The Quality of Experience (QoE) feature enables statistics reporting to a QoE Server in order to provide quality monitoring. The information collected helps administrators better understand the media quality that users experience. With QoE monitoring, the administrators can:-
By introducing this feature to the SBC1000 and SBC2000, all IP legs of a call can now report QoE information. Currently, QoE statistics do not get reported on the SBC1000/2000 to SIP Carrier leg of a call. Statistics such as delay, jitter and packet loss will be reported for the SIP Trunk Leg. This will be a feature unique in the product space.
The SBC1000/2000 with ASM (QoE Agent Server Gateway) will use the SQL server to modify the data used by the Microsoft QoE Services for quality monitoring. The QoE Agent Client gateways (SBC with or without ASM) will notify the QoE Agent Server Gateway with QoE stats for each call in order to update the database of the QoE server. Exchange between QoE Agent Server Gateway and QoE Agent Client Gateway will be handle using SIP NOTIFY.
An ASM module is only required on the SBC node functioning as the QoE Agent Server Gateway.
If there is more than one monitoring instance on the customer's topology, the customer will need to create an SBA for the QoE Server Agent ASM, and specify the SQL instance to use on the SBA configuration.
The computer in this step must contain "Windows Powershell SQL extension".
The goal of this step is to allow an AD group to access and add information inside the Monitoring Server database.
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance {Fqdn of your Sql Server}\{Instance of the Monitoring Database} -Database QoEMetrics -Query "GRANT UPDATE ON Session TO ServerRole; GRANT EXECUTE ON QoeInsertAudioStreamReport TO ServerRole; GRANT UPDATE ON Session TO ServerRole; EXEC QoEMetrics..sp_addrolemember ReportsReadOnlyRole, '{Your domain}\RTCComponentUniversalServices';" Replace {Fqdn of your Sql Server} by your SQL Server FQDN Replace {Instance of the Monitoring Database} by your Monitoring Database Instance Replace {Your Domain} by your domain FQDN in cap Eg: Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance BE-SQL2.UX2013.COM\RTC2013REPORTS -Database QoEMetrics -Query "GRANT UPDATE ON Session TO ServerRole; GRANT EXECUTE ON QoeInsertAudioStreamReport TO ServerRole; EXEC QoEMetrics..sp_addrolemember ReportsReadOnlyRole, 'UX2013\RTCComponentUniversalServices';"
If you don't know your SQL server FQDN and/or your monitoring database instance, execute the following Powershell commands on the Lync Front End Server machine
Get-CsService -MonitoringDatabase
The goal of this step is to add the ASM into the group that we previously increase the database access.
The goal of this step is to add the ASM into the group wich is allow to read the topology in order to locate the monitoring database.
ASM should have a Lync 2013 SBA image or a Lync 2013 RBA image loaded
To configure the QoE service as a client:
To enable QoE reporting in the Lync SIP Signaling Group:
This SIP Signaling Group is used to send QoE Information to the server. You can track the statistic by looking at the counter.
To enable RTCP-XR:
RTCP-XR must be enabled in each Media List through which the system administrator wants to receive QoE reports from the SBC 1000/2000.
You can track the status of a QoE message sent from the client using the SIP Signaling Group counter.
If more than one signaling are reporting QoE reports, The counters will update on a signaling where the call came in the Gateway.
You can track the status of the QoE messages stored in the database by viewing the Operational Status page in the Application Solution Module section of the Tasks tab.