Local Number Portability (LNP) refers to the ability of a "customer of record" of an existing fixed-line or mobile telephone number assigned by a local exchange carrier (LEC) to reassign the number to another carrier (Service Provider Portability), change the type of service (Service Portability), or move it to another location (Geographic Portability).

The SBC Core includes a NPA/Nxx object to provision the valid national destination code, associated country code and LATA, the lookup type for local number portability (LNP), and a flag indicating whether the national destination code has been ported for LNP. Refer to NPA/Nxx - CLI  or Call Routing: System Provisioning - Npa Nxx (EMA) for provisioning details.

Jurisdiction Information Parameter

The Jurisdiction Information Parameter (JIP) is a 6-digit field (NPA-NXX format) in an IAM message to indicate the geographic location of the originating caller or switch.

The SBC, when configured, can provide the JIP parameter in SIP INVITE messages for SIP-SIP, SIP-SIP-I and SIP-I to SIP. GW-GW messaging is supported by sending JIP in the PAI/FROM/PDCS header. The SBC is also able to send JIP across a gateway to the GSX. 

JIP is only supported when using an external PSX in the network.

JIP information can be carried in the P-Asserted-ID/FROM and P-DCS-Billing-Info headers of SIP INVITE message and in the PDCS header in a 3xx response. The SBC records JIP-related details in the Call Detail Record.

Refer to Profile Management - Service Profiles (EMA) or Services - CLI for details of configuring JIP on the SBC.

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