In this section:
Use this object to configure an IP Peer for a particular zone.
If an IP Peer is configured to use an FQDN port (other than port 5061), the SBC increments the configured port number by 1 and uses it as the new port number for SIP over TLS signaling. If the IP Peer is configured to use port 5061 and the transport is TLS, no changes are made to the configuration.
IP Peer
Command Syntax
% set addressContext <name> zone <name> ipPeer <peer name> authentication intChallengeResponse <disabled | enabled> incInternalCredentials <disabled | enabled> defaultForIp <false | true> ipAddress <IP address> ipPort <0-65535> mode <inService | outOfService> pathCheck (See Patch Check section below for details) policy description <description> ipSignalingProfile <profile name> packetServiceProfile <profile name> sip fqdn <fqdn> fqdnPort <0-65535> sip cacProfile <profile name> sipResponseCodeStats <enabled|disabled> surrogateRegistration (See Surrogate Registration section below for details)
Command Parameters
Path Check
Command Syntax
% set addressContext <name> zone <name> ipPeer <peer name> pathCheck hostName <peer FQDN> hostPort <0-65535> profile <Path Check Profile name> state <disabled | enabled> statusUpdateSupport <disabled | enabled>
Command Parameters
Status updates are sent/received under the following conditions:
Surrogate Registration
Command Syntax
% set addressContext <name> zone <name> ipPeer <peer name> surrogateRegistration authUserName <user name [string up to 127 characters]> hostPart <1-63 characters> regAuthPassword <DES3 encrypted string> retryTimer <50-10000000 milliseconds> sendCredentials <challengeForAnyMessage | challengeForAnyMessageAndInDialogRequests | challengeForRegister> state <disabled | enabled> suppressRegRetryAfterAuthFail <disabled | enabled> surrRegProfile <profile name> useNextSurrRegForCall <disabled | enabled> useUserNameAsPAI <disabled | enabled> userPart <user part for surrogate registration>
Command Parameters
Surrogate Registration Criteria
When configuring surrogate registration, be sure to set the expires value of ingress trunk group toward IAD to the maximum default value of “3600”.
- If "surrogateRegistration" is enabled, you must first disable it before modifying regAuthPassword, retryTimer, userPart, authUserName, surrRegProfile, sendCredentials or suppressRegRetryAfterAuthFail parameters.
- The "requireRegistration" flag must be set to ‘supported-group’ for the IP Peer on which surrogate registration functionality is being enabled (refer to SIP Trunk Group - Signaling - CLI).
- If a "403 Forbidden" error response is received in response to Registration/Re-registration for a surrogate IP peer, the SBC generates the alarm sonusSbxSurrRegRegistrationFailedNotification and halts further registration for this particular IP Peer. The operator must disable/enable the surrogate registration flag to generate surrogate registration for this IP Peer.
- If Pass-through registration exists for an IP peer on which surrogate registration is being enabled, the surrogate registration fails and the above alarm is generated. Once Pass-through registration expires, the operator must disable/enable the surrogate registration flag to generate surrogate registration for this IP Peer. Likewise, if surrogate registration exists and Pass-through register is received for the same IP peer, then Pass-through register is rejected (no alarm is generated - check 403 response for reason). The operator must disable surrogate registration to allow Pass-through registration to be successful.
- If RAC limit is set on the trunk group associated with the IP Peer configured for surrogate registration, you must configure the SIP cause map ‘regTGLimit’ to point to 503 error instead of 403.
- The SIP Signaling Port must allow transport protocol UDP in order to use surrogate registration. The surrogate task communicates on UDP with other internal SBC tasks.
- Following a switchover in a redundant system, the SBC sends a new surrogate REGISTER for all IP Peers which are reachable and have surrogate registration enabled.
- A request from a surrogate peer with a short-lived TCP port is not supported.
To allow originating calls from non-pilot numbers behind an IP-PBX, set "validateAor" flag to "disabled". If enabled, only calls from the AOR configured as surrogate registration username are allowed (refer to SIP Trunk Group - Signaling - CLI).
Command Examples
The following examples demonstrate how to configure, enable and disable surrogate registration.
Be sure to issue the ‘commit’ command after configuring surrogate peer and before enabling surrogate registration. Otherwise, an error will occur.
Configure Peer for surrogate registration:
set addressContext PKT0_ADDR_CONTEXT_1 zone PKT0_TG1 ipPeer SURR_PEER1 ipAddress ipPort 12020 surrogateRegistration userPart SURR_REG_PEER1 retryTimer 5 regAuthPassword 123456789012345678901234567890 commit
Enable surrogate registration:
set addressContext PKT0_ADDR_CONTEXT_1 zone PKT0_TG1 ipPeer SURR_PEER1 surrogateRegistration state enabled commit
Disable surrogate registration:
set addressContext PKT0_ADDR_CONTEXT_1 zone PKT0_TG1 ipPeer SURR_PEER1 surrogateRegistration state disabled commit