| Parameter | Description |
| name |
The name of this SIP trunk group.
| rcvInvite |
Indicates the total number of (current) received Invite messages.
| sndInvite |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent Invite messages.
| rcvAck |
Indicates the total number of (current) Received Ack
| sndAck |
Indicates the total number of (current) Sent Ack messages.
| rcvPrack |
Indicates the total number of (current) received Prack messages.
| sndPrack |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent Prack messages.
| rcvInfo |
Indicates the total number of (current) received INFO messages.
| sndInfo |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent INFO messages.
| rcvRefer |
Indicates the total number of (current) received Refer messages.
| sndRefer |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent Refer messages.
| rcvBye |
Indicates the total number of (current) Received Bye messages.
| sndBye |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent Bye messages.
| rcvCancel |
Indicates the total number of (current) received Cancel messages.
| sndCancel |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent Cancel messages.
| rcvRegister |
Indicates the total number of (current) received Register messages.
| sndRegister |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent Register messages.
| rcvUpdate |
Indicates the total number of (current) received Update messages.
| sndUpdate |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent Update messages.
| rcv18x |
Indicates the total number of (current) received 18x messages.
| snd18x |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent 18x messages.
| rcv1xx |
Indicates the total number of (current) received 1xx msg except 18x messages.
| snd1xx |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent 1xx msg except 18x messages.
| rcv2xx |
Indicates the total number of (current) received 2xx(Invite) messages.
| snd2xx |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent 2xx(Invite) messages.
| rcvNonInv2xx |
Indicates the total number of (current) received 2xx(NonInvite) messages.
| sndNonInv2xx |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent 2xx(NonInvite) messages.
| rcv3xx |
Indicates the total number of (current) received 3xx messages.
| snd3xx |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent 3xx messages.
| rcv4xx |
Indicates the total number of (current) received 4xx messages.
| snd4xx |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent 4xx messages.
| rcv5xx |
Indicates the total number of (current) receive 5xx messages.
| snd5xx |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent 5xx messages.
| rcv6xx |
Indicates the total number of (current) receive 6xx messages.
| snd6xx |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent 6xx messages.
| rcvNonInvErr |
Indicates the total number of (current) receive NonIvite Error messages.
| sndNonInvErr |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent NonIvite Error messages.
| rcvUnknownMsg |
Indicates the total number of (current) receive Unknown messages.
| rcvSubscriber |
Indicates the total number of (current) receive Subscriber messages.
| sndSubscriber |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent Subscriber messages.
| rcvNotify |
Indicates the total number of (current) receiveNotify messages.
| sndNotify |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent Notify messages.
| rcvOption |
Indicates the total number of (current) receive Option messages.
| sndOption |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent Option messages.
| invReTransmit |
Indicates the total number of (current) Invite messages ReTransmitted.
| regReTransmit |
Indicates the total number of (current) Register messages ReTransmitted.
| byeRetransmit |
Indicates the total number of (current) Bye messages ReTransmitted.
| cancelReTransmit |
Indicates the total number of (current) Cancel messages ReTransmitted.
| otherReTransmit |
Indicates the total number of (current) Other messages ReTransmitted.
| rcvMessage |
Indicates the total number of (current) received Message methods.
| sndMessage |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent Message methods.
| rcvPublish |
Indicates the total number of (current) received Publish methods.
| sndPublish |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent Publish methods.
| emergencyAccept |
Indicates the total number of (current) emergency calls accepted.
| emergencyRejectBWCall |
Indicates the total number of (current) emergency calls rejected
because of bandwidth limit or call limit.
| emergencyRejectPolicer |
Indicates the total number of (current) emergency calls rejected
because of Priority Policer.
| hpcAccept |
Indicates the total number of (current) HPC calls accepted.
| numberOfCallsSendingAARs |
Indicates the number of calls sending AAR requests.
| numberOfReceivedAAAFailures |
Indicates the number of received AAA failures.
| numberOfTotalAARSent |
Indicates the total number of AAR messages sent.
| numberOfTimeoutOrErrorAAR |
Indicates the number of AAR messages not answered.
| emergencyRegAccept |
Indicates the number of (current) emergency registrations accepted.
| emergencyRegRejectLimit |
Indicates the number of (current) emergency registrations rejected
because of the registration limit.
| emergencyRegRejectPolicer |
Indicates the number of (current) emergency registrations rejected
because of the Priority Policer.
| numberOfReceivedAAASuccesses |
Indicates the number of received AAA Successes.
| numberOfReceivedRARs |
Indicates the number of RAR messages received.
| numberOfReceivedASRs |
Indicates the number of ASR messages received.
| numberOfSentSTRs |
Indicates the number of STR messages sent.
| emergencyOODAccept |
Indicates the number of (current) emergency OOD Requests accepted.
| emergencyOODRejectPolicer |
Indicates the number of (current) emergency OOD Requests rejected
because of the Priority Policer.
| emergencySubsAccept |
Indicates the number of (current) emergency Subscribe Requests accepted.
| emergencySubsRejectLimit |
Indicates the number of (current) emergency Subscribe Requests rejected
because of the subscription limit.
| emergencySubsRejectPolicer |
Indicates the number of (current) emergency Subscribe Requests rejected
because of the Priority Policer.
| parseError |
Indicates the total number of Parse Errors.
| numberOfTotalUDRSent |
Indicates the total number of UDR messages sent.
| numberOfTimeoutOrErrorUDR |
Indicates the number of UDR messages not answered.
| numberOfReceivedUDASuccesses |
Indicates the number of received UDA Successes.
| numberOfReceivedUDAFailures |
Indicates the number of received UDA failures.
| totNumOfS8hrOutbndReg |
Indicates the total number(includes sucess and failed) of registration received from S8HR Outound Roaming Users.
| numOfS8hrOutbndRegSuc |
Number of Successfull registration from S8HR Outbound Roaming Users.
| numOfS8hrOutbndRegFail |
Number of S8HR Outbound Roaming Users's registrations failed.
| totNumOfS8hrOutbndNormalCall |
Total number of normal calls initiated from S8HR Outbound Roaming Users.
| numOfS8hrOutbndNormalCallSuc |
Number of successfull normal calls from S8HR Outbound Roaming Users.
| numOfS8hrOutbndNormalCallFail |
Total number of failed normal calls from S8HR Outbound Roaming Users.
| numOfS8hrOutbndEmgCallRej |
Number of S8HR Outbound Roaming User's emergency calls rejected.
| numOfS8hrInboundRegSuc |
Number of Successfull registration from S8HR Ibbound Roaming Users.
| numOfS8hrInboundRegFail |
Number of S8HR Inbound User's registration rejected.
| numOfS8hrInboundEmgCallSuc |
Number of successfull emergency calls from S8HR Inbound User.
| numOfS8hrInboundEmgCallFail |
Number of S8HR Inbound Users emergency calls failed.
| inHpcAccept |
Indicates the total number of (current) Ingress HPC calls accepted.
| outHpcAccept |
Indicates the total number of (current) Egress HPC calls accepted.
| hpc403Out |
Indicates the total number of (current) sent HPC 4xx messages.
| hpcOverloadExempt |
Indicates the total number of (current) HPC calls that were exempt from overload clearing.