This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

In this section:


Use this object to specify whether to allow processing of destination trunk group and destination trunk context associated with a Feature Control Profile.


Ribbon recommends using the Transparency Profile to configure transparency on the SBC Core for new deployments, as well as applying additional transparency configurations to existing deployments. Do not use IP Signaling Profile flags in these scenarios because the flags will be retired in upcoming releases.

Refer to the SBC SIP Transparency Implementation Guide for additional information.

Command Syntax

 % set profiles featureControlProfile <profile_name>
	doNotValidateGAP <disable | enable>
		defaultCalledUser <disable | enable>
		useIpProtocol <disable | enable>
		honorPhoneContextParameter <disable | enable>
	processDestinationTgrp <disable | enable>  
	processDestinationTrunkContext <disable | enable>
	processEnumdi <disable | enable>

Command Parameters

The Feature Control Profile parameters are as shown below:

Feature control parameters





1-23 characters

<profile name> – The Feature Control Profile name.


Enable this flag to allow the SBC to skip Generic Address Parameter (GAP) validation.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

NOTE: This feature applies to an SBC configured for an external PSX in addition to ERE.



Use this parameter to configure IP protocol flags behavior.

  • defaultCalledUser – Use this flag to determine how to treat userinfo value (This flag only displays when useIpProtocol flag is enabled).

    • disable (default) – The SBC treats called userinfo value as a telephone number.
    • enable – The SBC treats called userinfo value as a user name.
  • useIpProtocol – Enable flag to use IP protocol flags.
    • disable
    • enable (default)
  •  honorPhoneContextParameter – When this flag is enabled, PSX globalizes the incoming called number using the phone-context value received in Called-URI. Once the number is globalized using phone-context, the PSX acts as if it received a global number in policy request and use the modified number for further call processing.
    • disable (default)
    • enable

NOTE: The useIpProtocol flag must first be enabled in order to enable honorPhoneContextParameter flag. To set phoneContextParameterLength, see Egress IP Attributes - SIP - CLI.

NOTE: The settings of the above ipProtocolFlags should be based on the settings of the associated flags in the PSX Manager.



Enable flag to process destination trunk group parameters associated with the specified Feature Control Profile. The ERE/PSX performs a light policy lookup and skips all SSG-based services, number translation and routing functions.

  • disable (default)
  • enable



Enable flag to allow processing of destination trunk context associated with the specified Feature Control Profile.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

Enable this flag to use the enumdi parameter to indicate when an ENUM query is performed. The SBC can process enumdi indicator received in an ingress INVITE to avoid a redundant query. Likewise, if the ERE/PSX performs an ENUM dip, the SBC can send this parameter in the egress INVITE thus preventing redundant queries further down the network.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

NOTE: If R-URI transparency is enabled, the SBC does not send enumdi indicator in egress signaling even if an ENUM dip is performed by ERE/PSX. The R-URI transparency flag is controlled using the CLI command:

set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP commonIpAttributes transparencyFlags requestURI <disable | enable>


Command Example

% show profiles featureControlProfile DEFAULT_IP
processDestinationTgrp         enable;
processDestinationTrunkContext disable;
processEnumdi                  disable;
ipProtocolFlags {
    useIpProtocol     enable;
    defaultCalledUser enable;
    honorPhoneContextParameter enable;


  • No labels