In this section:

SBC CPU Usage Screen in Hardware-based Platforms

The CPU Usage window shows CPU usage, on a percentage basis, in a table and chart format.

From the SBC main screen, go to Monitoring > Dashboard > CPU > CPU Usage, or Monitoring > System > Category: Hardware Status > CPU Usage.

The CPU Usage window displays.

CPUCPU number.
% UserSpecifies the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user level.
% NiceSpecifies the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user level with nice priority.
% SysSpecifies the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the system level (kernel).
% IO WaitSpecifies the percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle during which the system had an outstanding disk I/O request.
% IRQSpecifies the percentage of CPU serving for the hardware interrupts.
% SoftSpecifies the percentage of CPU serving for the software interrupts.
% StealSpecifies the amount of CPU ‘stolen’ from the virtual machine by the hypervisor for other tasks (such as running another virtual machine) this will be 0 on desktop and server without Virtual machine.
% GuestSpecifies the percentage of CPU serving for the guest virtual machine.
% Idle

Specifies the percentage of time that the CPU(s) is idle and the system did not have an outstanding disk I/O request.

The same parameters are displayed in a chart format.


The CPU usage data is updated every five seconds.


For applications using Linux kernel version 3.16 or higher (for example, SBC v06.02.00 and higher), the output of the top command displays wrong, and sometimes unrealistic, values about CPU utilization. This is a known issue with all 3.16 and higher kernels (refer to this CentOS page for more information).

Likewise, the information and graphs displayed in this EMA window may display wrong values of CPU utilization.

You can use top -H or mpstat commands to check the memory and CPU utilization.

CPU Usage Screen in SBC SWe - Software-based Platforms (Virtual and Cloud)

The SBC SWe Virtual and Cloud platforms adds the Average CPU Usage Table and the Average CPU Usage Chart in addition to the Individual CPU Usage table and chart.

Web UI Path: Monitoring > Dashboard > CPU > CPU Usage, or Monitoring > System > Category: Hardware Status > CPU Usage.

The layout of CPU Usage screen displays the table and chart in the following sequence:

  • Individual CPU Usage Table
  • Average CPU Usage Table
  • Individual CPU Usage Chart
  • Average CPU Usage Chart

The average CPU Usage table and average CPU Usage chart refreshes every 5 seconds.


The CPU Usage screen enhancements are applicable only to the SBC SWe Software-based Platforms (Virtual and Cloud).

Individual CPU Usage Table

Average CPU Usage Table

Individual CPU Usage Chart

Average CPU Usage Chart


The CPU usage data is updated every five seconds.