In this section:
The service podName addressContext
command applies to both system-level and configure modes except where noted.
> request service <service> podName <pod name> addressContext <address context> cmds dnsGroup dynamicBlackList enhancedDBL ipsec sipRegCountReset sipRegistrationAdaptiveNatLearning sipRegistrationDeleteByGuid sipRegistrationDeleteById sipRegistrationDeleteByIp sipSubCountReset sipSubscriptionDelete sipSubscriptionDeleteByGuid zone
Use cmds options Ping command to ping a SIP peer from the SBC CNe using the SIP OPTIONS method.
This command must be executed at the "CS" Service level.
> request service <service> podName addressContext <addressContext name> cmds optionsPing peerFQDN <string> peerIpAddress <peer ip address> peerPort <SIP port number> sigPort <signaling port> transport <tcp | tls | udp>
Parameter | Length/Range | Description |
peerFQDN | 1-63 |
The SBC sends the OPTIONS request to the highest priority FQDN-resolved IP. If required, the SBC retransmits the request eight additional times. If there is no response to any of these requests, the SBC sends the OPTIONS request to the next FQDN resolved IP. |
peerIpAddress | IPv4 / IPv6 address | <IPv4 or IPv6 address> – The IPv4 or IPv6 Peer SIP Address to ping. |
peerPort | 1-65535 | <SIP port number> – The Peer SIP Port Number to ping. (Default = 5060) |
sigPort | 1-4096 | <Signaling port number> – The Signaling Port number to use for the ping. |
| N/A | The Transport protocol. Select any one of the following transport types:
Use this command to perform manual actions against a specific DNS group.
> request service <service> podName addressContext <addressContext_name> dnsGroup <dnsGroup name> dnsEntryDataStatus dnsEntryStatus dnsServerStatistics
Parameter | Description |
<dnsGroup name> | The DNS Group name. |
dnsEntryDataStatus | DNS entry data status (up to 32 records are returned).
dnsEntryStatus | DNS entry record status.
| DNS server statistics for this DNS group.
server | Configured parameters for DNS servers in the DNS group.
Use this command to remove Dynamic Blacklist (DBL) entries for the specified IP address.
> request service <service> podName addressContext <addressContext name> dynamicBlackList removeEntry sourceIpAddress <ip address>
Parameter | Description |
| Collection of DBL policers. |
removeEntry | Parameter to remove any DBL entries for specified IP address. |
sourceIpAddress | Source IP Address |
request service CS podName addressContext default dynamicBlackList removeEntry sourceIpAddress When prompted, enter 'y' to continue: This command will remove any DBL entry with a matching source IP address. Do you want to proceed (yes/no) y
Use the following Enhanced Dynamic Blacklist command to remove any IP-based entries matching the specified criteria.
> request service <service> podName addressContext default enhancedDBL removeEnhancedDblEntry removeIpEntry sourceIpAddress <IP address> sourcePort <port> transport <none | sctp | tcp | tls | tcp | udp>
Parameter | Length/Range | Description |
sourceIpAddress | IPv4 or IPv6 address | The source IP address for the DBL entry to remove. |
sourcePort | 0-65535 | Source port value. A value of "0" means no port. (Default = 0) |
transport | N/A | The transport type
Use this command to initiate a delete action on an IP Security configuration object.
> request service <service> podName addressContext <addressContext_name> ipsec ikeSaDelete saIndex <SA index> ikeSaDeleteAll ipsecSaDelete localSPI <local SPI>
Parameter | Description |
| Use this parameter to delete ALL IKE and IPsec SAs.
This command supports the deletion of IKE IPsec SAs only. You cannot delete IPsec SAs created during IMS AKA registration using this command. |
request service CS podName addressContext default ipsec ikeSaDelete saIndex 13 When prompted, enter 'y' to continue: This command will delete entry from the IKE SA list. Do you want to continue (yes/no) yes
Use this command to reset the SIP registration count.
> request service <service> podName addressContext <addressContext name> sipRegCountReset
The following example resets SIP registration count for address context “default”:
request service CS podName addressContext default sipRegCountReset result success reason Registration Count is Reset
Use this command to provide flexibility in disabling/resetting adaptive NAT pinhole learning process for a specific user already registered with the SBC.
> request service <service> podName addressContext <addressContext name> sipRegistrationAdaptiveNatLearning action <disable | reset> id <registration id number>
Parameter | Description |
| Reset/disable adaptive NAT pinhole learning process. |
id | Registration ID of the user. |
action | Action to perform. Arguments include:
The following example disables the NAT pinhole learning process for registered user with an ID of 13:
request service CS podName addressContext default sipRegistrationAdaptiveNatLearning id 13 action disable
Use this object to delete a SIP registration by the user's GUID number.
> request service <service> podName addressContext <addressContext name> sipRegistrationDeleteByGuid GUID <GUID>
Use this object to delete a SIP registration by the user’s ID number.
> request service <service> podName addressContext <addressContext name> sipRegistrationDeleteById id <registration id>
Parameter | Description |
| Delete SIP registration for the specified ID. |
id | Registration ID of user. |
The surrogate registration is not deleted by the following command.
request service CS podName addressContext default sipRegistrationDeleteById id 13 result success
Use this object to delete a SIP registration by the IP address using the Registrar’s IP address (found in sipActiveGroupRegStatus
> request service <service> podName addressContext <addressContext name> sipRegistrationDeleteByIp ipAddress <ip address>
Parameter | Description |
| Delete SIP registration associated with the specified IP address. |
ipAddress | IP address of the Registrar. |
The surrogate registration is not deleted by the following command.
request service CS podName addressContext default sipRegistrationDeleteByIp ipAddress result success
The request addressContext zone
command is available from both system-level and configure modes. This command allows you to perform system-level commands against a particular zone, such as recovering blacklisted endpoints and resetting statistics counts on all signaling ports.
> request addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> cacNonRegEndPointRemoveEntry sourceIpAddress <IP address> filterSipSrc fqdnEntry <IP address> ipPeer <peer name> pathCheck localAdminState state <block | unblock> remoteAdminState state <block | unblock> mtrmConnPort <reset | statReset> sipArsEndpointRecoveryAll sipArsEndpointRecoveryByIp ipAddress <ip address> port <port#> sipSigConnResetAll sipSigPortResetAll sipTrunkGroup <TG name> packetOutage clear
Parameter | Description |
cacNonRegEndPointRemoveEntry |
| Use this object to define information related to filtering a SIP message against the source IP address. |
ipPeer |
mtrmConnPort | Use this object to reset Master Trunk Resource Manager (MTRM) connection port and/or MTRM port statistics.
NOTE: The |
| Recovers all blacklisted endpoints in this zone. NOTE: This command only applies for peers blacklisted using ARS mechanism (not via PATHCHECK). |
sipArsEndpointRecoveryByIp | Recovers a blacklisted endpoints in this zone by IP address and port.
NOTE: This command only applies for peers blacklisted using ARS mechanism (not via PATHCHECK). |
sipSigConnResetAll | Resets all the statistics counts to zero on all SIP signaling port connections. |
sipSigPortResetAll | Resets all the statistics counts to zero on all SIP signaling ports. |
sipTrunkGroup |
request addressContext default zone INTERNAL_ZONE sipTrunkGroup TG-1 packetOutage clear reason Trunk Group Packet Outage Detection State is cleared