In this section:
Perform the following steps:
- Creating the SIP CAC Profile
- Attaching the SIP CAC Profile to the Non-Registered Endpoints
- Terminating the CAC for the Non-Registered Endpoints
- Enforcing AOR Matching
Creating the SIP CAC Profile
To create a SIP CAC profile, enter the following command:
set profiles sipCacProfile ABC
Attaching the SIP CAC Profile to the Non-Registered Endpoints
To attach the SIP CAC profile to the non-registered endpoints, enter the following command:
set addressContext addr_1 zone ZONE_IAD sipTrunkGroup TG1 cac unRegisteredEndpointCacProfile ABC
Terminating the CAC for the Non-Registered Endpoints
To terminate the CAC for non-registered endpoint, enter the following command:
request addressContext addr_1 zone ZONE_IAD cacNonRegEndPointRemoveEntry sourceIpAddress This command will remove any CAC entry with a matching source IP address and port. Do you want to proceed [yes,no] yes reason Success: CAC removed for this Source IP
Enforcing AOR Matching
To enforce AOR matching for messages from the registered users, enter the following command:
set addressContext addr_1 zone ZONE_IAD sipSigPort 23 enforceAORMatch enabled
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