This field describes the parameters of the Carrier Code Digit Match.

To View and Edit Carrier Code Digit Match

On SBC main screen, go to All > Profiles > Digit Parameter Handling > Dm Pm Rule > Sub Rule > Parameter Manipulation > Carrier Code > Carrier Code Digit Match.

Select the desired Dm Pm Rule and the Sub Rule  from the drop-down list to view its respective Carrier Code Digit Match parameters.

The Carrier Code Digit Match window is displayed.

Dm Pm Rule - Parameter Manipulation - Carrier Code Digit Match

The following fields are displayed:

Carrier Code Digit Match Parameters



Carrier CodeSpecifies the name of the Carrier Code chosen for this digit match.
Start Digit PositionThe first position within the complete number specified in Digit Type field to start the comparison with value specified in the Match Value field. The start digit position 0 is the left-most digit of the complete number. The value ranges from 0 to 6 and the default value is 0.
Number of DigitsTotal number of digits to use for comparison. For example, if the start digit position is 0 and the number of digits specified is 3, reading from left to right, the ERE would use the first, second, and third digits of the complete number for the comparison. The value ranges from 0 to 7 and the default value is 0.

Make the required changes and click Save at the right hand bottom of the panel to save the changes made.


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