In this section:

Create an Access Token

To create an access token, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Menu icon on the top-right corner and select Edit Profile.

  2. Go to the Access Token tab and select Create Access Token.

    The Create Access Token dialog box appears.

  3. In the Create Access Token dialog, enter the following information and click Create.
    • Token Name: The token name is a unique identifier for your token. Enter a token name of your choice.
    • Scope: Scope defines the token's access limit. Define the scope by selecting the required options from the drop-down menu that includes CollectionDevice and Policy.

  4. An Access token created successfully dialog box appears on which the access token is displayed. 


    Make sure that you copy and store the displayed access token as you will not be able to view this token again.

  5. The created token is visible in the access tokens list, along with its scope, date of creation and date of expiration.

Edit an Access Token

To edit an access token, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Menu icon on the top-right corner and select Edit Profile.
  2. Go to the Access Token tab and click the Edit icon corresponding to the token that you want to edit.

    The Edit Access Token dialog box appears.

  3. On the Edit Access Token dialog, only the scope of the token is editable. Make the required changes and click Save Changes.

  4. You are informed of a successful edit. Click Close to go back to the Access Token tab.

Delete an Access Token

To delete an access token, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Menu icon on the top-right corner and select Edit Profile.
  2. Go to the Access Token tab and click the Delete icon corresponding to the token that you want to delete.

  3. You are prompted to confirm the deletion. Click Revoke to confirm.