Run the following command to create the Master key to use in the encryption of Lawful interception information:

Command Syntax

% set profiles keyManagementProfile <profile name>
     encryptionKey <hex key>
     type type1

Command Parameters

keyManagementProfile1-23 characters<Profile Name> – Enter the Key Management Profile name.M
encryptionKey16 character hex value<hexadecimal value> – Specify the master encryption key for encrypting the LI data.M
typeN/A <metadata type> – Specify the encryption metadata type. Default is "type1"O

Configuration Examples

% set profiles keyManagementProfile DEFAULT 
     encryptionKey A1234567890123$% 
     type type1


On cloud and SWe N:1 on upgrade, this key is not retained in the file. In all other scenarios (hardware/SWe 1:1), it is retained during the upgrade.
In cloud and SWe N:1, you need to configure the same generic key after an upgrade or need to delete All LI Data and perform reconfiguration.