The SBC Core is a closed network device. Customer modifications at the Linux level are not allowed or supported. These modifications can cause stability, update and fail-over issues.
Customers should only configure the SBC using the supported interfaces (CLI, RESTCONF API, EMA, EMS).
Running snapshots on SBC instances is not supported.
This section provides information on installing and running SBC Software Edition (SWe) on VMware ESXi.
Configuring Your Network for SBC SWe on VMware
- Creating Virtual Machine using vNetwork Standard Switch (vSwitch)
- Creating Virtual Machine using vNetwork Standard Switch (vSwitch) in VMware ESXi Web Client
- Creating Virtual Machines using SR-IOV Interfaces
- Adjusting Resource Allocations for a VM
Installing SBC Software on VMware
- Uploading SBC Software to Datastore (ESXi Web Client)
- Installing Operating System on VMware ESXi Web Client
- Re-installing SBC Operating System on VMware Web Client
- Installing SBC Application in Standalone Mode
- Installing SBC Application in High Availability Mode
Installing SecureLink on VMware Virtual Machine
Using the Ribbon IaC Environment to Deploy SBC SWe on VMware
Installing SBC on VMware vCenter Using OVA Package
Instantiate a GPU I-SBC on VMware
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