Use the Header window to specify the filtering settings for individual types of SIP headers within a selected SIP Filter profile. Refer to Signaling - SIP Filter Profile for more information. By default the setting for all headers is Disabled, which means they are subject to parsing by the SBC when received in an ingress message.

To specify the SIP header filter settings within a SIP Filter profile:

  1. Go to All > Profiles > Signaling > SIP Filter Profile > Header. The Header window opens.
  2. Select the name of the SIP Filter profile you want to edit from the SIP Filter Profile drop-down list. The current filter settings for each type of SIP header are shown. By default all are set to Disabled.

    SIP Filter - Header Window

  3. Click on Enabled for any headers that you want to filter so that they are not subject to parsing by the SBC.
  4. Click OK to save the changes.

If a SIP Filter profile is used to filter Allow, Require or Supported headers, then their parameter transparency cannot be specified using a SIP Param Filter profile.

Permissible SIP Headers


The mandatory headers which are not part of the SIP Filter profile are as follows:

  • From
  • To
  • Via
  • Call-id
  • Cseq
  • Max-Forwards

CAUTION: Avoid filtering headers pertaining to SIP call routing/protocol processing, as it may cause unexpected results such as call failures. Some of the headers that should not be filtered are as follows:

  • Contact
  • RSeq
  • RAck
  • Record-Route
  • Route
  • Content-Type
  • Content-Length
  • WWW-Authenticate

The SIP header types whose filter settings are configurable in SIP Filter profiles are: 

  • Accept
  • Accept-Resource-Priority
  • Alert-Info
  • Allow
  • Also
  • Authorization 
  • Anonymity
  • Contact
  • Content-Length
  • Content-Type
  • Call-Connect-ID
  • Diversion
  • P-K-Cfo
  • P-K-Cfl
  • Error-Info
  • Expires
  • Event
  • Path
  • Proxy-Authorization
  • Proxy-Require
  • Proxy-Authenticate
  • P-Asserted-Identity
  • P-Profile-Key
  • P-Preferred-Identity
  • P-Asserted-Service
  • Privacy
  • P-Cdr-Info
  • P-Sig-Info
  • P-Svc-Info
  • P-Area-Info
  • Reason
  • P-Called-Party-ID
  • Record-Route
  • Route
  • History-Info
  • Require
  • Reply-To
  • Retry-After
  • RSeq
  • RAck
  • Remote-Party-ID
  • Requested-By
  • Refer-To
  • Referred-By
  • Replace
  • Resource-Priority
  • Supported
  • Session-Expires
  • Service-Route
  • Target-Dialog
  • Time Stamp
  • WWW-Authenticate
  • P-Charge-Info
  • Min-Expires
  • P-Charging-Vector
  • P-Charging-Function-Addresses
  • Min-SE
  • Subscription-State
  • P-Term-CA
  • P-Carrier-Info
  • P-Chg Msg-Info
  • Accept-Contact
  • P-Associated-URI
  • P-Early-Media
  • User-To-User
  • X-Service-Indicator
  • P-Orig-CA
  • X-ATP
  • X-BCI
  • X-FCI
  • X-Calling-Num
  • X-ISUPEvent
  • X-OBCI
  • X-NOCI
  • X-USI
  • X-Contract-Addr
  • X-AUT
  • X-TMR
  • X-CHGDelay
  • X-ISUPMtype
  • X-CHGInfo
  • X-Carrier-Info
  • X-Service-Type
  • X-EMG
  • X-MS-User Location
  • X-MS-Media Path
  • Overload-Control
  • Security-Client
  • Security-Server
  • Security-Verify
  • P-Access-Network-Info
  • P-Visited-Network-ID
  • User-Agent
  • Server
  • Warning
  • Sip-Etag
  • Suppress-If-Match
  • Sip-If-Match
  • Accept-Language
  • Geolocation
  • Geolocation-Routing
  • Geolocation-Error
  • Call-Info
  • Refer-Subscription
  • P-DCS-Billing-Info
  • Feature-Caps
  • Recv-Info
  • Info-Package