EdgeView comes with a self-signed certificate from Ribbon Communications, Inc. To install the CA-signed certificate, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Obtain the certificate from a CA vendor like DigiCert. 
  2. Overwrite the existing certificate files in the scc-build/nginx/ssl.d directory with the files received from the vendor.


    Ensure the files include the previous name:

    server.key server.crt

  3. Copy the local files into the running container. They will persist in a Docker volume.

    docker cp /opt/scc-build/nginx/ssl.d/server.key nginx_ssl:/etc/nginx/ssl.d/server.key
    docker cp /opt/scc-build/nginx/ssl.d/server.crt nginx_ssl:/etc/nginx/ssl.d/server.crt

  4. Restart the NGINX container for your changes to go into effect:

    docker restart nginx_ssl