.
  • intervalValid– A setting of 'true' indicates the interval contains valid data during the time interval. Each interval is for a configurable fixed time (default interval is 15 minutes) starting on the hour. For example, if the system starts at 12:05, the first interval at 12:15 will not be valid because it is less than the 15-minute interval. Subsequent intervals will be valid upon meeting the 15-minute time interval. System switch-overs also cause invalid intervals because data is lost during the interval.
  • time – The system up time when the interval statistics are collected.
  • numCallSuccessNoDspAllocFailure – Number of successful calls without DSP resource allocation failure for the defined time interval.
  • numCallSuccessWithDspAllocFailure – Number of successful calls with DSP resource allocation failure for the defined time interval.
  • numCallFailNo<codec> – Number of failed calls due to lack of DSP resource for the specified codec during the defined time interval.
  • numCallSuccessNo<codec> – Number of successful calls even though lack of AMRNB DSP resource for the specified time interval.

The DSP Resource statistics details.

The following statistics are collected in this table for each codec. Statistics are collected once per second.

  • <codec>AverageAvailCount – The running average number of free DSP resources for the specified codec since the SBC started up.
  • <codec>AverageUsedCount – The running average number of used DSP resources for the specified codec since the SBC started up.
  • <codec>PeakUsedCount – The peak number of resources used for the specified codec since the SBC started up.

For information on the supported codecs, refer to Audio Codecs.


The DSP Resource Interval table containing the following statistics over the 'n' number of intervals. Interval statistics are weighted per codec type.

  • number – The interval sequence number. The number of intervals to store are configurable. Refer to Interval Statistics - CLI for configuration details.
  • intervalValid – A setting of 'true' indicates the interval contains valid data during the time interval. Each interval is for a configurable fixed time (default interval is 15 minutes) starting on the hour. For example, if the system starts at 12:05, the first interval at 12:15 will not be valid because it is less than the 15-minute interval. Subsequent intervals will be valid upon meeting the 15-minute time interval. System switch-overs also cause invalid intervals because data is lost during the interval.
  • time – The system up time when the interval statisitics are collected.
  • <codec>AverageAvailCount – The running average number of free DSP resources for the specified codec over the defined interval.
  • <codec>AverageUsedCount – The running average number of used DSP resources for the specified codec over the defined interval.
  • <codec>PeakUsedCount – The peak number of resources used for the specified codec over the defined interval.

For information on the supported codecs, refer to Audio Codecs.

NOTE: The number of available transcoded calls depends on whether or not back-to-back transcoding is required. Also, DSP resources are commonly held during call setup (even when transcoding ultimately is not required on the call).  At a high call rate this can marginally cut into the number of DSP resources available on the system.

DSP Status

This statistic command provides the current number of transcoded sessions per DSP2x slot (SBC 5x10) or SPS100 module (SBC 5x00) depending upon the number of modules installed for the specified system. The SBC 5x10 can include up to four DSP modules. The SBC 5x00 can be configured for up to three SPS100 modules  

(Refer to DSP Channel Densities for SBC 5000 and 7000 Series for details).

Command Syntax

> show table system dspStatus dspUsage

Command Parameters

DSP Status Attributes


dspStatus dspUsage

<system name> – The SBC system name.

The below fields display raw count of DSP resources (i.e. channels) in use on each slot to aid in understanding which slots are loaded and to what extent in case card removal/hot swap is necessary.

  • slot1ResourcesUtilized
  • slot2ResourcesUtilized

  • slot3ResourcesUtilized

  • slot4ResourcesUtilized

For each DSP codec, a <codec>Total and <codec>Utilization field displays. 

    1. The <codec>Total field indicates how many transcoding sessions the system can support for that codec to G.711.
    2. The <codec>Utilization field indicates what percent of those sessions are actually in use.

      NOTE: For compressed-to-compressed transcoding, two resources are required, one for each codec. 

Additional fields:

  • amrNbTotal – Total AMR–NB resource capacity on this server.

  • amrNbUtilization – Percentage utilization of AMR–NB resources on this server.

  • amrNbT140Total - Total AMR-NB with T.140 resource capacity on this server.
  • amrNbT140Utilization - Percentage utilization of AMR-NB with T.140 resources on this server.
  • amrWbTotal – Total AMR–WB resource capacity on this server.

  • amrWbUtilization – Percentage utilization of AMR–WB resources on this server.
  • amrWbT140Total - Total AMR-WB with T.140 resource capacity on this server.
  • amrWbT140Utilization - Percentage utilization of AMR-WB with T.140 resources on this server.
  • compressionAllocFailures – Running count of resource allocation failures due to resource exhaustion.
  • compressionAvailable – Actual compression resources currently available in real time. This essentially equates to the total number of G.711 resources after loading.
  • compressionHighPriorityUtilization - Percentage utilization of compression resources used for high priority calls on this server.
  • compressionTotal – Maximum number of compression resources on the server (i.e. before loading, so this number is static). This essentially equates to the total number of G.711 resources before loading (i.e. lightest codec).
  • compressionUtilization – Percentage of compression resources in use (accounting for various codec weights). This can be calculated using the formula (compressionTotal compressionAvailable) / compressionTotal.
    NOTE: Use this value when determining the extent of DSP module load (regardless of codec type).

  • ecmTotal – Total T.38 ECM resource capacity on this server.
  • ecmUtilization – Percentage utilization of T.38 ECM resources on this server.
  • ecmV34Total – Total T.38 ECM V.34 resource capacity on this server.
  • ecmV34Utilization – Percentage utilization of T.38 ECM V.34 resources on this server.
  • efrTotal – Total EFR resource capacity on this server.
  • efrUtilization – Percentage utilization of EFR resources on this server.
  • evrc0Total – Total EVRC0 resource capacity on this server.
  • evrc0Utilization – Percentage utilization of EVRC0 resources on this server.
  • evrcb0Total – Total EVRCB0 resource capacity on this server.
  • evrcb0Utilization – Percentage utilization of EVRCB0 resources on this server.
  • g711SsTotal – Total G711SS (silence suppression) resource capacity on this server.
  • g711SsUtilization – Percentage utilization of G711SS (silence suppression) resources on this server.

  • g711Total – Total G711 resource capacity on this server.
  • g711Utilization – Percentage utilization of G711 resources on this server.
    NOTE: The g711Utilization includes g711 channels in use plus channels that are reserved but not activated as part of the call set up process.  In this case, ensure to reserve enough resources to account for the worst case codec. For example, in release 4.2.x, a reserved channel is about 4.5 times as expensive as a G.711 channel. 

  • g711V8Total – Total G711 V8 resource capacity on this server.

  • g711V8Utilization – Percentage utilization of G711 V8 resources on this server.

  • g722Total – Total G.722 resource capacity on this server.
  • g722Utilization – Percentage utilization of G.722 resources on this server.
  • g722V8Total – Total G.722 V8 resource capacity on this server.

  • g722V8Utilization Percentage utilization of G.722 V8 resources on this server.

  • g726Total – Total G726 resource capacity on this server.
  • g726Utilization –  Percentage utilization of G726 resources on this server.
  • g726V8Total Total G726 V8 resource capacity on this server.

  • g726V8Utilization Percentage utilization of G726 V8 resources on this server.

  • g729AbTotal – Total G729A+B resource capacity on this server.
  • g729AbUtilization – Percentage utilization of G729A+B resources on this server.
  • g729AbV8Total Total G729A+B V8 resource capacity on this server.

  • g729AbV8Utilization Percentage utilization of G729A+B V8 resources on this server.

  • g7221Total – Total G.722.1 resource capacity on this server.
  • g7221Utilization – Percentage utilization of G.722.1 resources on this server.
  • g7221V8Total Total G.722.1 V8 resource capacity on this server.

  • g7221V8Utilization Percentage utilization of G.722.1 V8 resources on this server.

  • g7231Total – Total G723.1 resource capacity on this server.
  • g7231Utilization – Percentage utilization of G7231 resources on this server.
  • g7231V8Total Total G723.1 V8 resource capacity on this server.

  • g7231V8Utilization Percentage utilization of G7231 V8 resources on this server.

  • ilbcTotal – Total iLBC resource capacity on this server.
  • ilbcUtilization – Percentage utilization of iLBC resources on this server.
  • ilbcV8Total Total iLBC V8 resource capacity on this server.

  • ilbcV8Utilization Percentage utilization of iLBC V8 resources on this server.

  • opusTotal Total OPUS resource capacity on this server.

  • opusUtilization Percentage utilization of OPUS resources on this server.

  • silk16Total Total Silk16 resource capacity on this server.
  • silk16Utilization Percentage utilization of Silk8 resources on this server.
  • silk8Total Total Silk8 resource capacity on this server.
  • silk8Utilization Percentage utilization of Silk8 resources on this server.
  • toneAllocFailures – Percentage of tone resource allocation failures on this server.
  • toneAvailable – Number of tone resources currently unused and available on this server.
  • toneHighPriorityUtilization - Percentage utilization of tone resources used for high priority calls on this server.
  • toneTotal Total tone resource capacity on this server.
  • toneUtilization – Percentage utilization of tone resources on this server.
  • evsTotal - Total EVS resource capacity on this server.
  • evsUtilization - Percentage utilization of EVS resources on this server.
  • evsT140Total - Total evsT140 resource capacity on this server.
  • evsT140Utilization - Percentage utilization of evsT140 resources on this server.

Ethernet Port

Command Syntax

> show table system ethernetPort

Command Parameters

Ethernet Port Attributes

mgmtAdminManagement ports.

Management port status details.

  • ifIndex – The unique ifIndex of this management NIF
  • linkState – The state of the interface.
    • admnDisabled
    • admnEnabledPortDown
    • admnEnabledPortUp
    • nifCreated
    • nifCreating 
    • null
  • macAddress – The MAC address of the network interface.
  • rxDropped – The number of packets dropped due to no receive buffers.
  • rxErrors – The number of bad packets received
  • rxPackets – The number of received packets.
  • txDropped – The number of packets dropped due to no transmit buffers.
  • txErrors – The number of packet transmit failures.
  • txPackets – The number of transmitted packets.

Management port transmit and receive statistics.

  • rxDropped – The number of packets dropped due to no receive buffers.
  • rxErrors – The number of bad packets received.
  • rxPackets – The number of received packets.
  • txDropped – The number of packets dropped due to no transmit buffers.
  • txErrors  – The number of packet transmit failures.
  • txPackets – The number of transmitted packets.

Packet port status details.

  • allocatedBandwidth – The bandwidth (bytes/second) allocated for a particular port for active media streams.
  • bandwidthDeviation – The percentage of deviation of actual bandwidth from allocated bandwidth.
  • bandwidthUsage – The percentage of load (allocatedBandwidth) for a particular port using the formula:
    allocatedBandwidth / maxBandwidth * 100
  • ifIndex – The unique ifIndex of this Packet NIF.
  • linkState – The state of the interface.
    • admnDisabled 
    • admnEnabledPortDown 
    • admnEnabledPortUp 
    • null
  • macAddress – The MAC address of the metwork interface.
  • maxBandwidth – The maximum bandwidth that the port is capable of supporting. For example,

    • For SBC 7000 series platform, 95% of 10 GB port is 1,187,500,000 bytes/second.
    • For SBC 5000 series platform, 95% of 1 GB port is 118,750,000 bytes/second.
  • negotiatedSpeed – The interface speed.
  • rxActualBandwidth – The actual Rx bandwidth, which is used for a particular port (bytes/second).
  • txActualBandwidth – The actual Tx bandwidth, which is used for a particular port (bytes/second).

Packet port transmit and receive statistics.

  • rxDropped – The number of packets dropped due to no receive buffers.
  • rxErrors – The number of bad packets received.
  • rxPackets – The number of received packets.
  • txDropped – The number of packets dropped due to no transmit buffers.
  • txErrors – The number of packet transmit failures.
  • txPackets – The number of transmitted packets.

The port monitor status.

  • <ceName> – The SBC server name
  • failures – Current number failures of this port monitor
  • faultState – The fault state of the physical port
    • failed
    • restored
    • unknown
  • linkFailures – The current number of link failures of this port monitor
  • linkState The state of the link monitor configured on this port in the link detection group. The linkState is set to “unknown” if link monitors are not configured.
    • failed
    • restored
    • unknown
  • macAddress – The MAC address associated with the physical port
  • pmName – The name of this port monitor.
  • portName – The name of the physical port.
  • prg – The name of the port redundancy group.
  • role – The role of the physical port
    • active
    • no_role
    • standby
  • state – The state of the physical port
    • down
    • unknown
    • up


Status of the port redundancy group.

  • <host name> – The server host name.
  • failureCount – Total number of port monitor failures within this port redundancy group.
  • failures – The current number of port monitors within this port redundancy group that have declared themselves failed.

  • ifIndex – The unique ifIndex of this Packet NIF.

  • ifNum The unique ifNum of this Packet NIF.

  • interfaceType Interface Type of this port redundancy group.

    • mgmt
    • pkt
  • portMonitorCount The number of port monitors configured in this port redundancy group.

  • portName The name of physical/logical port.

  • primaryMacAddress The Primary MAC address of the network interface.

  • secondaryMacAddress The Secondary MAC address of the network interface.

GPU Status

Shows statistics of GPUs associated with the instance

Applies to SBC SWe only

Command Syntax

% show table system gpuStatus
    <server name>
    <gpu index>

Command Parameters

gpuStatus Descriptions

ParameterStatus Names and Descriptions

<server name>

Server name.

<device Name>Displays the hardware product name of the GPU device.
<utilization>Displays the raw NVIDIA utilization metric retrieved from the nvidia-smi command.
<GPU index>Index of the GPU.

Attributes listed below:

  • currentEccMode – Current ECC mode.
  • currentTemperature– Temperature of GPU in degree celsius, -1 is displayed when no data is available.
  • eccErrors– ECC errors, -1 shows no data available.
  • graphicsClockSpeed– Graphics clock speed of GPU in degree celsius, -1 is displayed when no data is available.
  • memoryClockSpeed– Memory clock speed of GPU in degree celsius, -1 is displayed when no data is available.
  • memoryUsage– Memory usage of GPU(Percent), -1 is displayed when no data is available.
  • pendingEccMode– Current ECC mode.
  • shutdownTemperature– GPU Shutdown Temperature in degree celsius, -1 is displayed when no data is available.
  • slowdownTemperature – GPU Slowdown Temperature in degree celsius, -1 is displayed when no data is available.

Note: These attributes are only applicable when GPU traffic profile is set. For non-GPU traffic profiles, -1 is displayed for each attribute.

GPU Transcode Status

Shows codec channel capacities on a per GPU device basis. GPU information is system-level; output shows only one entry in case of an HA system. Available only on SWe except S-SBC SWe.

Command Syntax

show table system gpuTranscodeStatus

Command Parameters

gpuTranscodeStatus Descriptions

ParameterStatus Names and Descriptions


<system name> – The SBC system name.

  • amrNbTotal – Total AMR–NB resource capacity on GPUs of this server.
  • amrNbUtilization – Percentage utilization of AMR–NB resources on GPUs of this server.
  • amrWbTotal – Total AMR–WB resource capacity on GPUs of this server.
  • amrWbUtilization – Percentage utilization of AMR–WB resources on GPUs of this server.
  • evrc0Total – Total EVRC0 resource capacity on GPUs of this server.
  • evrc0Utilization – Percentage utilization of EVRC0 resources on GPUs of this server.
  • evrcb0Total  Total EVRCB0 resource capacity on GPUs of this server.
  • evrcb0Utilization – Percentage utilization of EVRCB0 resources on GPUs of this server.
  • g722Total – Total G.722 resource capacity on GPUs of this server.
  • g722Utilization – Percentage utilization of G.722 resources on GPUs of this server.
  • g729AbTotal  Total G729A+B resource capacity on GPUs of this server.
  • g729AbUtilization – Percentage utilization of G729A+B resources on GPUs of this server.
  • opusTotal – Percentage utilization of Opus resources on GPUs of this server.
  • opusUtilization  Total Opus resource capacity on GPUs of this server.
  • evsTotal -  Total EVS resource capacity on GPUs of this server.
  • evsUtilization - Percentage utilization of EVS resources on GPUs of this server.
  • gpuAllocation - Displays the overall GPU occupancy in a percentage

IP Policing

The Network Processor logs discarded packets and keeps a summary of ten categories of “offenders lists.” The top 10 offenders in each category display in IP Policing “offenders list” statistics. For the rogueMediaOffendersList and mediaOffenderListstatistics, a new entry is created when the destination IP address or destination UDP port is different than the existing entries. Some offenders lists include the column “Source Unique.” If the “Source Unique” field is “notUnique”, the packets from multiple source IP addresses or source UDP ports were discarded.  If the source unique field is “unique,” the packets from a single source IP address/UDP port were discarded.

For all other “offenders list” categories, a new entry is created when the source IP address is different than the existing entries.

IP Policing - Offenders Lists

IP Policing Offenders Lists

ACL Offenders List – The Access Control List policer offenders list.

Aggregate Offenders List – The aggregate policer offenders list.

ARP Offenders List – The ARP policer offenders list.

Bad Ethernet IP Header Offenders List – The bad Ethernet/IP Header policer offenders list. Ethernet/IP headers are considered bad under the following conditions:

  • Only broadcast ARP packets are allowed; all other broadcast packets are considered bad.

  • Anything other than the following unicast/multicast ICMPV6 packets are considered bad.

    • Type 2 (Packet too big)
    • Type 3 (ICMP Time exceeded) Code 0 (hop limit exceeded).
    • Type 128 (ICMPV6 Echo request)
    • Type 129 (ICMPV6 Echo reply)
    • Type 135 Neighbor Solicitation
    • Type 136 Neighbor Advertisement
  • Anything other than the following unicast ICMPV4 packets are considered bad:

    • Type 0 Echo Reply

    • Type 3 Code 4 (Destination unreachable, fragmentation required)

    • Type 8 Echo Request

    • Type 11 Code 0 (Time Exceeded, TTL expired)

  • Only ICMPV6 neighbor discovery packets are allowed under multicast MAC address. Anything else is considered bad.

  • If DestMAC is zero, it is considered a bad packet.

  • Anything other than ethertype (IPV4, IPV6, VLAN) is considered bad.

  • IP Checksum error is considered bad.

  • IP version other than 4 or 6 is considered bad.

  • Bad IP Header length

  • Packet that is not long enough to contain IP header.

  • TTL == 0 is considered bad.

  • IPV4 with options set is considered bad.

  • IPV6 with initial next header field of 0, 60, or 43 is considered bad.

Discard Rule Offenders List – The table of statistics for the discard rule offenders list. For example: ACLi discard rule packets.

IPsec Decrypt Offenders List – The table of statistics for the IPsec Decrypt policer offenders list. For example:

  • Bad IPsec packet

  • Authentication error

  • Invalid SSID

  • IPsec protocol == AH

Media Offenders List – The table of statistics for the media policer offenders list. For example: Media packets exceeding the policing value.

Rogue Media Offenders List – The table of statistics for the rogue media policer offenders list. For example:

  • UDP packets received in the media port range, but the destination UDP port is not allocated for media call
  • Media packets where source port, source address or destination address do not match the allocated media resource

srtpDecryptOffendersList – The table of statistic for SRTP decrypt offenders list.  This contains SRTP packets which failed authentication or were flagged as replay packets. This could indicate malicious media packet attacks or it can be used to troubleshoot "no audio" calls using SRTP.

uFlow Offenders List – The table of statistics for the micro flow policer offenders list. For example: Microflow packet exceeding the policing rate.

Contrasting the Rogue Media Offenders List and the Media Offenders List:

Entries in the Media Offenders List are for allocated media packets that violate the policing rules. The associated call is sending too many media packets. This could indicate a possible “Theft of Service” scenario. Entries in the Rogue Media Offenders List are media packets that the SBC is receiving but no resource is allocated for the packet. This may be a Denial of Service attack or indication that a call was terminated but the other end is still sending media packets.

IP Policing - uFlowStats Fields

The uFlowStats table contains the following fields:

  • uFlow Index – Index number of this uFlow statistic
  • Source IP Address – Source IP address
  • Destination IP Address – Destination IP address
  • Source IP Port – Source IP port
  • IP Protocol – IP protocol
  • LIF Group Id – LIF group ID
  • Policer Mode – The Policer mode
  • Policer Bucket Size – Number of packets allowed in the Policer bucket
  • Policer Credit Rate – Packet fill rate (packets per second)
  • Agg Policer – The name of the aggregate policer
  • Agg Policer PriorityAggregate policer priority level
  • Packet AcceptThe number of packets accepted by the policer
  • Packet DiscardNumber of packets discarded by the policer
  • Byte AcceptThe number of bytes accepted by the policer

IP Policing - System Current and Interval Statistics

The following table lists fields that appear in both the systemCurStats and systemIntStats tables. The systemIntStats table includes the following additional attributes:

  • number – The interval sequence number. The number of intervals to store are configurable. Refer to Interval Statistics - CLI for configuration details.
  • intervalValid – A setting of 'true' indicates the interval contains valid data during the time interval. Each interval is for a configurable fixed time (default interval is 15 minutes) starting on the hour. For example, if the system starts at 12:05, the first interval at 12:15 will not be valid because it is less than the 15-minute interval. Subsequent intervals will be valid upon meeting the 15-minute time interval. System switch-overs also cause invalid intervals because data is lost during the interval.
  • time – The system up time when the interval statistic is collected for the specified interval.

Complete IP Policing information related to threshold levels and duration is available at IP Policing Alarm Profile - CLI.

IP Policing System Current and Interval Attributes



The number of accepted packets for the access control list policer.


The number of discarded packets for the access control list policer.


The number of major alarms for the access control list policer.


The duration of the major alarms in seconds for the access control list policer.


The number of minor alarms for the access control list policer.


The duration of the minor alarms in seconds for the access control list policer.


The peak discard rate for the access control list policer.


The number of accepted packets for the aggregate policer.


The number of discarded packets for the aggregate policer.


The number of major alarms for the aggregate policer.


The duration of the major alarms in seconds for the aggregate policer.


The number of minor alarms for the aggregate policer.


The duration of the minor alarms in seconds for the aggregate policer.


The peak discard rate for the aggregate policer.


The number of accepted packets for the ARP policer.


The number of discarded packets for the ARP policer.


The number of major alarms for the ARP policer.


The duration of the major alarms in seconds for the ARP policer.


The number of minor alarms for the ARP policer.


The duration of the minor alarms in seconds for the ARP policer.


The peak discard rate for the ARP policer.


The number of discarded packets for the bad Ethernet/IP Header policer.


The number of major alarms for the bad Ethernet/IP Header policer.


The duration of the major alarms in seconds for the bad Ethernet/IP Header policer.


The number of minor alarms for the bad Ethernet/IP Header policer.


The duration of the minor alarms in seconds for the bad Ethernet/IP Header policer.


The peak discard rate for the bad Ethernet/IP Header policer.


The number of discarded packets for the discard rule, plus the number of packets that do no match any ACL rule.


The number of major alarms for the discard rule.


The duration of the major alarms in seconds discard rule.


The number of minor alarms for the discard rule.


The duration of the minor alarms in seconds for the discard rule.


The peak discard rate for the discard rule.


The number of accepted packets for the IPsec Decrypt policer.


The number of discarded packets for the IPsec Decrypt policer.


The number of major alarms for the IPsec Decrypt policer.


The duration of the major alarms in seconds for the IPsec Decrypt policer.


The number of minor alarms for the IPsec Decrypt policer.


The duration of the minor alarms in seconds for the IPsec Decrypt policer.


The peak discard rate for the IPsec Decrypt policer.


The number of accepted packets for the media policer.


The number of discarded packets for the media policer.


The number of major alarms for the media policer.


The duration of the major alarms in seconds for the media policer.


The number of minor alarms for the media policer.


The duration of the minor alarms in seconds for the media policer.


The peak discard rate for the media policer.


The number of discarded packets for the rogue media policer.


The number of major alarms for the rogue media policer.


The duration of the major alarms in seconds for the rogue media policer.


The number of minor alarms for the rogue media policer.


The duration of the minor alarms in seconds for the rogue media policer.


The peak discard rate for the rogue media policer.


The current number of packets discarded by SRTP decrypt discards.


The current number of major alarms for the SRTP decrypt discards.


The current duration of the major alarms in seconds for the SRTP decrypt discards.


The current number of minor alarms for SRTP decrypt discards.


The current duration of the minor alarms in seconds for the SRTP decrypt discards.


 The current peak discard rate for SRTP decrypt discards.
systemNameThe SBC system name.


The number of accepted packets for the micro flow policer.


The number of discarded packets for the micro flow policer.


The number of major alarms for the micro flow policer.


The duration of the major alarms in seconds for the micro flow policer.


The number of minor alarms for the micro flow policer.


The duration of the minor alarms in seconds for the micro flow policer.


The peak discard rate for the micro flow policer.


Command Syntax

> show table system

Command Parameters

License Attributes



License details for the domain licenses available on the SBC.

  • activeLicenseMode – The licensing mode currently in use by the SBC
  • bundleName – License bundle name
  • expirationDate – License expiration date
  • featureName – license keys for each licensed feature
  • generationDate – The date the license was generated
  • installDate – The date the license was installed
  • licenseId – License ID
  • lineId – The line ID for the license feature entry
  • purchaseOrderId – The purchase order ID specified when the license was generated
  • usageLimit – Usage limit for the licensed feature


The license status for all license features or for a specified <featureName> <licenseID> combination.

  • <featureName> – license keys for each licensed feature:


    • DSP-EVRC

    • DSP-EVS

    • DSP-G722

    • DSP-SILK


    • POL-BASE

    • SBC-1X10GMP

    • SBC-4X1GMP


    • SBC-LI




    • SBC-POL-E911




    • SBC-RTU

    • SBC-SIP-I

    • SBC-SIP323



    • SRTP


    • VDSP-RTU

  • <license ID> License identifier
  • expirationDate – The expiration date for a licensed feature
  • inUse – The number of licenses used by the SBC for this feature
  • licenseId – License identifier
  • source – Source of the license (BuiltIn, domain, or nodeLocked)
  • usageLimit – The maximum count allowed for this feature

License details for the legacy licenses stored on the SBC.

  • bundleName – License bundle name
  • featureName – license keys for each licensed feature
  • licenseId – License ID
  • expirationDate – License expiration date
  • usageLimit – Usage limit for the license
  • activeLicenseMode – The licensing mode currently in use by the SBC (domain/nodeLocked)

Displays the licenseRequired configuration: The configured maximum number of licenses for a particular feature for a node when network-wide domain licensing is in effect.

  • featureNamelicense key for a licensed feature
  • maxCount – The maximum number of licenses the SBC can request from the SLS.

(Applies to 'show table' command only)

NOTE: This attribute only applies if the current licenseMode is "domain."


The CE license status table describes the current CE license state, for example "dualCe".

  •   cemode


Load Balancing Service

Load Balancing Service (SBC 5xx0/7000/SWe)

Load Balancing Service status details.

Command Syntax

> show table system loadBalancingService

Command Parameters

Load Balancing Service Attributes (SBC 5xx0/7000/SWe)

groupNameDomain name of the load balancing group.
inviteRetargetModeLoad balancing service mode for INVITEs.

Specifies the leader statistics table.

  • <key>
  • leaderElectionAttempts
  • retransmitCount
  • requestTimeoutCount

Displays the IP address of leader nodes in the cluster.

  • <leader Id>
  • leaderIPAddress
  • state

Specifies the load balancing service mode for REGISTERs (disable, redirect). If set to redirect, new registrations are retargeted, as necessary, to balance the load using SIP 302 "Moved Temporarily" response code.


Node resource information.

  • <Id>
  • callResourceCount
  • registrationResourceCount

Load Balancing Service (S-SBC)

The following table lists Load Balancing Service status details.

Command Syntax

> show table system loadBalancingService

Command Parameters

Load Balancing Service Attributes (S-SBC)


Displays the instance status of the leader nodes in the cluster.

  • <leader Id>
  • leaderIPAddress
  • state

Displays media resource cache information.

  • <node index> – Node ID
  • nodeIpAddress – Node's IP address
  • nodePrivateLifGroupName – Node's private LIF group name
  • nodePrivateLifGroupBandwidth – Available private LIF group bandwidth for this node, in bytes/second
  • nodePrivateLifGroupTtl – The LIF group Time To Live (TTL) value (Number of seconds remaining for the current resource bandwidth information to be valid) for this node
  • nodeCodecUnits – Number of available codec units (at any instant) the SSBC can use to allocate the transcoding resources for an active call
  • nodeCodecCapabilities – Displays the supported codec and corresponding codec units for this node
  • nodeCodecCapabilitiesExtn – Displays additional supported codec and corresponding codec units than what is listed under nodeCodecCapabilities
  • nodeCodecTtl – The codec TTL value (Number of seconds the present codec is available) for this node
  • nodeToneUnits – The percentage of DSP cores available for the present tone
  • nodeToneTtl – Number of seconds the present tone is available

Displays cluster seed node status.

  • <Seed ID>
  • seedNodeIpAddress
groupNameDomain name of the load balancing group.

Specifies the load balancing service mode for INVITEs. Enables load balancing for initial INVITE requests. 

If set to redirect, calls may get retargeted using SIP 302 to balance the load.

  • disabled
  • redirect

Specifies the leader statistics table.

  • <key>
  • leaderElectionAttempts
  • retransmitCount
  • requestTimeoutCount

Displays the IP address of leader nodes in the cluster.

  • <leader Id>
  • leaderIPAddress
  • state

Displays policer cluster leader node status.

  • <leader Id>
  • leaderIPAddress
  • state 

Displays policer media resource cache information.

  • <node index>
  • nodeIpAddress
  • nodeLifGroupName
  • nodeLifGroupisPrivate
  • nodeLifGroupBandwidth
  • nodeLifGroupTtl

Displays policer cluster seed node status.

  • <leader Id>
  • seedNodeIPAddress

Specifies the load balancing service mode for REGISTERs (disable, redirect). If set to redirect, new registrations are retargeted, as necessary, to balance the load using SIP 302 "Moved Temporarily" response code.


Node resource information.

  • <leader Id>
  • callResourceCount
  • registrationResourceCount 

Load Balancing Service (M-SBC)

Load Balancing Service status details.

Command Syntax

> show table system loadBalancingService

Command Parameters

Load Balancing Service Attributes (M-SBC)


Displays media resource cache information.

  • <node index>
  • nodeIpAddress
  • nodePrivateLifGroupName
  • nodePrivateLifGroupBandwidth
  • nodePrivateLifGroupTtl
  • nodeCodecUnits
  • nodeCodecCapabilities 
  • nodeCodecCapabilitiesExtn 
  • nodeCodecTtl
  • nodeToneUnits
  • nodeToneTtl
groupNameDomain name of the load balancing group.

Specifies the leader statistics table.

  • <key>
  • leaderElectionAttempts
  • retransmitCount
  • requestTimeoutCount

Displays the IP address of leader nodes in the cluster.

  • <leader Id>
  • leaderIPAddress
  • state

Displays policer media resource cache information.

  • <node index>
  • nodeIpAddress
  • nodeLifGroupName
  • nodeLifGroupisPrivate
  • nodeLifGroupBandwidth
  • nodeLifGroupTtl
<name> – The name of the Private IP Interface Group used by M-SBC/T-SBC to communicate with MRF.

Management IP Interface Group

Command Syntax

> show table system mgmtIpInterfaceGroup <mgmt group name> mgmtIpInterface
> show table system mgmtIpInterfaceGroup <mgmt group name> mgmtIpInterfaceStatus

Command Parameters

Mgmt IP Interface Group Parameters


<mgmt group name>

Management IP interface group name.

The management IP interfaces in this management IP interface group.

  • ceName – The name of the SBC server used by this management IP interface.

  • ipAddressV4 – The IPV4 Address of the Interface

  • ipAddressV6 – The IPV6 Address of the Interface

  • portName – The port number used by this IP interface.

  • prefixV4 – The IPV4 subnet prefix of this Interface.

  • prefixV6 – The IPV6 subnet prefix of this Interface.

  • state – Administrative state of the interface.


The status of the IP interfaces in this IP interface group.

  • ifindex – The interface index of the management interface.
  • operStatus – The actual status of the management interface (disabled, enabledPortDown, enabledPortUp, interfaceCreated, interfaceCreating, resourceAllocated, resourceAllocating).
  • rxPackets – Number of packets received on this management interface.
  • txPackets – Number of packets sent on this management interface.

Management IP Interface Status Fields for SBC SWe N:1 HA or Cloud-Based Deployments

fixedIpPrefixV4IPv4 subnet prefix of fixedIpV4.
fixedIpV4This field stores IPv4 address learned dynamically (obtained through DHCP)
fixedIpPrefixV6IPv6 subnet prefix of fixedIpV6.
fixedIpv6This field stores IPv6 address learned dynamically (obtained through DHCP)

This field indicates local IP address type.

  • learnedDhcp – IP address learned dynamically from DHCP
  • static – Static IP address


Network Processor

For internal debug use only.

Click to expand...


NTP services management

Command Syntax

> show table system ntp

Command Parameters

NTP Attributes


Displays NTP server key details.

  • keyId
  • keyType
  • keyValue

Displays status information about each NTP peer.

  • ceName – The name of this SBC server.
  • ipAddress – IP address of the CE.
  • state – the state of the NTP peer (insynce, outofsync, reachable).
  • stratum – A number representing the distance from the reference clock, starting at "0". Stratum 16 represents that a device is out of sync.
  • refTime – The time this NTP peer was last updated.

Displays information about each NTP Server configured to provide network time.

  • ipAddress – The IP address of this NTP server.
  • version – The NTP version of this NTP server.
  • minPoll – The minimum poll interval to this NTP server.
  • maxPoll – The maximum poll interval to this NTP server.
  • state – The configured state of the NTP server entry.

Displays system status information about NTP.

  • ceName – The name of this SBC server.
  • clock – The SBC regularly checks system time. This field represents the system time as of the last check by SBC, not the actual system time.
  • refTime – The time this system was last updated.


This table contains Time Zone configuration. Fields include:

  • name – System name.
  • zone – The current time zone.

NOTE: In an HA configuration, the Active and Standby system times and refTimes will not match in the results of this command because SBC updates NTP data independently.

Policy Server

Softswitch servers and client services status/statistics details.

Command Syntax

> show table system policyServer

Command Parameters

Policy Server Attributes


Defines global configuration applicable to all policy servers.

  • congestionControl – The SBC throttles the sending or policy requests to either active or standby PSX when this field is enabled.
  • mgmtInterfaceGroup – The Management Interface Group to use for communicating with external PSX.
  • reconnectTimeout – The timer parameter for re-attempting connection to a Policy Server that is in the enabled state in seconds.
  • switchOverMode – (automatic or manual) This setting determines how the policy server is set to ACTIVE after a switchover.
  • type – Interface type supported by policyServer.

Local (embedded) policy server configuration.

  • action – The action for the operation mode for this trunk group
  • keepAliveTimer – The time in seconds between sending Keep Alive indications to the internal Policy Server.
  • mode – Assignment of the Policy Server to have the active, standby, out of service or alternate role.
  • retries – The maximum number of retransmission attempts for a transaction on this Policy Server.
  • retryTimer – The time in milliseconds that the SBC waits for a response from the local Policy Server.
  • state – Administrative state of the softswitch server.
  • transactionTimer – The time in milliseconds that the SBC waits for a response from the Policy Server after sending it a transaction request.

Policy Server status table. Fields include:

  • allowancePercent – The number of SBC policy requests allowed by PSX. For example, an allowance of 75%, means that the SBC is skipping one out of every four policy requests. This allowance is provisioned on the PSX and enforced on the SBC when PSX Congestion Control is enabled.
  • averageTransactionTime – Records the average time taken in milliseconds for a softswitch transaction.

  • congestionLevel – The PSX congestion level.

  • dataRequests – The cumulative number of data requests received from the softswitch.

  • index – Identifies the softswitch entry.

  • interfaceIpAddress – Identifies the IP address the SBC uses to communicate with the PSX for this Policy Server.
  • ipAddress – IP Address of the softswitch server.

  • negotiatedVersion – The lowest negotiated protocol version between the gateway and all the active and alternate softswitches.

  • operState – Operational state of the softswitch.

  • queriesSkippedAndRejected – The cumulative number of rejected Policy Requests while the active PSX is congested and a standby PSX is either congested or not available.

  • queriesSkippedAndServiced – The cumulative number of Policy Requests serviced by the standby PSX while the active PSX experienced congestion.

  • redirectRequests – The cumulative number of redirect requests received from the softswitch.

  • releaseRequests – The cumulative number of release-call requests received from the softswitch.

  • serverReconnects – The number of successful reconnections between the gateway and the softswitch.

  • transactionCompleted – The number of successful transactions between the gateway and the softswitch.

  • transactionFailedAttempts – The number of unsuccessful transactions between the gateway and the softswitch.

  • transactionRetryAttempts – The number of transaction retries between the gateway and the softswitch.

  • version – The negotiated protocol version between the gateway and the softswitch.


Table of softswitch remote server configurations. Fields include:

  • name – Remote server name.
  • ipAddress – IP adddress of the remote server.
  • portNumber – The IP port number of the softswitch server.
  • state – Administrative state of the softswitch server.
  • mode – Policy Server mode (active, standby, out of service or alternate role).
  • action – The method by which queued transactions are processed when oper-state goes to standby or out-of-service. Possibilities include:
  • dryup all queue entries are processed to completion unless retries expires.
  • force – all queue transactions are dropped immediately.
  • transactionTimer – The time in milliseconds that the SBC waits for a response from the Policy Server after sending it a transaction request.
  • keepAliveTimer – The time in seconds between sending Keep Alive indications to the Policy Server.
  • retryTimer – The time in milliseconds that the SBC waits for a response from the Policy Server after retransmitting the transaction request.
  • retries – The maximum number of retransmission attempts for a transaction on this Policy Server.
  • subPortNumber – The port number assigned for the IP address of the Policy Server for the specific purpose of communicating subscriber data.


Security management status/statistics details.

Command Syntax

> show table system security

Command Parameters

Security Attributes


Checks for expired certificates, trust anchor validity, and if certificates have been revoked if OSCP is enabled. Fields include:

  • certReCheckRate – The rate, in hours, to recheck certificates for TLS sessions.
  • expirationPeriodicWarning – Interval of the periodic warnings in days generated after the certificate has reached the expiry threshold.
  • expiryWarningThreshold – The number of days before generating a warning for a certificate nearing expiry.
hashEventLogsShows the existence of an entry in the PrivateKeyName fields. If there is a PrivateKeyName entry displayed, this indicates that a private key is configured.

IPsec configuration.

  • ikeDpdInterval – The Dead Peer Detection interval.
  • ikeRetransmitInterval – The IKE retransmit interval period in seconds.
  • ikeRetrasmitCount – The number of IKE retransmits.

 This table contains OCSP profile usage status. Fields include:

  • ocspName
  • tlsName
  • ocspTlsRefNum

This table contains OCSP Statistics. Fields include:

  • ocspInternalErrors – Number of internal error responses.
  • ocspMalformedRequests – Number of malformed request responses.
  • ocspRepondersUnreachable – Number of times OCSP responders are unreachable.
  • ocspRequestAttempts – Number of OCSP request attempts that have been made.
  • ocspResponseTimeouts – Number of times OCSP response timeouts are encountered.
  • ocspResponsesGood – Number of OCSP Responses received with 'Good' status.
  • ocspResponsesRevoked – Number of OCSP Responses received with 'Revoked' status.
  • ocspResponsesUnknown – Number of OCSP Responses received with 'Unknown' status.
  • ocspSigRequired – Number of 'sigRequired' responses.
  • ocspTryLaters – Number of 'tryLater' responses.
  • ocspUnauthorized – Number of unauthorized responses.
  • certStatistics– Certificate statistics.
    • caCerts – Number of installed CA/remote certificates.
    • localCerts – Number of installed local certificates.
  • certificate – Collection of certificates configured on the SBC.
    • encoding – The encoding type of the certificate.

    • fileName – The certificate content file name

    • passPhrase – Pass-phrase to decrypt RSA private key in PKCS12 file.

    • state – The administration state of this certificate.

    • status – The status of the certificate.

      • success – Certificate was successfully added.

      • parse-error – Certificate parsing failed (Example: password verification failed)

      • failed – Generic error if its not parse-error (certificate expired, bad key length, etc.)

      • duplicate – The same certificate already exists in the database.

    • type – The type of the certificate:

      • remote – certificate is imported from remote location.

      • local – certificate is used locally.

      • local-internal – local certificate with private key generated on the SBC.


> show table system slb

Command Parameters

SLB Parameters


Defines the communication interface for SLB traffic.

globalUtilizationThe Global Utilization threshold on the SLB to generate an alarm. Range is 1-100.
inviteReqTimeoutINVITE transaction timeout on the SLB.
nonInviteReqTimeoutNon INVITE transaction timeout on the SLB.
  • neverRetry - Defines parameters affecting the peer overload control mechanism for the SLB traffic towards the SBCs
    • enabled
    • disabled (default)
  • utilizationOverride - The number of registrations (RCBs) allowed. The Utilization value configured on the SBC to override the weight of the SBC on the SLB.
    • disabled (default)
    • 0-100
regReqTimeout Registration transaction timeout on SLB.

The current statistics of SIP clients registered with the SLB.

  • RegistrationReceived
  • RegistrationFailed
  • RegistrationSent
  • RegistrationRedirected
  • NoRegAffinityRedirectedCall
  • NoInstanceAsCallFailed

The interval statistics of SIP clients registered with SLB.

  • RegistrationReceived
  • RegistrationFailed
  • RegistrationSent
  • RegistrationRedirected
  • NoRegAffinityRedirectedCall
  • NoInstanceAsCallFailed

The statistics of SIP clients registered with SLB.

  • RegistrationReceived
  • RegistrationFailed
  • RegistrationSent
  • RegistrationRedirected
  • NoRegAffinityRedirectedCall
  • NoInstanceAsCallFailed
sipClientStatus The current status of SIP clients registered with the SLB.


SWe-related status/statistics details.


This table contains the name of active profile and time-stamp of profile activation.

Command Syntax

> show table system sweActiveProfile

Command Parameters

SWe Active Profile Parameters

nameSWe Active Profile name
stateChangeTimeThe time-stamp of profile activation

Command Example

show table system sweActiveProfile
name            standard_passthrough_profile;
stateChangeTime 2017-11-13T10:56:16-00:00;


This table contains the capacity estimates for all standard and custom profiles.

Command Syntax

> show table system sweCapacityEstimate

Command Parameters

SWe Capacity Estimate Parameters

nameSWe Active Profile name
Estimated Session CapacityEstimated number of sessions supported in the system.
Estimated Num SubcribersEstimated number of subscribers supported in the system.
Estimated CPSEstimated maximum calls per second (cps) supported in this system.
Estimated Registration CapacityEstimated maximum registrations/sec supported in this system.
Estimated Refresh Register CapacityEstimated maximum refresh registrations/sec supported in this system.
Estimated Protected PPSEstimated DOS PPS protected by the system, the unit is million packets per second.
Max Passthrough SessionsEstimated maximum passthrough sessions.
Max Crypto SessionsEstimated maximum crypto sessions.
Estimated TX PPSEstimated transmitted PPS for estimated sessions
Estimated RX PPSEstimated received PPS for estimated sessions

Command Example

> show table system sweCapacityEstimate
                                 ESTIMATED ESTIMATED             ESTIMATED    REFRESH  ESTIMATED MAX         MAX
default                          1496      65536       72        0            0        0.15      1500        656      0.15      0.15
standard_slb_profile             5180      65536       144       0            0        0.15      0           0        0.0       0.0
standard_msbc_profile            1497      65536       144       0            0        0.15      1500        656      0.15      0.15
standard_callmix_profile         1496      65536       72        0            0        0.15      1500        656      0.15      0.15
standard_gpu_isbc_profile        -         -           -         -            -        -         -           -        -         -
standard_gpu_tsbc_profile        -         -           -         -            -        -         -           -        -         -
standard_signaling_profile       5180      65536       144       0            0        0.15      0           0        0.0       0.0
standard_passthrough_profile     1496      65536       144       0            0        0.15      1500        656      0.15      0.15
standard_transcoding_profile     318       65536       72        0            0        0.15      1500        656      0.03      0.03
standard_highcps_callmix_profile 1487      65536       144       0            0        0.15      1500        656      0.15      0.15


This table contains the standard codec mix profiles.

Command Syntax

> show table system sweCodecMixProfile

Command Parameters

SWe Codec Mix Profile Parameters

codecMixProfileNameThe codec mix profile name.
codecThe codec used by the standard profile.
pTimePacketization time in milliseconds.

The percentage allocated for each codec mix profile.

NOTE: The sum of codec mix profile entries must equal 100.

Command Example

show table system sweCodecMixProfile
G711_20ms       g711   p20    100
G711_G729_20ms  g711   p20    50
G711_G729_20ms  g729   p20    50


The table sweConfigProfileSelection lists the configured provisioning profile.

Command Syntax

> show table system sweConfigProfileSelection name

Command Parameters

SWe Config Profile Selection Parameters


This parameter indicates the name of the configuration provisioning profile.

The options are:

  • large: Indicates the profile that is applicable to the VM RAM >=18 GiB.
  • small (Default): Indicates the profile that is applicable to the VM RAM >=10 GiB.
  • extrasmall: the profile that is applicable when the VM RAM is between 6 and 10 GiB.

NoteWhen an instance comes up in an environment which has between 6 and 10 GB of memory, the value for sweConfigProfileSelection is automatically set to extrasmall. It is not valid to reconfigure a deployment from one of the larger sizes (small or large) to the extrasmall size.

For definitions of large and small provisioning limits, refer to SBC Provisioning Limits
For definitions of extrasmall provisioning limits, refer to Small SBC SWe Deployment Characteristics.

Command Example

> show table system sweConfigProfileSelection name
name large;


This table contains the relative performance indices of the underlying processor for different functionalities such as crypto, passthrough, signaling and transcoding as compared to 2690v2 processor (with the recommended Host settings). The performance indices are all 100 for base processor. Any index value lower than 100, means the underlying processor is poorer than 2690v2 with respect to that functionality and vice versa.

Command Syntax

> show table system sweProcessorCapacity

Command Parameters

SWe Processor Capacity Parameters

cryptoIndexCrypto index calculated by the startup scripts.
passthroughIndexPass-through index calculated by the startup scripts.
signalingIndexSignaling index calculated by the startup scripts.
transcodeIndexTranscode index calculated by the startup scripts.

Command Example

> show table system sweProcessorCapacity
cryptoIndex      94;
passthroughIndex 95;
signalingIndex   93;
transcodeIndex   98;


This table contains the standard profiles and their fixed call mix.

Command Syntax

> show table system sweTrafficProfiles 

Command Parameters

SWe Traffic Profiles Parameters


SWe Active Profile name

Call Hold TimeAverage Call Hold Time of the call load
Is Access If true, deployment is an access deployment
BHCA per SubscriberBHCA per subscriber
Internal Refresh TimerInternal refresh timer in seconds
External Refresh TimerExternal refresh timer in seconds
Direct Media PercentThe percentage of call load that is Direct Media
Transcode PercentThe percentage of call load that is transcoded call
Passthrough Codec ProfileThe name of the pass-through codec profile
Transcoding Codec ProfileThe name of the transcoding codec profile
Crypto PercentThe crypto percentage refers to the number of legs that are encrypted
Tones PercentThe number of legs that get tones treatment
Processor Capability Index OverrideIf true, index overriding is disabled and the overrideIndexValue can be entered
Processor Capability Index Override ValueThe value of overrideIndexValue field

Use GPU for Transcoding

Specifies the type of transcoding: GPU (true) or CPU (false)

Sig Cost Factor

A signaling cost factor to use during capacity estimation.

Media Cost Factor

A media cost factor to use during capacity estimation.

Tx PPS factor

 A transmitted (tx) PPS factor to use during capacity estimation.

Rx PPS Factor

A received (rx) PPS factor to use during capacity estimation.

Command Example

> show table system sweTrafficProfiles
                                                                                                                                                   PROCESSOR   CAPABILITY
                                  CALL                      INTERNAL  EXTERNAL  DIRECT              PASSTHROUGH                                    CAPABILITY  INDEX                    SIG     MEDIA
                                  HOLD  IS      BHCA PER    REFRESH   REFRESH   MEDIA    TRANSCODE  CODEC        TRANSCODING     CRYPTO   TONES    INDEX       OVERRIDE    USE GPUFOR   COST    COST    TX         RX
default                           100   false   -           -         -         0        2          G711_20ms    G711_G729_20ms  0        0        false       -           false        1.0     1.0     1.0        1.0
standard_slb_profile              100   false   -           -         -         100      0          -            -               0        0        false       -           false        1.0     1.0     1.0        1.0
standard_msbc_profile             150   false   -           -         -         0        0          G711_20ms    -               0        0        false       -           false        1.0     1.0     1.0        1.0
standard_callmix_profile          100   false   -           -         -         0        10         G711_20ms    G711_G729_20ms  0        0        false       -           false        1.0     1.0     1.0        1.0
standard_gpu_isbc_profile         100   false   -           -         -         0        100        -            G711_G729_20ms  0        0        false       -           false        1.0     1.0     1.0        1.0
standard_gpu_tsbc_profile         100   false   -           -         -         0        100        -            G711_G729_20ms  0        0        false       -           false        1.0     1.0     1.0        1.0
standard_signaling_profile        100   false   -           -         -         100      0          -            -               0        0        false       -           false        1.0     1.0     1.0        1.0
standard_passthrough_profile      100   false   -           -         -         0        0          G711_20ms    -               0        0        false       -           false        1.0     1.0     1.0        1.0
standard_transcoding_profile      100   false   -           -         -         0        100        -            G711_G729_20ms  0        0        false       -           false        1.0     1.0     1.0        1.0
standard_highcps_callmix_profile  25    false   -           -         -         0        0          G711_20ms    -               0        0        false       -           false        1.0     1.0     1.0        1.0

General Command Examples

During a switchover call history of only stable calls are maintained. In ‘callCountStatus’ table, all counters except STABLE CALLS are reset to zero when there is a switchover (either force or manual).

To view the call count status for the server before a switchover:

Click to expand...

To switch over the management applications and restart “all” the applications:

Click to expand...

To view SBC daughter board status (SBC 7000 results shown):

Click to expand...

 Two maintenance fields apply in this view:

  • IMAGE LOAD FAILURE COUNT – Number of module boot failures since the last successful module boot, for use during diagnostic testing of a potentially failed module.
  • FPGA VERSION – A card’s programmed firmware version (using FPGA build date).

The maintenance fields IMAGE LOAD FAILURE COUNT and FPGA VERSION do not apply to SPS100 cards.

To view the synchronization status of the system as a table:

Click to expand...

To view the front panel LED status of the system:

Click to expand...

To view fan status (example is for SBC 7000):

Click to expand...

To view the license information of the application:

Click to expand...

To view the MAC addresses status:

Click to expand...

To view CPU Utilization for the current interval period:

Click to expand...

To view system congestion status details.

Click to expand...

To view system congestion current statistics.

Click to expand...

To view DoD mode status.

Click to expand...

To view Micro Flow stats:

Click to expand...

To view LSWU results:

Click to expand...

To display the current HA configuration settings:

Click to expand...

To display results of running verifyDatabaseIntegrity command:

Click to expand...

To display sync status of active and standby nodes created through a N:1 redundancy group:

Click to expand...

To view sync status details of the standby node for active nodes created through a N:1 redundancy group configuration.

Click to expand...

To view the personality role of the SBC SWe instance.

Click to expand...

To view license bundle details for node-locked licenses:

Click to expand...

To view Server Admin status details on both a SBC 5200 and a virtual SBC:

Click to expand...