In this section:



Use the signaling profile Called Prefix Match Profile to configure the prefix that the SBC matches against the called number. The prefix configuration is defined by the regex string pattern, start position of the string, and the digit length.

For information on other related profiles for SIP-ISUP and interworking between different SIP flavors, refer to Support for SIP-ISUP.

Command Syntax

To configure the signaling profile calledPrefixMatchProfile, use the following syntax:

% set profiles signaling
	calledPrefixMatchProfile <called_prefix_match_profile_name: 1-23 characters>
			<stringPattern: 1-12 digits, 'X' or 'x' characters>
			<startPosition: 0-11>
			<digitLength: 1-30>

Command Parameters

The parameter descriptions for profiles signaling calledPrefixMatchProfile are as follows:

Parameter Description - calledPrefixMatchProfile

calledPrefixMatchProfile1-23 charactersN/A

<profile_name> - The name of the Called Prefix Match Profile.

Note: The SBC allows configuring a maximum of 10 calledPrefixMatchProfile(s).


Use this parameter to configure the prefix that the SBC matches for the called number.

Note: The SBC allows configuring a maximum of 50 prefix match table for each calledPrefixMatchProfile.

  • <stringPattern> - The regex pattern for the matched string (1-12 digits, 'X' or 'x' characters).
  • <startPosition> - The position of the string (0-11) from which the matching starts.
  • <digitLength> - The maximum number of digits from the start position that can exist in the string for it to be considered as a match. Ensure that the total number of digits in the string is less than or equal to the sum of the values of startPosition and digitLength. The digitLength allows for a maximum of 30 digits.

Configuration Examples

To configure calledPrefixMatchProfile, refer to the example below:

% set profiles signaling calledPrefixMatchProfile test_calledPrefixMatch prefixMatch 98520 0 4
% set profiles signaling calledPrefixMatchProfile test_calledPrefixMatch prefixMatch 98766 0 3
% commit

The SBC allows configuring a maximum of 10 calledPrefixMatchProfile(s), and each profile allows a maximum of 50 prefix match entries.


To display calledPrefixMatchProfile, refer to the example below:

> show table profiles signaling calledPrefixMatchProfile
                        STRING   START     DIGIT
test_calledPrefixMatch  98520    0         10
                        98766    0         10


To attach the calledPrefixMatchProfile with a sipTrunkGroup, refer to the example below:

% set addressContext default zone defaultSigZone sipTrunkGroup test_sip signaling calledPrefixMatchProfile test_calledPrefixMatch
% commit


To delete calledPrefixMatchProfile, refer to the example below:


If the calledPrefixMatchProfile is attached to a sipTrunkGroup, detach the profile before you attempt to delete it. To detach, use the following syntax:

% delete addressContext <address_context> zone <zone> sipTrunkGroup <sip_tg> signaling calledPrefixMatchProfile

Commit the command to complete the process of deletion.

% delete profiles signaling calledPrefixMatchProfile test_calledPrefixMatch
% commit

You may delete either the entire profile, or any of the configured prefixMatch(es) for that profile. To delete a configured prefixMatch for a profile, use the syntax:
% delete calledPrefixMatchProfile <profile> prefixMatch <stringPattern> <startPosition> <digitLength>