This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

In this section:

Response Fields

The following table defines the response fields returned for policy and trigger requests.

Response Fields

RoutesThe number of routes returned.
AIN FlagsOptional parameters returned in Send-to-Resource message.
AmaBafModuleAutomatic Message Accounting modules in Telcordia AMA format.
AmaSlpIdIdentifies a service or a unique subset of service functionality.
BillingDataThis is the billing information for this call. Includes information such as carrier origin, cluster ID, trunk ID, and so on.
BillingIndicatorsBilling indicators are used to pass billing information to the SBC client so it can add the information to the accounting record.
BusinessGroupBillingInfoThis is the business group billing information for the call.
CalledBusinessGroupReturns information such as business group ID and line privileges for the called business group.
CallInfoConveys information that the trigger response belongs to the new leg of the call.
CallInformationRequestThis is the call information request for the call.
CallingBusinessGroupReturns information such as business group ID and line privileges for the calling business group.
CallingNumberChargeAreaReturns the charge area for the calling number.
CategorySimilar to OLIP (Originating Line Information Parameter).
CallTypeThe type of call, such as National, International, etc.
ConvertOlecCarrierCodeSignal to GSX to convert the OLEC carrier code.
DPCInfoDestination Point Code Information parameter, based on called party number and gateway name.
JTIParametersSpecifies customer-specific identification parameters.
CountryCodeIn the CAS (Channel Associated Signaling) protocol, the country code is transmitted as a separate field. When a country code is present and the signaling protocol is CAS, the country code is passed to the SBC in the Country Code field.
ForwardCallIndicatorsThis specifies how the carrier code was specified for the call. The data for this field is derived from the carrier selection parameter in ISUP signaling.
GenericNameThe SBC client should send the generic name parameter in the signaling.
IngressIPParametersReturns ingress IP signaling parameters and header extensions.
IngressMediaProfileThe SBC Tone and Announcement Profile used in the call.
IngressParameterFlagsAttributes associated with the ingress trunk group, such as the ATP Supported attribute.
IngressSwitchThe switch on which the call came in.
IngressTrunkGroupThe trunk group on which the call came in.
LataThis specifies the local access and transport area of the carrier.
LICriteriaInfoDisplays the Lawful Intercept criteria sent back by the SBC.
MidCallDataData containing redirection information related to Policy Mid Call Actions. For calls in GSM networks, the SBC may send Policy Mid Call Actions to its clients during late call forwarding scenarios in which call redirections occur. For details, see the section "Policy Mid Call Action Fields" on page 1-20.
MoreRoutesInfoSpecifies more routes availability information.
NetworkDataOn a per-route basis, includes information specifying whether to generate, propagate, or suppress the Partition ID and Network ID in the egress IAM.
NFCIThis parameter, National Forward Call Indicator, contains zoning indicator, charge indicator, and IN call indicator fields.
OriginalRedirectingNumberCallTypeThe call type of the original redirecting number.
OriginatingGatewayInfoThe SIP server or H.323 gateway from which the call originated.
OverlapDialingIncludes values provisioned on the SBC for overlap dialing, such as the minimum digits for routing a call, the minimum digits for a valid phone number, and the maximum digits for a valid phone number.
OwnCarrierInfoThis is a specific ISUP parameter. It includes the originating carrier code of the incoming call.
PacketProfileIndicates the settings in the Packet Service Profile used.
PartialCliThe partial CLI is passed down to the SBC client whenever the SBC does not receive a calling number in the policy request.
PortabilityInfoIndicates whether or not number portability information is included in the response (NP Status), and whether the Query on Release (QoR) is received in the ingress message or the local exchange must perform the lookup (NPI Flags). This is for INAP use only.
ProviderThe partition ID of the carrier or service provider.
SBCCongestionThe current SBC CPU congestion level, including the allowed calls per total calls for the level.
RedirectBackwardInformationThe redirect backward information for the call.
RedirectionInfoProvides the reason for the redirecting the call.
RouteTableThe routing label.
ScpCarrierCodeThe carrier code returned by the SCP, if available.
ScriptThe script returned for execution on the SBC client.
SrcCarrierTypeDescribes how a carrier was chosen for routing the call.
SrcTGConfigurationInformation about the source trunk group.
TranslationSourceNumberThe translation source number for the call.
VariablesIn the policy response, the runtime variables will be populated here.
XCorrelationIDA customer-specific parameter for a call involving the SBC SPAS service
VisitorMAThe Visitor MA (Message Area) parameter, which is a customer- specific Japan ISUP extension parameter for routing calls in a mobile network.

Routes Directory Field Descriptions

The following table defines the response fields in a Routes directory.

Routes Directory Field Descriptions

BillingNumberThis specifies the billing number for the call. In ISUP terminology, this is referred to as the charge number.
CalledDirectoryNumberThe directory number being called.
CalledNumberThe number being called.
CalledNumberChargeAreaThis field contains the charge area for the called number.
CalledUriThis field contains the called URI.
CallIndicatorsThis specifies the charge band information.
CategorySimilar to OLIP (Originating Line Information Parameter).
CallingNumberThe number from which the call originates.
CallingUriThis field contains the calling URI for the call.
CarrierCodeThe carrier code of the carrier from which the call is being routed. When ISUP signaling is used, the Carrier Code field is populated from the Carrier Information Parameter (CIP).
CarrierSelectionThis specifies how the carrier code was specified for the call. The data for this field is derived from the carrier selection parameter in ISUP signaling.
CarrierTypeDescribes how a carrier was chosen for routing the call.
ContractorNumberThis is a Japan-specific ISUP parameter. This parameter includes the telephone number for billing.
DestSigAttributesIndicates the peer address, packet profile, and IP parameters for the egress leg of a call on an IP trunk group.
DstTGAttributesIndicates the direction and bearer capability of the destination trunk group.
EgressCarrierInfoThis is a specific ISUP parameter. It includes the destination carrier code of the outgoing call.
EgressMediaProfileThe SBC Tone and Announcement Profile selected for the route.
EgressParameterFlagsAttributes associated with the egress trunk group, such as the ATP Supported attribute.
EgressSwitchThe egress switch on which the call went out.
EgressTrunkGroupThe egress trunk group on which the call went out.
GatewayAddressThe family, port number, and IP address of the gateway associated with the simulated call's policy request.
GatewayNameName of the gateway associated with the simulated call's policy request.
GenericAddressThese fields map to SS7 IAM Generic Address parameters to store information such as original redirecting number and redirecting number.
GenericDigitsUsed for Switch ID/Trunkgroup ID-based routing.
GenericNumberUsed to specify Feature Group D delivery.
IPParametersReturns ingress IP signaling parameters and header extensions.
JTIParametersContains customer-specific parameters.
JurisdictionInfoSpecifies the jurisdiction information parameter. Stores the NPA/ NXX assigned to the trunk or extracted from the calling party number.
LocalRingBackToneThis indicates the settings used in the local ring back tone profile.
LocationNumberUsed to indicate the geographic position of the calling party. The format is country specific, but is likely to be some longitude/latitude numeric encoding.
NatureOfConnectionThis is used to specify the following information for the call:
  • Continuity Check Indicator
  • Echo Control Device Indicator
  • Satellite Indicator
NonStandardParameterStrRepresents any user or network specific ISUP parameter which is not in the standard protocol definition.
OriginatingLineInfoThis specifies the originating line type. This field is populated by the SBC client from the Originating Line Information Parameter in ISUP signaling.
OriginalRedirectingNumberThis is used to specify the original called number. Signifies information sent in a forward direction when a call is redirected more than once and identifies the original called party.
OutpulseDigitsThe outpulse digits from an SCP.
PacketProfileIndicates the settings used in the Packet Service Profile.
PartialCLIThe partial CLI is passed down to the SBC client whenever the SBC does not receive a calling number in the policy request.
PresentationNumberThe presentation number for the call.
RedirectForwardInformationThe redirect forward information for the call.
RedirectionCapabilityThe redirection capability for the call.
RedirectionNumberUsed to specify information sent in the backward direction indicating the number towards which the call must be rerouted or which has been forwarded.
RedirectingNumberUse to specify the number used instead of the called number to redirect the call. Signifies the information sent in the forward direction indicating the number from which the call was last redirected.
RouteTypeIdentifies the type of route, for example H.323 gateway.
SipFromDisplayNameThis field contains the SIP From header display name.
SipFromHeaderThis field contains the contents of the SIP From header.
SipToHeaderIdentifies the SIP To header, which specifies the desired "logical" recipient of the request, or the address-of-record of the user or resource that is the target of this request.
SipPaiSipDisplayNameThe SIP P-Asserted-Identity SIP display name.
SipPaiSipUriThe SIP P-Asserted-Identity SIP URI.
SIP PaiTelDisplayNameThe SIP P-Asserted-Identity Tel display name.
TrafficControlUsed to specify the type of traffic control applied and congestion level.
TransitNetworkSelectionThis specifies the transit network selection.
TranslatedNumber of translations on a per-route basis.
TrunkGroupThe trunk group from which the call was received on the ingress trunk group.
ZoneIndexThis specifies a unique number in which SIP servers and H.323 gateways can reside and retain unique IP addresses.
ZZCodeThis is used in CAS signaling.

Policy Mid Call Action Response Fields

The following table describes the Mid Call Action fields.

Mid Call Action Fields




When checked, indicates the presence of Mid Call Data.

Redirection Count

Number of redirections encountered by the SBC.

Mid Call Info Count

Number of elements in the Mid Call Info array.

Billing Info

Billing data for the call.


Contains the redirection data the SBC will use to populate the Billing
Information when the subsequent policy request is populated.

Mid Call Info

See the Table 4 for details.

Mid Call Info Fields

The following table describes the Mid Call Info fields.

Mid Call Info Fields

PresentWhen checked, indicates the presence of Mid Call Info.
Msg OpInformation indicating the type of redirection, which can be IS-41 or GSM.
ActionInformation indicating how the SBC client should process the Mid Call. For example, drop the egress leg and send a new policy request.
DigitsContains the redirected to number.
CarrierContains the new Carrier Code.
Redirection InfoContains the redirection reason.
Redirecting NumberContains the redirecting number, which is the number that is forwarding the call.
  • No labels